Author Topic: Roommates suck.  (Read 3605 times)

Offline Ben

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Roommates suck.
« on: January 28, 2005, 03:50 AM »
I decided to do dishes tonight instead of tomorrow morning. I'm going about the routine when I get to the pan that's been sitting on the stove for a day. Granted, I shouldn't have left it there, but I've been lazy.
So I open the lid, and this overpowering stench of rotten food nearly makes me toss my cookies. I don't know what the hell my idiot roommate was cooking, but it's rotten and cooked to the bottom of my ******* pan that I paid good money for.  >:( KILL!

So now the pan is sitting in my sink soaking while I have three scented candles going trying to clear up the stench. And my dumb bitch roommate is going to get the bitch session of a lifetime when I see her next. >:(

How about you? Can you top my horror story of stupid-ass roommates?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2005, 03:53 AM by Hasbro's Missing Integrity »
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Offline iFett

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2005, 10:21 AM »
Roommates suck.  Could have left it at that....  I'd be able to save a few hundred a month on rent if I had one, but I prefer privacy instead anyday.  Plus I couldn't stand somebody else putting their paws where they don't belong - on my stuff.
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Offline Morgbug

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2005, 12:13 PM »
I was lucky for the most part, my roommates were pretty cool.  One guy and I used to pretty much race through food to see who could consume the most, the fastest, but it was a well understood game and we went shopping together, splitting the bill.  We also clearly understood who's stuff was not communal, so it was ok. I was living with two guys at the time and we were sharing a house.  Both guys and I played basketball pretty competetively.  One guy was still playing on the University team at the time, I was on the JV team and the other guy was academically ineligible, so he spent a winter in Europe when we were doing the competitive eating schtick.  Beer was not communal. 

Another guy was a pain because he wouldn't ever do dishes.  I left them for a week and we ran out.  He couldn't understand why, so that was a bit of a pisser.  Otherwise he was pretty good though. 
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Offline hansolo_506

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2005, 06:31 PM »
When I was in college (eons ago  ::) ), I had one of those lovable loser types of roommates.  He would sit around the apartment drinking diet safeway soda and cheezits most of the day.

He really was a schmuck, but a harmless one, so I didn't mind having him as a roommate.

One day I came home and found a whole bunch of my stuff missing, including my TRUMPET!!!!!!  He comes strolling in later in the day and tells me he needed some quick cash so he had gone to a pawn shop and HOCKED EVERYTHING!

....needless to say..he was gone very soon after that.
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Offline BigDumbWookiee

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2005, 09:33 PM »
My first college roommate was a weird ass. He'd make my bed while I was gone, dust and clean my stuff, and leave "chores" for me to do while he was gone. And he was a prick about it (he'd bitch if I didnt do the list of chores).

Second roommate, total jerk through and through, just your typical idiot that thinks he's funny, when in reality he's just a jackass.

Third roommate was a wrestler, a short little guy just a bit over 5' tall. Absolutely hilarious, a drunk little party animal though. He and I were cool though, we got along pretty well. After he moved out, the rest of college was in a room by myself!
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Offline Ben

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2005, 09:34 PM »
Jeez, I thought mine was bad.

A little update: My idiot roommate hasn't been home for three days. Probably shacked up with some loser. Hopefully she comes to get her **** out of my place and I'll have this nice rent-controlled apartment to myself. That would be great.  :)
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Offline jokabofe

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2005, 11:32 PM »
My last roommate weighed about 450 lbs and had a seriously bad case of B.O.

We shared a small 4 room apartment with 1 closet - which we shared  ::) - and which was in my room. So he felt that since we shared said closet, that entitled him to enter my room at all hours of the day/night/morning/whenever he needed something from the closet. No knocking, or anything like that... regardless of when it was or who I had visiting....

Not to mention that I only put clothes I didn't want to wear in that closet, since the whole thing began to stink like him, 'cause he had all of his clothes - clean and dirty - in there. After a few months I had to move out, simply because my room started to smell like his B.O. with that stench creeping out of the closet, and no amount of air freshner or candles could fix that.

Offline BillCable

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2005, 01:59 AM »
I've only really had one roommate (besides my wife), that was in my first year at college.  He was friendly enough, but I could never get past that he treated his girlfriend very poorly.  She went to a different college, and he cheated on her constantly.  She visited a few times and was the nicest thing you'd ever want to meet.  It was heartbreaking, but I knew it wasn't my place to bring it up, and she never asked.

Oh yeah, the phone was in his name, so I'd pay him a few buck every month for what I owed.  I always paid in cash.  The first month of summer, his mom called my mom and demanded the $180 I never paid in phone bills.  I didn't have anything to prove I paid, so I ended up having to fork it over.  Funny, my bill was never over $30 since I barely made any long-distance calls. 

But there was a happy ending.  He joined a fraternity that was heavily into hazing.  They demanded so much of his time that he failed out both semesters.  He was forced to take a year off, and I don't think he ever came back.  Serves him right.   ;)

My wife, BTW, is a fantastic roommate!
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Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2005, 02:08 AM »
My first and only roommate in university was great, at first.  We got along, shared the chores, had no problems with food, and could even agree on what to watch on TV.  It was all going so great until one day some of my $$ went missing.  Unfortunately, I brought this on myself because he had stolen $$ from another one of my friends a year before that.  I guess since we always got along so well I figured that living together wouldn't be a problem.  But I was wrong. 

I confronted him, but he came up with a lame ass excuse (he heard someone walking around in our apartment while he was having a shower  ::)).  I moved out the next day while he wasn't there - I even took down his posters (but left them for him) that were being hung up with my pins.  That felt good.   ;D

Offline stormtripper

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2005, 12:28 PM »
All my roomates were pot-head's, and I myself was a pot-head so it worked out just fine ;D I lived for nearly 2 years in a Resort Tourist Trap in the Canadian Rockies. I had roomates from ever corner of the globe, we all got high and didn't really establish a set of rules. Our place was always clean, had dishes done. Most of us ate at work as there was a meal plan, and we all were connected in one way or another to the kitchen..
Now I live with my wife and 3 year old son, I am no longer a pot-head and my house is always messy... go figure

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Offline Famine

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2005, 11:42 PM »
One day I came home and found a whole bunch of my stuff missing, including my TRUMPET!!!!!!  He comes strolling in later in the day and tells me he needed some quick cash so he had gone to a pawn shop and HOCKED EVERYTHING!

Did you **** that dude up hardcore? If there's one thing I cant stand, it's a theif. >:(

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Offline Mikey D

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2005, 10:51 AM »
Freshman year of college I was lucky enough to get into the apartment style dorms - full kitchen, etc. and my roommate was pretty cool.  He was an upperclassman and knew all the RA's, so I never got in trouble for drinking and such.  Plus he had a black box, so we paid for basic cable only and got free porn and movie channels.

Sophomore year, I stayed in the same apartment style dorms and a friend moved in.  No problems whatsoever.  We lucked out and actually ended up with the same RA from the previous year, so all was great.  Our room was pretty much the hang out room.  I don't remember much from that year, though.  It's all a blur.  ;)

After my sophomore year, a bunch of us got an off campus apartment.  It was 5 people - 2 guys and 3 girls, one of them my girlfriend and now my wife.  It was great for awhile - drinking, smoking, partying, etc.  Then the personalities started to clash.  Let's just say I'm a stubborn person and so were my friends.  My wife and I moved out after a year to live by ourselves.  I like my friends as friends, but as roommates they suck and I'm sure they'll say the same things about me.

Since then, my wife has been my only "roommate".  Come July, we'll have another one. 
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Offline paploo

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #12 on: February 3, 2005, 12:24 AM »
i used to live with a girl, actually my ex fiance (was my fiance at the time) She complained to me about a couple dishes in the sink...i looked at her and said they have syrup on are the only one who eats pancakes. how the F are you going to complain that i didnt do your dishes
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Offline Ben

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Re: Roommates suck.
« Reply #13 on: February 3, 2005, 01:39 AM »
My roommate is still leaving pans half full of food on the stove. This time, it was macaroni and cheese.

So I took the pan, food and all, and put it on her desk. I was going to dump it out, but I don't want funny stains on the carpet to cost me my deposit when I move out.

It's a good thing these pans are stainless steel, otherwise they'd be ruined.  >:(
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