
Community => Watto's Junk Yard => Topic started by: Pistol Pete on June 14, 2004, 03:19 PM

Title: Coke C2
Post by: Pistol Pete on June 14, 2004, 03:19 PM
Anyone tried this new stuph yet? Had it yesterday and its not to bad.  A mixture of Diet Coke and Coke its a lot less sweet than the regular and you can sorta taste the aftertaste of Diet.  I think there was around 150 calories in a 20 oz bottle which is a ton less than regular 20 oz (around 300)
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: JediMAC on June 14, 2004, 03:22 PM
Yuck.  I'll pass.  Coke sucks anyway.

Pepsi for me, thanks!   8)
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Pistol Pete on June 14, 2004, 03:24 PM
Oh, then perhaps you'll be interested in the Pepsi Edge that is also coming out real soon, same idea in that its a mix of Pepsi and Diet Pepsi so the sugar content is way lower and hence the calories
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: DSJ™ on June 14, 2004, 03:26 PM
Coke, straight up. None of that diet crap for me.

Pepsi sucks!  :P
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Pistol Pete on June 14, 2004, 03:28 PM
I prefer Coke too, and will drink the leaded version on occasion, can't let the ladies catch me with a Coke Gut though so its usually Diet for me :-[
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: MisterPL on June 14, 2004, 04:22 PM
"C2?" Never heard of it. Sounds like crap. In fact, I'm sure "C2" means "Crap, too."

I'd like the ORIGINAL Coca-Cola™ classic back, please. (And NO, it's not that stuph they label "Classic" today. I'm talking about the GOOD stuph they marketed before that "New" Coke fiasco. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that bait & switch tactic.)
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Angry Ewok on June 14, 2004, 04:30 PM
Pepsi sucks. Have they ever put out a product that wasn't Coke's idea first? I don't know the history of cola but it certainly seems Pepsi takes a Coke idea and ruins it.
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: SilverZ on June 14, 2004, 05:00 PM
There were little Coke-shirted people in the local grocery store yesterday pimping C2. They seem to be not only proclaiming its low-cal-ness but also its lower carbs. I wish the low-carb people would just go away.

Don't get me started on my theory of Pepsi being evil - because it is, and I have a theory on it. I haven't had a Pepsi in over 12 years.
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Durge on June 14, 2004, 05:08 PM
Anyone tried this new stuph yet? Had it yesterday and its not to bad.  A mixture of Diet Coke and Coke its a lot less sweet than the regular and you can sorta taste the aftertaste of Diet.  I think there was around 150 calories in a 20 oz bottle which is a ton less than regular 20 oz (around 300)

I'm hooked on Vanilla Coke and that's all I drink if I want some pop. Do they still call it pop?
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Ben on June 14, 2004, 06:20 PM
We still call it 'pop' in Iowa, though some will argue we're a little behind everyone else in regards to just about everything.
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: jokabofe on June 14, 2004, 07:03 PM
i thought this thread was about them serving coke at c2. since i didn't attend, i figured it could have been. i'm hoping they have pepsi at c3 tho, since i despise coke and all coke products.
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Scott on June 15, 2004, 10:50 AM
Just tried it, its OK, I agree can really tell the mix of Diet and Regular Coke in the taste, not something I'll be drinking regularly

My question though, there is a sweetener called Splenda that I've been using in my coffee for a couple of years now.  It tastes just like sugar and has zero calories.  Diet Rite has been using it for a year or so now and it tastes dang good.  Why don't Coke and Pepsi start using that in their Diet Pops???
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Morgbug on June 15, 2004, 11:57 AM
Probably because one or the other, or both, own some shares in Aspartame, or at least get some financial return on it.  There might also be some other issues in terms of mixing with carbonated beverages that may alter the taste of things.  

I much prefer Coke over Pepsi, at least the regular versions.  But I will say that Diet Pepsi has a less aspartame-y after taste than does Diet Coke.  Since I'm mostly unleaded these days, I tend to grab DP more than DC.  I had a regular coke yesterday though and enjoyed it immensely.

I just want to know why Pepsi cannot advertise their products with out having some reference to coke?  Oh sure, they're funny as all get out, but really.  
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Scott on June 15, 2004, 12:21 PM
I know it will alter the taste and for the better I would guess.  Should make it a sugary taste instead of the aspertame.  I don't mind it anymore but the #1 reason I hear from people who don't drink Diet Pop is the taste.  I understand them and I think they should do something about it
Title: Re: Coke C2
Post by: Morgbug on June 15, 2004, 12:46 PM
I agree, it was the hardest thing about making the switch, the after taste.  About the only things I can drink are diet pepsi, diet gingerale and diet iced tea.  

As far as addiction goes, I don't know what they do to diet Dr. Pepper, but it is unreal.  I love that stuff, no tinny after taste and it's great.  I was in heaven when I was in Cincinnati, diet Dr. Pepper in all shapes and sizes and I found it everywhere.  Not so up here, only 12 oz cans and only in grocery stores.  Only the occasional gas station carries single cans.  No bottles to be had anywhere.  This is pretty much all I drink for pop at home.  Yum.