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Messages - CloneF13Y35

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Other Toy Lines / Tron Legacy Toys
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:06 AM »
I didn't see a thread for this, if there is one, my apologies. While the movies looks absolutely Fantastic, these figs look bad. Nowhere near as cool as I hoped for. While there are three sizes of figs, the regular 3.34, 6-8" and a large size figure, the light-up and voice effects of the two larger sizes is rather cool. Though the gimmick is limited by just a few phrases. They are made by spinmasters who made the Last Airbender figs and those were absolutely horrid.
They also have a series of diecaast vehicles, toy vehicles for the figures, a regular and deluxe 'data frisbee' thingy LOL.
While I hope the movie does great at the box office, the toys will not sell well and are a little overpriced. If they go clearance, I may pick up a few.

Yep, I picked up two regular figs at TRU for $9.99 and the shelf tags are ONLY on the regular figs, not the vintage ones dagnabit LOL

Does this count for JUST the regular figs or does it include the vintage as well?

Collect All 92! / Re: Cloud Car Pilot
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:02 PM »
I still have my original CC pilot along with my original Cloud Car itself. Though I am glad to see they made a new cloud car with more play features. It may not be ultra exciting but it is a cool vehicle nonetheless.
I thought he looked pretty good for back in the day, though I don't think his gun or scanner thingy has survived to the present. LOL.

Collect All 92! / Re: Zuckuss
« on: November 19, 2010, 07:38 PM »
I still have my original vintage Zuckess, havne't gotten the new one yet, though he's on my wish list. I like how he looked with the pleather cloak and bug head.
THe new figure is awesome IMHO and can't wait to get him.
I enjoyed what i read in the three part paperback series Bounty Hunters Wars; his mystic 'Findsman' ways as described are pretty cool.

I agree with the previous comments about Votc Han, I need a good core version of Han and Leia, Bespin Luke will fill my need on him. Can any of the Chewies sit down? Maybe one with ball joints everywhere. A soft goods Bespin gown Leia? (I always wondered when and why they gave her a chance to change back into the hoth outfit).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Tron: Legacy
« on: November 10, 2010, 07:49 PM »
I've been following the development of this for a while and hope it does well. It helps, to me at least that Daft  Punk, a great techno style group/duo is doing the soundtrack. The trailers are visually amazing and I'm hoping the story is well crafted. Probably not an 'oscar' movie but should be tons of fun. The toys are out and are kinda so-so. They have a light-up feature and the deluxe figs have some kind of 'image fancy doo-hickey' technology that projects the characters face onto its helmet and moves as it 'speaks'. That is pretty cool but limited.

Collect All 92! / Re: 4-LOM
« on: November 5, 2010, 08:19 PM »
Another interesting discussion my star wars collecting buddies have is how do you pronouce it's name? Is it Four-Lohm or Four El Oh Em? Kinda like See-Three Pee Oh vs just C-3P0 (which infact is a Zero not the letter O(h) ).
I mean we all recognize Artoo -Deetoo as R2-D2 and Eye Gee Eighty-eight for IG-88.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:39 PM »
If they don't want to make a new sandcrawler, then just re-release the previous one. I only ever saw it at Suncoast movie stores and it was always $60! I went there weekly to see if it'd go onsale as other stuff did then one day the two they had were gone (not sold the guy who recognized me said).

The Vintage Collection / Re: Most Wanted (non-carded figures)
« on: October 27, 2010, 09:54 AM »
They 'could' make this as a plastic base with a cardboard backdrop, a two piece snap together chair; kinda more like one of the vehicle dioramas.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Imperial AT-AT
« on: October 27, 2010, 09:52 AM »
This is indeed good news for those of us who are short on money, $50 is a whole lot better than a $100! plus I bought my son this years halloween costume at target for $28 instead of $40! He wanted the deluxe 501st clone trooper with the two piece helmet! They also have some Boba's and Jango fetts like that.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Failure in the Cave
« on: October 26, 2010, 11:37 AM »
Way cool! Great work on that, looks very realistic.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Jabba's Throne w/Oola
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:16 PM »
while I would definitly want one, my reason for not getting one isn't really due to price but more to lack of extra money to spend on things I'd like to have vs paying bills etc.

The Vintage Collection / Hasbro & Collectors
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:14 PM »
Doesn't seem too far fetched. THey are a company that has watch its bottom line and Star wars, while a Major cultural phenomenon, isn't the ONLY thing going on. I liked the toys as a kid and have enjoyed collecting specific things since the new stuff came out a decade ago. I collect the things I like as well as my son. But it became obvious a while back  they don't care about remaking 'everything' we want yet they continue to make figures etc that I don't recall ever wanting as a kid nor any of my fellow collectors have ever wanted.
So many variations of figures have come out that my first reaction is often 'why the hell did they waste time and material making that?'
I just try to enjoy the figures/vehicles that appeal to me and accept that they will make whatever they want to make.

Collect All 92! / Re: Dengar
« on: October 21, 2010, 09:24 PM »
For a butt ungly dude in a towel wrap, and his brown painted trooper armor, Dengar is still a cool dude. As written in the Bounty Hunter trilogy, he's actually quite a decent guy AND he gots him a WOMAN!

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