Collectibles > The Vintage Collection

Star Wars: 1313 - The Figures

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Jesse James:
This seems like it's going to have a bit of a push to it that goes beyond just the game.  Maybe a book or something, maybe a bit more.  There's already speculation on figures.

Since so little is known about the game right now, I thought I'd just start a thread for any speculation.

The "Imperial Gunship" type thing looks cool but quite sizable...  Not counting on that happening.  One never knows though, I guess.

Isn't the supposed TV show also supposed to be about the same SW theme?  Coruscant underground type scene with bounty hunters?

Jesse James:
That's the word. ;)  I made sure and mention that last night about this when it was revealed.  There seems a likely tie-in there.  Part of me would be surprised if they made the TV show about a completely unknown character as the main focus, but stranger things have happened with SW I guess.

I'm skeptical on the game's success, but I'm geeked for new figures from it.  Especially since it is apparantly Empire-era stuff, not PT and whatnot.  Gives me a little hope that the figures will fill out any diorama quite nicely.

I'd probably end up buying any cool looking villains or bounty hunters... But with this being an OT era game, I'm sure Hasbro will find a way to sneak a few Vaders and Palpatines into the line. ::)


--- Quote from: Diddly on June  1, 2012, 02:26 PM ---I'd probably end up buying any cool looking villains or bounty hunters... But with this being an OT era game, I'm sure Hasbro will find a way to sneak a few Vaders and Palpatines into the line. ::)

--- End quote ---

While it was annoying that Vader and Sidious re-releases got squeezed into the Force Unleashed toy offerings a few years ago, considering that the Vader/Wookie set was based on the 1st level and in the final level, after beating Vader, you fight Sidious, those figures weren't so bad.

Now if they had put a repack of Maul in the line simply because Proxy assumes Maul's visage, then yeah, I would have said that totally was a cash grab.


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