Author Topic: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?  (Read 23691 times)

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #60 on: December 6, 2007, 09:03 AM »
Two quick observations regarding all these exclusives...

#1, one of my local Targets is selling the Wow BP's for $60 each. ???

#2, a different Target re-stocked all the other exclusives and literally got a ton. Seriously. ARC 170s, TIE Bombers and At-RT PBs stacked to the ceiling.

And for the record, I'm glad to see DarthChuckmc around these parts, finally.
« Last Edit: December 6, 2007, 09:05 AM by Darth_Anton »
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Offline jedi_master_sal

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #61 on: December 6, 2007, 09:08 AM »
Hey Chuck - just so you know I didn't want this thread to become a flame war. I do appreciate the help that Target-insiders such as yourself provide.

In response to your question about what kind of customer service I expect...

I guess what I was getting at was that when I go into TRU or the WalMart around the corner from my house or even the lower-volume Target that I also shop at, the people who work there recognize me, they are friendly, they know why I'm there, they've taken time to get to know me (and vice-versa), they know I'm not a scalper, etc...

The Target I'm referring to as a problem is the exact opposite. If you are a collector, you are the scum of the earth. You are mocked and you are refused service.

This is really no way to be treated.

I understand the wages must stink. I understand that customers must be rude at times. But if I'm polite and utilize the tools that the Target Corporation has placed in the stores to assist my shopping experience, then yes, I do expect some degree of customer service from the employees at this store. Since these same employees are the ones who see me regularly making purchases in the store, it would be nice if they would treat me better as a store "regular" as opposed to a "toy collecting scumbag".

Does that make more sense?

If you were to go ask the managers at this store if I was a "problem" customer - they would tell you that I am.

I have been told point-blank by the manager of this store that even though the pegs are empty and they have more product in the back, that does not mean that they have to bring more product out. I told him that Target customer service told me that I should ask for more items to be brought out of the place where they are displayed is empty. He screamed back at me that I couldn't possibly know Target policies better than him.

I have been told by the lady who manages the area that includes toys that X date is when they will reset the aisle to include an exclusive, only to return before X date, find the exclusive on the shelf (this happened with the Order 66 2-packs) and then when I ask her if she could bring out some more so I could get the rest of the set of six different pieces, be told that I couldn't even buy the ones I found on the shelf even though some of that very same product sold earlier in the day.

I have been told by this same person that even though there was only one figure on the eight pegs dedicated to SW figs, I needed to buy that figure in order to clear the pegs and have them bring more product out, only to wait for 30 minutes for them to finally bring out three figures that all looked like they had been stepped on and be told that that was all they had left in stock, only to have a friend check the price scanner two hours later and have the scanner report that more was still in stock.

Needless to say, all three times when I called the Target customer service toll free number, the operator I spoke with responded by telling me that none of these situations should have taken place. I have given them names of these managers and yet they are still working there.

It was after these events that the a.p.b.'s started going out. I have friends who are also collectors in the local area who have run into the same kinds of problems at this store but have no problems at any of the other locations where they shop.

Last point on this: I would be perfectly happy with a consistent Target policy that was adhered to at all times. But since we all know that is impossible, all I ask is for help when I go into the store.

You are so totally on the mark with your comments. Target by far has been the worst location for my shopping experience. I can point out at least 4 times where I was made to feel like a petty criminal for just asking for product.
I spent 45 minutes explaining to a store  manager that not only am I a regular to the store, but that I don't just buy toys, but toilet paper, bedding, music, (fiancee buys beauty products and clothes), etc. So in the rare chance I do ask for help finding and bringing out stock they have in the back and have room for on the shelves, that it's not an unreasonable request.
Further, I proved a point that I'm not "one of those collectors" by the very fact that once the manager finally came up to me, I was in the middle of repegging figures that had been strewn about by who knows how many other customers. I was doing THEIR job for them. So a little appreciation for that could be said in the way of helping me too...

I could go on and on about my problems with Target. I rarely ask for help anymore because I just know I'll get shot down and disappointed. So in turn, I have severely decreased my other spending there and defer it to Wal*Mart or local stores.

That's really the only way that we as a whole collecting community can make a direct impact without taking legal action.
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Offline jedi_master_sal

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #62 on: December 6, 2007, 09:33 AM »
JediMAC, I appreciate your comments. The only comments I'll say as a small rebuttal are, that this shouldn't have to be a game in the first place.

When collecting something like this which is available every starts to feel like work or that you have to play "games" to aquire what you desire, then the fun is drained quickly from the hobby,

It's one of the many reasons I shop online mostly now. With exceptions to those store exclusives, I don't often go into stores actively looking (especially Target). The shipping cost I pay for buying online are greatly offset buy the gas, time and frustration I save on not having to "hunt" down figs.

"I'm getting too old for this sort of thing."

JediMAC, this was not meant as a flame, as I respect your comments and for the most part agree with them (except the game part). I'm just stating my opinions and did so with no malice when typing this post.


I'm just a humble collector trying to make his way through the universe...of toy aisles.
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Offline Brian

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #63 on: December 6, 2007, 10:02 AM »
I stopped by Target yesterday to check for the GH Jabba pack.  Our store had reset their endcap, and it was set up like this:

Top Shelf - Miniatures Packs (plenty of 'em)
2nd Shelf - 1 X-Wing Galactic Heroes Pack
3rd Shelf - 1 AT-RT Battle Pack
4th Shelf - 6 ARC 170 BPs
Bottom - 2 UBPs

I'm not one who often uses the DCPI trick (I have a couple times, but not very often), but I did ask an employee nearby if they had anymore of the Galactic Heroes packs.  She told me that whatever they had for that endcap was out on the floor.  Maybe she was telling the truth, or maybe she was lying.  I had my daughter with me, so I thought she would at least be truthful thinking I could possibly be asking for our kid (even though she is a bit young for those yet).  Anyways, no luck there, and its the only one I'm really looking for.  I'm hoping that this store will get more, or one of the other ones in town will have these big shipments some people are talking about.  I ordered the other exclusives I wanted (ARC BP and TIE Bomber) online so I wouldn't have to worry about finding them (or worry about having to buy them all at once with the Mrs. along ;)).  On a side note, the UBPs do seem to be selling pretty well at our store too.  There are some left (mostly Endor I believe), but they are moving.

On the current topic, it has been hit or miss with me with Target exclusives as well.  I will say that I usually am not quite as worried when Target has exclusives I'm interested in as other stores.  WM is really hit and miss here, and TRU is usually overpriced (although Target can be high on individual exclusive figures too).  Like I said, I don't use DCPI much, but the few times I have I've only once been lied to (or denied).  That time, I checked the DCPI scanner which said the exclusive was "in back", and asked someone in customer service if they could look it up for me.  They did, and said there wasn't any in town, anywhere, ever.  I came back the next day, asked some kid at the video game counter, and he brought it out for me.  It all depends on the people, but overall my experiences at Target have been pretty positive.

Offline Darth_Ice

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #64 on: December 6, 2007, 10:06 AM »
JediMac you are so right when you wrote this;

"You are so totally on the mark with your comments. Target by far has been the worst location for my shopping experience. I can point out at least 4 times where I was made to feel like a petty criminal for just asking for product."

Kesslerrunking, and vouch for me on this..

The only time I have really made a scene at a Target was when about year or so ago, when we were looking for exclusive and got no help with the dept managers. So he went to the CSD to ask, and this manager walks up behind us, and tells the target employee to help us! We were looking to see if other stores had the items in stock.  She called us "collectors" which is true, but the way she said just got under my skin. So I told turn around and told her "NO WE ARE CUSTOMERS" she started again, and as I walked out I yelled no we are "CUSTOMERS"!!

I like you Jedi, have stopped buying other "goods" at the main Target and use the newer lower volume store.

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #65 on: December 6, 2007, 06:47 PM »
JediMac you are so right when you wrote this...

Actually, I didn't write that.  Sal did.  And Sal, no offense taken by your post there whatsoever, so no worries.  I obviously don't expect everyone (hell, most anyone) to start treating the hunt as "a game" like I do.  That's just what makes it more tolerable, and in an odd way fun, for me.  I was just teasing everyone else for "cheating", and resorting to online shopping.  Obviously for the average SW collector, that method usually makes way more sense, both time-wise, and money-wise.

Truth be told, I actually greatly enjoy shopping at Target, which is why I buy 95% of my SW stuff there (outside of other store's exclusives, of course).  My occasional issues/run-ins with Target employees or managers isn't all that big a deal to me, and they're probably far less frequent than my prior post may have implied.  At the end of the day, I'd prefer to shop in the cleanest, most organized, safest, and for the most part respectful store (plus the store that offers the most SW sales).  Target wins every one of those battles hand's down.  Walmart disgusts me in every way, shape and form - from their business practices to their third world atmosphere.  It's a ****hole every time I step into one of those stores.  TRU is an overpriced dinosaur.  K-mart and KB don't even count anymore.

So it's Target for me.  Exclusives and the occasionally unhelpful and pissy employee, be damned.  :P
« Last Edit: December 6, 2007, 06:51 PM by JediMAC »

Offline darthchuckmc

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #66 on: December 6, 2007, 07:35 PM »
So it's Target for me.  Exclusives and the occasionally unhelpful and pissy employee, be damned.  :P

Here here!! j/k

It almost baffles me at the problems alot of you guys are having. Maybe it's just a regional thing, or perhaps older stores with past "collector" problems...and by "collectors" I actually mean rude ass scalpers making good guys look bad.

Honestly, if you guys had to deal with some of these scumbags on OUR level, you may see things a little differently. I am in no way, shape or form making excuses for the way some of you are treated. I'd be plenty pissed off if someone did that stuff to me, Target or otherwise.

Before I started working retail, I used to get the "all we have is what's out" speech...but now, I find myself saying it to folks almost everyday, because it's the God's honest truth. Very rarely do we EVER have anything extra in the backroom. My flowteam usually fills the pegs over capacity..which puts those nice little nicks and scrapes on the cardback near the j-hook....or they just lay them on the shelf on top of the R2 laptops and lightsabers....lazy bums afraid they might have to backstock something.....anyway.

I would probably just avoid those stores if I had the option, like someone else said they do. Why would I continue to shop in a place that doesn't seem to want my business? I'm all for supporting Target, because they've been pretty good to me as a company, and especially at a store level. That's why I usually come to their defense I suppose....but I'm not dealing with the crap that alot of people seem to be getting, nor do I dish it out to collectors (or even HW guys) that shop at my store. Maybe you should all move closer and shop at my store ;) I'll treat you like you're supposed to be.....except I still won't pull stuff early if you have DPCIs, that's where I draw the line :D

I don't think it's the meager pay, or hating the job that these folks are dealing with, I think it's probably more of a power trip than anything.

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #67 on: December 7, 2007, 09:08 AM »

 I think it's probably more of a power trip than anything.

That's it. The ugly side of human nature.
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Offline Darth_Ice

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #68 on: December 8, 2007, 03:19 PM »
I don't care what excuse they use, the customer is always RIGHT! If a scaler comes in and creates a stink then kick their butt out of the store! I'm not one to go around and ask the team members to get stuff for me from the back, even when I see them stocking, but they still act like jerks.! I think next year I'm going to be doing a lot of my collecting online, saves gas!

Offline darthchuckmc

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #69 on: December 8, 2007, 04:34 PM »


Offline MetalJedi

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #70 on: December 8, 2007, 05:32 PM »
"Haven't you heard the phrase the customers always right?!" - T.S.

"Let me tell you something, the customers always an *******!!" - Shannon
I remember my dream now.

Offline RenegadeJedi

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #71 on: December 9, 2007, 08:12 AM »
A few years back I was heading to the checkout lanes witha 2" Mace Windu in hand (the local Sprint Club had already fled to their cars to move on to the next store). This manager out of no where comes up to me as says, would you like these? And hands be a 12" Biker Scout with Speeder Bike and something which escapes my mind at 6:00 in the morning  :P

That was pretty cool.

As far as being treated differently, I never ask for the back to be checked. However the manager has seen me on numerous oocasions purchasing a good stack of Star Wars items. 8 months ago my wife and I go in to register for our new addition and all of a sudden the manager giving me dirty looks all the time treats me like royalty. She new EXACTLY who I was and she seemed honestly in shock I was there for something besides Star Wars. (which 90% of the time I buy other items aside from Star Wars)

Then there was lasy week when a stock boy filled the pegs with 1 figues and kept the McTrooper in the otherwise empty case.
"Collect to Collect" what moron thought that statement up?

Offline Darth_Ice

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #72 on: December 9, 2007, 10:01 AM »
Ya, these mamagers are so short sided they dont realize that MOST of buy other merchandise, like I use to do.

Offline Brian

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2007, 09:24 AM »
We hit all three Targets this weekend (wanted to check for the Jabba GH pack), and all had at least some of the exclusives out.  All three were sold out of the Galactic Heroes Cinema Scenes, with none in the stockroom, so I wonder if these are re-shipping or not?  The "Super" Target had the TIE Bomber, ARC 170, ARC BP, and AT-RT BP on the endcap (as well as the miniatures thingy).  Our local store had some Ultimate BPs left, as well as some of the ARC BPs, AT-RT sets, and miniatures packs.  No sign of the Bomber or ARC ship here yet.  The third Target (and usually the slowest) had the AT-RT packs on the bottom of an endcap, and the Ultimate BPs stocked on top of the aisle next to the action figure aisle (and offered as a $44.10 raincheck item for some other toy - I can't remember right now).  Those GH sets seem to have flown of the shelves here locally though.  I checked last weekend and they didn't have them out yet, check this weekend and they've been put out and sold out.

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Re: Target Exclusives - Where are They All Going to Go?
« Reply #74 on: December 10, 2007, 09:41 AM »
Those GH sets seem to have flown of the shelves here locally though.  I checked last weekend and they didn't have them out yet, check this weekend and they've been put out and sold out.

My local Target re-loaded everything in the last few days to prepare for the sale - including more of everything on the exclusives endcap.  I don't think they are all done shipping yet, but I don't expect them to last much beyond Christmas...
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