Yes, Hasbro's design team has made a couple blunders when it comes to continuity. The
ARC Trooper should have been a simple hybrid between the existing Clone Trooper and the pre-existing Sandtrooper. The skirt is a nice extreme weather addition, but the helmet is heading in the wrong direction with that external targeting scope.
Same with
Anakin's Jedi Starfighter. In hindsight, Hasbro should have released a bland, movie-accurate Jedi Starfighter without all the EU bells & whistles for the Saga line. That ship, with its heavy artillery and opening S-foils, would have been a nice transition between the original Jedi design and Vader's TIE, with a little Sith Infiltrator influence thrown in for good measure.
As it is, Anakin's technical "ability" is undermined by a starship design that includes pod racer components and an astromech that sits right in his line of sight. Some pilot.