
Community => Watto's Junk Yard => Topic started by: Scott on January 13, 2004, 04:50 PM

Title: Oak Island Treasure
Post by: Scott on January 13, 2004, 04:50 PM
My buddy gets me the Rolling Stone magazine every year for Christmas and the latest issue has a really interesting article on the mystery treasure of Oak Island.  The island is situated off the coast of Nova Scotia.

A series of digs and booby traps, neat engineering features and the like are riddled throughout the island.  There are theories that Pirates in the late 1500 buried Spanish plunder there, also the FreeMasons buried the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail there and there is also a theory that proves that Sir Francis Bacon wrote all of Shakespeare's play and not Bill S.

This sort of all plays on the Goonies theme of finding lost treasure but I thought it was a cool read even though the whole thing might be bull
Title: Re: Oak Island Treasure
Post by: hansolo_506 on January 13, 2004, 05:18 PM
I have seen two or three different TV shows on the Oak Island Treasure.  Quite interesting stuff.  I doubt they will ever reach what ever may be down there because of all the booby traps.  Everytime they think they get closer, the pit fills up with cold sea water from unseen tunnels drill through the island.

In fact, the last big expedition to try and reach the bottom of the treasure pit had to quit do to lack of funds.

The treasure pit has become a money pit for many people trying.
Title: Re: Oak Island Treasure
Post by: Scott on January 13, 2004, 09:23 PM
Yeah, I'm intrigued...especially by the Holy Grail talk, like a modern day Last Crusade.  I highly recommend spending some time at the local bookstore and at least reading the article, the rest of the magazine is crapola