Oh carp, my fiancee better not hear about this...
And 20 Stormies? Gawd, what an amateur. Try several hundred dude..
$200K on his collection? Extremely doubtful. Even with buying the high end stuff, and he didn't look like he was a completist with high end collectibles, unless you're a super collector, I can't see anyone having that much money in their SW collection.
I've got an easy mid 5-figures collection and I army build like mad, have most of the GG busts and some high end stuff. NO way this dude's got that much money into his collection.
I wonder if he's on any message boards? If so, why haven't we heard of this before now?
Looking at this from her point of view, I can see how she would think it's a bad thing. However, she DID know of this before hand. And to think someone will "grow out of it?" She should have talked to him first about this if she really was concerned, BEFORE getting engaged to him.
I had a modest collection when I met my fiancee, it's grow ever since and we've both adapted to it. If she ever thought I'd grow out of it, she'd be crazy. Admitedly, I've said I'll quit or at least greatly reduce how much I collect by the time I'm 40, but SW will never truly fall out of my life. Also, with regards to my fiancee, she was a collector at the time too, so that really helped. Over the years I helped her complete the old X-men figs, Simpsons, Batman animated ( the early one), Digimon, etc. While all the while, I've only collected SW (except last year when I got into Movie Transformer figs and some Halo stuff).
He does seem a little obsessive, but then again I know I've done some things over the years that could be constituted as that as well.
Midnight madness anyone?
Going to any of the Celebrations?
Collecting club meetings.
Making deals with other collectors in parking lots for toys (I've seen this more than partaken of it, but it happens).
The one line in the link that disturbed me though was the last one in which he said, "If I HAD to pay for college..." Of course you will have to pay for it, dimwit. Just start putting money aside or invest it now. Or consider dwindling down what you collect.
I've certainly come to the conclusion some time ago that I do NOT need to have EVERYTHING SW. Hasbro stuff and GG busts are good enough for me, with the rare occasional other item.