Author Topic: The Packaging Issue...  (Read 11536 times)

Offline Rob

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2007, 08:27 PM »
Storage for the boxes is tough - I just started collecting GG Mini Busts and they're stacking up quick.  I've got them all crammed into the top shelves of my closet, but pretty soon I'm looking to make space for them up above our bathroom where the A/C compressor is.

As for card backs and all that junk, I saved them for the first 11 years I collected.  I had a huge box full of them.  Last year I recycled them all and never regretted it one bit.  Nowadays I recycle as much of it as I can and trash the rest.

Offline Brian

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #31 on: May 1, 2007, 04:34 PM »
I was going through the rubbermaid bins recently, and thought about this again.  My wife likes me to keep all of my "crap" in one room, our office.  So, in the closet, I have two rubbermaid bins beneath some shelves holding vehicles right now - one has miscellaneous loose figures that have been retired from the displays, and other stuff like that.  The other rubbermaid holds basically packaging.  Cardbacks, a few boxes (evolutions boxes and some others), and a few other things.  What has been taking up the majority of the room in there though is the VOTC/VTSC clamshells (the tape sealed ones) from the ones I opened up.  I like to keep these, thinking it might save me the trouble of picking up Star Cases should I ever want to use any for the few carded figures I keep.  Does anyone else keep these?  If so, how do you store them?  I'm thinking about getting permission to stash them elsewhere in the house, because they take up a lot of room.  Do you throw these away, or keep them, or re-use them in any way?  Man, so much crap :).

Offline solrac

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #32 on: May 1, 2007, 05:11 PM »
can you stack the clams like the star case?. i had to use my guest house to keep my newer stuff. my vintage is the only thing i keep in the house. my advise buy another house and live there, just visit the wife every night to handle  "business".
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Offline Artoo

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #33 on: May 1, 2007, 09:39 PM »
I'm an opener. But, IF I ever find any TAC I may keep the carback. There probably the best packaging Hasbro has ever done. I also like how big the bubble is, reminds me of the days when I collected Palisades stuff.
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Offline JoshEEE

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #34 on: May 5, 2007, 03:56 AM »
Tonight I was moving some stuff around and ended up unpacking more of my Star Wars things.  I was opening some Sideshow statues, and yes...saving the boxes.

These boxes take up HUGE amounts of room, but because these items are worth hundreds each, it seems like I should totally save the box.  If I move, it seems like the best way to protect the piece, sorta like the Gentle Giant stuff.

Anything made by Hasbro though, boxes go right into the recycling.
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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #35 on: May 7, 2007, 05:33 AM »
I am so glad I am not the only one that keeps holding on to this packaging crap... I was thinking I had issues. Well I suppose I might, but if enough people have the same issue its just normal then... :P
I just made a post last night over at RS seeing if anyone wanted all my empty packages before I recycle them... (running out room...they gotta go...)
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Offline Morgbug

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #36 on: May 7, 2007, 11:57 AM »
Cardboard from Hasbro stuff: recycled.
Plastic from Hasbro stuff: recycled.

If it's inexpensive, the peripheral junk gets tossed. 

Boxes from busts, maquettes, sabers, statues: stored.  Like Rob's issue with the GG stuff, this eats up an absolute ton of space. 
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Offline Brian

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #37 on: November 20, 2007, 03:11 PM »
I was listening to a podcast earlier this week (Star Wars Action News) and they were discussing the "keeping of boxes/packaging/junk" issue as well.  I don't keep nearly all of it, and don't have a lot of the "higher end" stuff that many people here do (I can see why people would keep that), but at times it does seem silly to be keeping all of this stuff.  I have a couple GG mini bust boxes, as well as the 12" Sideshow Han box, and some other miscellaneous boxes that I have packed away (in another box) and now stored in our garage (the Mrs. doesn't like it taking up space in the house, which I can understand).  Then, in our office/collection room I have a rubbermaid that is basically packed full of cardbacks, a few boxes (evolutions), and a few miscellaneous things (Order 66 plastic cases).  Then I have a number of vehicle/battle pack boxes flattened out and behind the rubbermaids.  I did get rid of a number of cardbacks awhile back, and mainly have ones from the OTC/VOTC, TSC, and this year's TAC line.  I do like to look at them sometimes, and figure that is why I keep them (to check them out in the future).  Anyways, does anyone still keep their packaging stuff, or are you getting rid of more all the time?

Offline Rob

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2007, 03:47 PM »
Just this weekend I rearranged all those gentle giant boxes - I spent 20 minutes up in my crawlspace moving them all to the back corner - as far out of the way as possible, but there if I ever need them.

Everything else still gets tossed though.

Offline Xander

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2007, 12:04 PM »
Ah, updated thread. I updated my packaging too last year. I had kept boxes and boxes of carefully stacked empties in my attic, but finally just tossed them all in a dumpster. I saved a few in one box, and now I'm just keeping the backing and inserts like a lot of you guys. I slice the bubble off and get rid of the plastic. These cardbacks take up relatively room so its not that much of a hassle. I have them now in a few 10 x 13 envelopes.  I imagine it would be easy to keep these in clear sleeves in a binder.

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #40 on: November 22, 2007, 03:04 AM »
I don't keep any packaging from figures except the cardbacks from the 'vintage' style figures (VOTC, VTSC).  I do however keep all of the boxes for the ships and various higher end pieces for transportation/storage (2 Sideshow statues, 4 Gentle Giant Busts,  3 400% Kubricks, 3 Medicom RAH figures, etc).

Offline JediJman

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #41 on: November 22, 2007, 11:15 PM »
I keep all of my vasic and deluxe figure card backs, dating back to the POTF2 line.  I have doubles of some - anything beyond 2-3 though and I toss them out.  I also save the interior packaging from things like the Battle Packs or Cinema Scenes, but threw away all of their boxes about a year ago.  I would love to have kept them, but I doubt I would ever use them for anything and space is at a premium for me, just like everyone else.
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Offline Brian

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #42 on: December 4, 2007, 03:35 PM »
One of the things I've started to (stupidly) hang onto are some of the battlepack "backgrounds".  I haven't used any of them for anything, but I guess I think I will someday.  That might be something that should just be tossed out though.  I have kept some things from vehicles as well (Zev's Snowspeeder, Dagobah X-Wing, etc.), and some of those don't look too bad.

Offline JediJman

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #43 on: December 4, 2007, 03:38 PM »
One of the things I've started to (stupidly) hang onto are some of the battlepack "backgrounds".  I haven't used any of them for anything, but I guess I think I will someday.  That might be something that should just be tossed out though.  I have kept some things from vehicles as well (Zev's Snowspeeder, Dagobah X-Wing, etc.), and some of those don't look too bad.

I'm holding on to the backgrounds from ships, BPs, Cinema Scenes, etc. as well, but I should probably just toss them.  I've used a few for diorammas, but 95% of them are collecting dust.   :-\
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Offline Brian

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Re: The Packaging Issue...
« Reply #44 on: June 1, 2009, 10:08 AM »
I've been sorting through rubbermaid bins lately, both looking for stuff to sell off and also just condensing things down, and I really have kept/keep a lot of "crap".  It seems you almost forgot what you have stored away until you look through things again.  Anyways, I did toss a lot of inserts/backgrounds/cardbacks, but still hung onto more than I probably should have.  Basically the same question as earlier, but do any of you (thinking of openers I guess) still keep any portions of the packaging?  I think I'd always keep the cardbacks from the OTC/VOTC line, as I really liked those, but I also currently have stuff from the current line(s) that are out - depending on the time.  I keep the inserts too right now (from the most recent line at the time), but I'm not entirely sure why.  With all of the photo reference available online these days, I've often thought about just keeping a carded figure or two from each line and jetting the rest of the cardboard/paper stuff.  I know it drives my wife crazy that I have a storage bin full of essentially "trash", and it does seem silly at times.