Author Topic: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation  (Read 40853 times)

Offline EdSolo

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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2013, 02:13 PM »
I would call a movie based on political disputes over a trade route a poor story.

Seconded, what an abysmal mess that was.

Yet we all loved it and bought every toy related to it.

It wouldn't say everyone loved it.  I would attribute a large portion of its success on the fact that it was the first Star Wars movie made in 16 years at the time it was released.

Then where was that criticism at the time?  For some time, the only thing SW community was outwardly critical of in The Phantom Menace was Jar Jar Binks.  And then when Episode II finally came out, THEN the floodgates opened and people were hating on TPM more outwardly. 

Personally, I've found the delayed criticism of the prequels to be more objectionable than the movies themselves.  And I've always looked at that criticism through the filter of an audience that saw the OT as kids, and they wanted to relive that level of excitement as 20/30/40 somethings.  That was never going to happen, and no filmmaker could live up to expectations that high.

Where were you at the time?  Movie critics weren't too hot on TPM as I recall.  On-line communities were also a lot bigger by AOTC as compared to when TPM came out in 1999 so the hating was as in your face as it was by 2002.  Many Star Wars fans weren't pleased with TPM and it just wasn't Jar Jar.  One big gripe was that Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's apprentice and not Yoda's apprentice.  Young Ani was pretty universally bashed as well.  I was certainly disappointed that the story was poor.  I remember sitting in the theater thinking that I hoped the movie got better.  It was just an age thing either.  Lucas made a poor story.  He was much more interested in special effects and digital filming than actually telling a good story.  If he had given up some control as he did with ESB and ROTJ, the PT trilogy could have probably been a lot better.

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #61 on: May 15, 2013, 02:35 PM »
I would call a movie based on political disputes over a trade route a poor story.

Like I said, see Scott's PT argument...  Start with AOTC, ignore TPM...  Though TPM's one plot line of trade disputes hardly ruined all plotlines of said movie.  IE: Palpatine's manipulation of matters to get to the power seat, etc.  There were other elements of that film I'd keep, either for visual purposes, plot purposes, etc.  The Pod Racers could've worked just as well with an older Ani as a device to show he had heightened reflexes (could've probably done better even, at that).  QGJ's character and storyline, defiance of the council, finding Ani before OWK does, his death, OWK vowing to train Ani, etc... 

There are plot lines in TPM that are good too.  I forgot about the trade crap immediately after they'd stop talking about it.
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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #62 on: May 15, 2013, 03:26 PM »
I still fall asleep watching TPM.  Its just boring for the most part.  Does the plot advance the storyline and answer questions?  Absolutely, but its got as many detractors as positives.  I like pretty much everything Jesse mentioned, in addition to the "origins" of R2 and C3PO.  There are some great pieces there, but I didn't like Jar Jar, trade embargos, midichlorians, Jar Jar, the goofy Anakin saves the day ending, Jar Jar, aliens all talking basic, or Jar Jar. They could have told a much more interesting story with about the same plot minus trade route crap and Jar Jar.

I'm also in the camp of being okay with delayed criticism.  I did like the movie more when it first came out just because it was something Star Wars after so many years.  They could have made a story about the latrines in a Star Destroyer and I think I would have bought into it back then.  But its certainly okay to look back over time now that the PT is complete and have a change of heart.
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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2013, 08:21 PM »
Pass on that Tudors guy. I think they can do much better, casting unknowns would be a good way to go even.
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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #64 on: October 10, 2013, 04:51 AM »
Apparently Lucas started working on the sequel trilogy back in 2011.
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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #65 on: October 10, 2013, 09:53 AM »
I've decided I hate Jett Lucas. I hope he stays far away from anything related to Star Wars.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2015, 05:53 PM »
Seeing quite a few stories around today that JJ Abrams may be back for Episode IX...  Wonder why the break for VIII?
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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #67 on: March 22, 2015, 05:54 PM »
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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #68 on: April 6, 2015, 11:15 PM »
Star Trek III: The Search for More Money

More money than Star Wars?!?!!

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Re: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Speculation
« Reply #69 on: April 7, 2015, 10:25 AM »
Seeing quite a few stories around today that JJ Abrams may be back for Episode IX...  Wonder why the break for VIII?

Everything I have heard/read said it was just schedule compression.  Disney was already up and running pre-production stuff on Ep8 while JJ was still working on finishing Ep7.  With only a year and a half between the films (dec 2015 - may 2017) instead of the original two year plan, there wasn't enough time for him to finish one and then start the next.
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