Hey Hasbro! / More Cinema Scenes
« on: May 24, 2006, 10:39 AM »
I like the cinema scenes that came out from POTF2 and TPM. Why not continue that? Start with ROTS. And have them all be SA.
Utapau Hangar Duel (Obi-Wan, General Grievous, Grievous' Bodyguard)
Mustafar Final Duel (Obi-Wan-scorched outfit, Anakin-scorched outfit, Mustafar burly)
Chancellor's Showdown (Mace Windu, Chancellor Palpatine, Anakin)
Slaughter of the Jedi **Mygeeto** (Ki-Adi-Mundi, Cmdr. Bacara, Marine Clone Trooper)
Slaughter of the Jedi **Felucia** (Aayla Secura, Cmdr. Bly, Clone Trooper)
That's for starters...
Utapau Hangar Duel (Obi-Wan, General Grievous, Grievous' Bodyguard)
Mustafar Final Duel (Obi-Wan-scorched outfit, Anakin-scorched outfit, Mustafar burly)
Chancellor's Showdown (Mace Windu, Chancellor Palpatine, Anakin)
Slaughter of the Jedi **Mygeeto** (Ki-Adi-Mundi, Cmdr. Bacara, Marine Clone Trooper)
Slaughter of the Jedi **Felucia** (Aayla Secura, Cmdr. Bly, Clone Trooper)
That's for starters...