
Collectibles => Past Hasbro 3.75" Lines => Revenge of the Sith => Topic started by: CHEWIE on March 11, 2005, 03:12 PM

Title: Patience...
Post by: CHEWIE on March 11, 2005, 03:12 PM
...I have 4 figures so far thanks to a trade, the Grievous Wheelbike that I found, and a Mace Windu on the way.

It's damn hard not getting other stuff early by overpaying for it, because it is out there if you want to buck up.  So far I've been pretty good... but there is a collector show in my area on Sunday that I might go to.  I bet there will be some ROTS stuff there, but it might be a bit pricey. 

How is everyone else doing with their patience?

Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Famine on March 11, 2005, 03:16 PM
I'm starting to itch...every time I pass a retail store I want to tuck and roll out the door, and sprint for the Toy isle. :-[

Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Morgbug on March 11, 2005, 03:41 PM
Where have I heard this before? :-[

I'm on the cusp of ruining my plan.  I found the first 12 and opened 7 (the magnificent seven?) so far.  I'm trying very hard to resist with the others. 
Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: DoctorPadawan on March 11, 2005, 03:42 PM
I actually consider myself to be very lucky in what I have found so far.  Sure, it's "only" the Tri-Fighter, Obi-Wan Jedi Starfighter, and Grievous Wheel Bike, but that's already three more things than I thought I'd be finding early this time around. 

I did not find any Episode I merchandise prior to May 3, 1999, and even the rampant leaks of AOTC stuff did not enable me to get more than Happy Meal Threepio at a K-Mart on April 21, 2002.  I honestly thought that I would be empty-handed on ROTS stuff until 04/02/2005 as well, but that just goes to show that when you're not worried about it, then you will probably have more luck finding it.

That said, this lull has given me time to try and complete my Unleashed collection, and with the vehicles out of the way (for the most part), I won't feel like nearly as big of a nerd as I usually do walking through a Wal-Mart at 1 AM with a cart full of toys as I did for Episodes I and II. :)

On a completely unrelated note, any word on the release date for the soundtrack yet?
Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Brian on March 11, 2005, 03:47 PM
I'll admit, its getting tough with all the great pics (and now the full 56 poster today) we've been seeing, as well as hearing about leaks all across the country.  I'd really like to pick up some things early, but I don't think I'd pay more than retail for it at this point...I can wait it out (although they can show up any time now).  Our area has been devoid of "leaks" aside from the Galactic Heroes (which I picked up), but I keep checking for the figures/ships.  I'll probably pick up anything I can find early, just to lessen the blow for April 2.  I really didn't find much early either for the other prequels.  For TPM, I was actually working at a retail store (Pamida...subsidiary of Shopko), so I was actually able to do the "set up" for the toys the night before, and purchased 8 I believe.  That was my first foray back into collecting for the most part.  For AOTC I found the Jedi Starfighter at K-Mart early, although it was sort of a "sneak preview" of sorts I think...several people found it if I remember correctly.  That said, I haven't been nearly as "psyched" for a new movie line (with TPM and AOTC) as I am for this one.  Really looking forward to the movie, and the figures, ships, etc. that go along with it! :)
Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Morgbug on March 11, 2005, 03:57 PM
It's fun, but I definitely would not be paying more than retail.  I think Jared said so elsewhere - a lot of collection 1 (first 12) are pretty craptastic.

The clone is fine for what it is - an SA clone with no waist articulation and an action feature.  A better one is coming but this one isn't so bad. 

Vader fits the craptastic mode.  The cape is nice, the action feature renders it completely unposeable :-\

Chewie is huge.  Small compared to the preview wookie warrior but he absolutely towers over the Mynock hunt Chewie.  The paint is off and he's got toes :-\

Mace - the more I look at this head sculpt, the more I like him.  It's just got Jackson attitude :P  The action feature made me laugh and you can still kind of pose him.  I'm happy to have this one.

The Emperor's action feature is innocuous enough.  The head is removeable and the sculpt is nice.  He's cool. 

The battle droid, R2, Grievous and the bodyguard I'm pretty sure I'll return.  I'm really torn here though - I have them in hand, why give them up?  That's fighting with get them on clearance or loose down the road. 

Anakin and Obi are tough - I think these are two figures kids (if there are any buying these) will want, so I'm not so sure whether these will make clearance or not. 
Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Pete_Fett on March 11, 2005, 04:17 PM
I'm definitely getting anxious myself....

I too have the three vehicles - Grevious' Wheelbike, Obi-Wan's Starfighter and Tri-Droid Fighter.

Believe it or not - my biggest hope right now is to stumble across simply the first Anakin and Obi-Wan figures - so I can open them and put them behind the controls of their starfighters. That's really all the big kid in me feels the need to have THIS MINUTE.

Sure I'd love to find even more stuff than that. But I already have to go out on April 2nd to grab the Target and TRU exclusive gifts with purchase figures.

Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: CHEWIE on March 11, 2005, 04:27 PM
Heh heh... right now my most wanted figures are Agen Kolar, Ki Adi Mundi and Kit Fisto... and two Red Guards.

Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Darby on March 11, 2005, 08:45 PM
I think I can wait.  I think.  I'd sure buy them if I found them, but so far it's only been the ships and little GH guys around here.  I have my heart set on that new Obi Pilot though.  Can't wait for him.

On 4/2 I'm most looking forward to: Dooku, Padme, Agen Kolar, AT TE Gunner, Tarrful, Anakin Robes, Obi Wan Jedi Kick, Clone Pilot, and... oh, all of 'em.
Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: MetalJedi on March 11, 2005, 09:31 PM
I have one figure besides the sneak preview and thats an Obi Wan. In a few weeks we'll all see a plethora of figures. I can wait till then.
Title: Re: Patience...
Post by: Diddly on March 11, 2005, 11:21 PM
I only have 3 of the Sneek figs (can't find the Astro droid), and I'm REALLY starting to get anxious after seeing all of the Collection 2 figs. Collection 1 I'm not so stoked about.