Ok, been awhile, and there has been some neat stuff released in the meantime....but this new wave(s) of the Studio Series line focused on the ‘86 animation looks pretty rad. I know I thought I was winding down my Transformers buying, but I find myself wanting that new Grimlock....and Hot Rod....and Jazz.....and Kup......
On a somewhat unrelated note, I found some of the R.E.D. figures at our local WM. They had Megatron and Soundwave, snagged the Soundwave (these are the Marvel Legends-esque, non transforming Transformers). I like it, but it just seems smaller than I thought, definitely couldn’t just put these in with your Black Series, or Joe Classifieds, or Marvel Legends. He is shorter than all three. As a collection/display on their own they might look pretty nifty though. Remind me in a way of super sized versions of the Super 7 reaction Transformers.