Author Topic: All New "What If?" CW Thread  (Read 9790 times)

Offline Jesse James

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All New "What If?" CW Thread
« on: December 23, 2004, 06:03 AM »
Just a thread for "what if" they'd continued the Clone Wars line in the movie style instead of the animated...

Myself, my wants list would've gone like this:


-Snowbunny Padme...  I'd love to have seen this figure created myself.  I'd not even mind if they just made a new head and a cloak for the Droid Chase Padme actually...  Something simple like that would be welcome to me.

-Snow Robes Yoda...  A more accurate robed Yoda (with hood up) to replace Frito Bandito Yoda...  Be cool if he could holster his saber, but beyond that just a nice poseable Yoda in CW gear.

-Obi in Armor...  Come on, who doesn't want a super articulated Obi-Wan wearing the Clone armor with the robes and stuff?  Someone has to kick Deluxe Durge's ass, ya know?  And speaking of...

-Armorless Durge...  I'd KILL for a poseable Durge without the armor.  What would be extra neat would be if he somehow had the same construction as the tentacles of the Dianoga figure...  Poseable/flexible outer material on a wire frame.  I'd just ultimately like a nice Durge figure minus the armor since that's how he got the smack laid down on him.

-Battle Damaged Anakin...  Ala the toon figure + great articulation...  Something simply representative of him after Assajj did a number on him.  For that matter, a non-BD version would be nice since his first CW figure sorta blew.

-Red ARC Sergeant...  Softgoods cape, super articulated body, blaster holster with carbine/pistol weapon, and holographic Obi-Wan for the wrist communicator. 

-Blue ARC Trooper...  Same as above but comes with a rifle and shoulder-mounted rocket launcher instead of the carbine and holo accessory.

-SA Clone...  Just a re-release of it...  Perhaps battledamaged variants and rank variants.

-Sha-Gi...  Nicely articulated Shaggy Jedi... 

-Whiphid Jedi...  Be cool if he came with softgoods robes you could simulate "tearing" off of him for with his battle with Greivous.

-Greivous...  Of course, we're gonna get him anyway, but...  Gotta list him.

-Super Poseable Super Battle Droid...  Granted, the line's getting another one with ROTS, but I'd love one with more articulation...  Keep the exploding feature even.

-NEW sturdy/poseable Battledroid...  Includes ranged assault rifle, and pulls apart at the torso, arms, legs, and head for battledamage feature.

-Super Poseable Assajj...  Softgoods skirt and robe with really only the legs needing more articulation...  I liked the first figure, I'd just take another more poseable one if I could have it.

-Quarren w/Trident...  I'd dig one of these dudes.  The Quarren are such a great species... 

-Mace Windu...  Just a nice version of him from the toon, maybe with a tattered robe or something.  A 2-pack wtih the kid from his episode would be neat too (That still rocks as a spoof of the Steelers/Coke commercial from the 70's).

-ARC Pilot...  SA Clone's body with the Pilot's head...  Simple, and needed considering that crappy leaning pilot Hasbro dumped out.  Why the lean?  I haven't a clue. 

-Republic Tech...  One of the techs seen running around the Republic fighters.


-New Spider Droid...  Pop-apart feature for battle damage, properly scaled barrel...  if room for lights, light-up eyes would be neat.  Screw the walking feature that doesn't work though.  Just an accurate sculpt, poseability, etc.

-Droid 3-pack...  No crappy droids though.  Just 3 of the basic battledroid, possibly with color variations (green, cream, and red).

-SA Clone 3-pack...  Probably the most logical thing to come out...  I don't think anyone's not expecting the SA Clone to come out again, and the army builder format's the most likely.  Rank/color variants of course too.

-ARC Squad 3-pack...  2 blues and a red.  Simple.

-Mon-Calamari with Steed...  Maybe a bit big for Deluxe, but I'll just list it here.  A Mon Cal soldier with their mounts from under the waves.  Very cool IMO.

-Separatist Soldier 3-pack...  Now, this is completely outta thin air, but could really kick much butt.  The Jedi 3-pack was completely fabricated after all!  Anyway, make a 3-pack of 1 SA Neimodian soldier, 1 SA of the blue separatist aliens, and 1 SA NEW Geonosian Warrior or someone else...  Very cool to me.

-IG Lancer Droid w/Bike...  A poseable droid with a bike, and lance.  Very cool, and I'd buy this up in droves.

-Mine Layer Droid...  Similar in style to the Spider Droid.  Nothing flashy...  A feature that threw little mines may be neat, but not important.


-Geonosian Fighter...  Re-release with a Battledroid Pilot and MUCH more stable nose prongs...  Maybe molded around something more sturdy so they don't sag.

-Republic Fighter...  A cool step towards the ARC one coming up in ROTS.  Kind of like seeing the X-Wing and Y-Wing and such...  Shows variety in what the Republic uses.

-Amidala's Ship...  The small silver ship Amidala uses in AOTC and the CW toons...  It's small, so it's doable to-scale I think.  Pack the droids in, I'd be all over that.  :)

-New Droid Starfighter...  A single GOOD, properly scaled Droid fighter that can unfold for walking.  Pop-off wings would be neat for battle-damage of course.

Basically, I'm bored and was just thinking out loud how I really am sad that the movie-accurate CW line has faded away to the cartoon line.

The toon line is ok, and I see people's desire for it, but I'd sooner have things compatible with the basic movie lines than things completely separate of them.  Then again I'm a big EU fiend too...  Tons of stuff from EU I'd like.

As much as it surprised me, the CW line seemed to do well at retail though, even the guys like Bandito Yoda, so I'd like to have seen the line continued so it's compatible with the film figures and all.
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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2004, 06:41 AM »
hey can this be the "Official All New "What If?" CW Thread"?  ;)

you have some pretty cool ideas there, here's a couple you have missed.

Scuba Clonetrooper: They kicked all sorts of arse on Mon Calamari during Kit Fisto's ep.

Luminara Unduli & Barris Ofee: What better way to get more articulated, less posey versions of these Jedi but with the CW line?

Battle Droid w/ Underwater Jet-ski

whattya think?
Jason F.

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Offline Jesse James

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2004, 07:03 AM »
It can ONLY be official when there's another one open that I lock in place of my own thread Jason.

I thought you'd been at other forums long enough to know the rules? :)

Good call ont he Scuba troopers, the aquatic droids, and the Luminara/Barris, however I'd skipped those last two because I really expect ROTS versions of them which...

Damn their Collection 2 Jedi ROCK!  :)  I'd be cool if they were it... 

Be cool if CW Jedi were softgoods versions then or something, for the softgoods fans, ya know?  Like the ROTS line's all plastic robes, but CW gets cloth robes for those of us who don't mind them.

I swear, Total Control Mace Windu sports a cloak made of the PERFECT fabric.  I will be damned if I can find a duplicate fabric to make my own robes with it though.  :(  Irks me looking through fabric stores where the women look at you more confused than the employees at Wal-Mart do.
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2004, 04:33 PM »
Wow, I'd like everything you guys listed, but personally, I'd like them in the animated style. It's a refreshing change to the look and in that style they feel more authentic to me.

That feeling is most likely coming from my long distaste for EU - there's something about seeing real looking versions of characters that never existed on-screen in those outfits that doesn't agree with me. Not that I wouldn't buy them all anyways.  :P

Offline Jesse James

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2004, 03:27 AM »
See Jared, you'd buy them, so it's realistic style all the way then...  You'll just have to be along for the ride. :)
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2005, 12:17 PM »
Let's throw in an AT-TE and Homing Spider Droid into the mix.


Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2005, 01:51 PM »
-Obi in Armor...  Come on, who doesn't want a super articulated Obi-Wan wearing the Clone armor with the robes and stuff?  Someone has to kick Deluxe Durge's ass, ya know?  And speaking of...

-Armorless Durge...  I'd KILL for a poseable Durge without the armor.  What would be extra neat would be if he somehow had the same construction as the tentacles of the Dianoga figure...  Poseable/flexible outer material on a wire frame.  I'd just ultimately like a nice Durge figure minus the armor since that's how he got the smack laid down on him.

-Red ARC Sergeant...  Softgoods cape, super articulated body, blaster holster with carbine/pistol weapon, and holographic Obi-Wan for the wrist communicator. 

-Blue ARC Trooper...  Same as above but comes with a rifle and shoulder-mounted rocket launcher instead of the carbine and holo accessory.

-SA Clone...  Just a re-release of it...  Perhaps battledamaged variants and rank variants.

-Whiphid Jedi...  Be cool if he came with softgoods robes you could simulate "tearing" off of him for with his battle with Greivous.

-Greivous...  Of course, we're gonna get him anyway, but...  Gotta list him.

-Super Poseable Super Battle Droid...  Granted, the line's getting another one with ROTS, but I'd love one with more articulation...  Keep the exploding feature even.

-Quarren w/Trident...  I'd dig one of these dudes.  The Quarren are such a great species... 

-ARC Pilot...  SA Clone's body with the Pilot's head...  Simple, and needed considering that crappy leaning pilot Hasbro dumped out.  Why the lean?  I haven't a clue. 

-Republic Tech...  One of the techs seen running around the Republic fighters.

I would buy all of these - possibly even multiples. I'd like a Durge, especially. I never found the Durge on its first release - so one with removable armor and some sort of stretchy wire-frame flesh would be pretty cool. Why the Obi-Wan hasn't been made yet is beyond me - that the coolest part of the entire series.

Offline Brian

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2005, 03:23 PM »
I'd be on board for the ones listed as well, they all sound pretty cool.  I'd have to agree with Jared, I'm a fan of the Animated figures as well, and wouldn't mind seeing another wave or 2 of those as well.  Not an exhaustive line, but maybe 6-8 more (new) figures would be nice.  That said, additions to the "movie" version line of CW would be nice too.  Either way, that Obi with Trooper armor has to be done, it seems like it would be a no brainer for Hasbro after the reaction that Obi has gotten in the toon.

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #8 on: August 3, 2006, 01:16 PM »
As I've mentioned in some other threads, I've been re-watching some of the Clone Wars toons lately, and its really made me wish for a continuation of the "realistic style" Clone Wars line.  Even if it is just a figure or two in a wave here or there next year, which there might be a possibility of.  It probably could support its own line, and maybe we'll see something like that when the series starts up again in the next couple years.  Jesse has a great list at the start of this thread, and I've also been going over the Clone Wars Databank at the Official Site.  Aside from the obvious army builders (clones, droids, etc.), there are a lot of figures that could be made pretty neat.  Just take their incarnations from the toons/movies, and not "frito bandito" Yoda styled figures.  Actually, as much as I hate to admit it, there are probably a few figures that could be repacked/reworked to fit into the Clone Wars line (the ROTS Jedi figures are good examples).  That being said, here's some I wouldn't mind seeing:

Padme - any style is good, but I think we'd all like to see the Ilum/snowbunny styled getup.

C-3PO/R2 - main/well known characters, maybe a repack of one of the recent good versions.

Yoda - I didn't care for the previous Clone Wars version, but one with a "hood up" or soft goods cloak with hood might be neat.  Pack him together with his steed from the toons, even better.

Mace Windu - Come on, we still need a good Mace.

Obi-Wan Kenobi - The ROTS pilot is a great basic figure, I wouldn't mind seeing an all-new (better than the battle pack) Obi w/armor.

Anakin Skywalker - Evolutions set provides good basic versions for repacks, maybe an all-new sculpted version with the blue tattoos (we got one in the animated line) or something along those lines.

Misc. Jedi - Roron Corobb (Hammerhead), K'Kruhk (Whipid), maybe some repacks with modifications/accessories where necessary (Ki Adi, SaeSee, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Luminara, Barriss,  Aayla, Sora Bulq, Foul Moudama, etc.)

Misc. Clones - Cody, Bly, ARCs, all sorts of clones.  Again, lots of repacks could probably be used here.

Misc. Aliens - Wookiees (Chewie), Nelvaanian, Mon Calamari, Quarren, Utapauns, Geonosians, etc.

Misc. Droids - Battle, SBD, Destroyers, IG Droids w/Durge

Villains - Grievous (new sculpt/scaled), Durge, Asajj, Palpatine, Dooku, etc.

Anyways, like I said, Jesse listed it out better than I could - but there really is/was potential to take this line further.  Its something I think collectors and kids both could enjoy (which we know Hasbro is looking for), if done correctly.  Hopefully the new series will continue along the same path, and the line that accompanies it will be top notch.  The more I look at this list, there are quite a few figures from ROTS that could qualify as CW renditions :).  I know as a kid I would have had a good time setting up all these battles after seeing the toon.

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 5, 2006, 02:43 AM »
-Whiphid Jedi...  Be cool if he came with softgoods robes you could simulate "tearing" off of him for with his battle with Greivous.

Unless you can simulate CPR you might wanna hold off on that. ;)

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2006, 02:28 PM »
I think that there is plenty of stuff from the CW toon that could still be made into the "realistic" style of Hasbro figures.  I have to say, though, that I'd love to see some animated style figures return (at least of the main characters, such as Padme on Ilum, Barris and Luminara, MagnaGuards, Blue ARCs, Fordo on Coruscant, Anakin from Season 2, and Obi-Wan in Clone Armor), but I seem to be in the minority on liking those figures.

That said, here's what I would like to see in a new realistic CW assortment:

BASIC FIGURES (all would be SA, of course)

01.  Mon Calamari Scuba Clone Trooper
02.  ARC Trooper (New Blue and Red Versions)
03.  Obi-Wan Kenobi in Clone Armor (Season 1)
04.  San Hill (resculpted; the 2003 Saga Screen Scene version sucked)
05.  Barris Offee
06.  Chameleon Mine Droid
07.  Wolfman Jedi Knight
08.  ARC Trooper Quad-Laser Gunner
09.  General Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season 2)
10.  Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars Robes from Season 2)
11.  Saesee Tiin in Space Armor
12.  Captain Fordo (Season 2)
13.  Rorron Corrob (sp?)
14.  Mace Windu (new SA sculpt)
15.  General Grievous (properly scaled new SA sculpt)
16.  Grievous' MagnaDroid Bodyguards (properly scaled new SA sculpt)

They could also do rereleases of Asaaj Ventress (from the Jedi vs. Sith pack), the AOTC-era SA Clone Trooper, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli (from ROTS), an AOTC-style repaint of the ROTS Threepio, finally put that R4-G9-bodied R2-D2 out with a holographic Dooku attachment, ROTS Shaak Ti with new arms, and so forth. 

DELUXE FIGURES:  These would be a 10 dollar assortment of a figure with some kind of vehicle/beast/accessory from the cartoons, including:

01.  Yoda on Kybuck (Seasons 1 and 2)
02.  IG Lancer Droid on Speeder Bike (Season 1)
03.  Durge on Swoop Bike (Season 1; rerelease of CW 2003 version)
04.  Clone Trooper on Speeder Bike (Season 1; new sculpts)
05.  Vulture Droid (Transforming new sculpt)


01.  Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Season 1; rerelease with pack-in Evolutions Anakin)
02.  Clone Starfighter (Season 1; with pack-in Evolutions Clone Pilot)
03.  Grievous' Starfighter (from ROTS, and not in the series, but still a nice thing to have)
04.  Tank Droid (from ROTS; again, same as Grievous' Starfighter)

It's nice to dream...  ;D

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Re: All New "What If?" CW Thread
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2006, 06:29 PM »
Wow, some great stuff on the lists. I would buy alot of those figures.
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