
Community => Other Toy Lines => Topic started by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 03:15 PM

Title: Articulation: How Do You Feel About It?
Post by: Brian on June 25, 2004, 03:15 PM
I was originally going to post this in the Marvel thread, but it covers other lines as well.  Hope this is ok.  After reading one of MisterPL's posts over at GH, it kind of got me to thinking about articulation.  He was talking about how some Marvel Legends figures almost end up looking like marionettes with the insane amount of articulation, and I can kind of see what he means.  I guess I was curious what some of you thought about articulation, how much do you like, does it depend on the source (Star Wars, Marvel, military, etc.), is there too much in some situations?  How do you feel about it?

For me, I've always kind of liked articulation.  It doesn't have to be "extreme" for me, but I like it better than statue-like figures.  My favorite forms of articulation are on figures that it is either well hidden, or it doesn't seem to detract from the sculpt too much.  In the Star Wars world, examples of this would be what we have seen from the VOTC, as well as figures like the SA Clonetrooper..and even the Dannl Faytonni type figures.  Also with Star Wars, I don't care if they are all super articulated, just the ones that make sense (main character versions, army builder figs).  I don't need super crazy articulated Dexter Jettster or Orn Free Ta.  Toy Biz seems to usually be setting the bar as far as high articulation counts, in both their Marvel and Lord of the Rings lines, and often it works out pretty well.  They do have some that there might almost be too much at points, and others where it is used pretty well.  Another problem I sometimes have with all the articulation in Toy Biz figures, is that it seems some of my Legends figures (as well as my movie Spidey) have gotten kind of loose in spots, and it isn't because they are moved around much.  I basically take them out of the package, put them in a pose, and set them up....every once in a great while I might change it up, but not often.  Anyways, I guess it sounds like a "middle of the road" answer...I do like articulation, when used well, but I don't have to have 50 points of articulation to be happy.  Sometimes it is neat to see what points they can include, but in some instances they aren't necessary.  Anyways, what is your opinion on much do you like, how much is too much, or is there ever too much?
Title: Re: Articulation: How Do You Feel About It?
Post by: Ben on June 25, 2004, 04:33 PM
I feel Toy Biz overdoes it on the ML line. I really don't think a 6" figure needs 40 points of articulation, especially if some joints move when you don't want them to.
Title: Re: Articulation: How Do You Feel About It?
Post by: Darby on June 25, 2004, 11:08 PM
I agree.  There is a point when it becomes too much.   I think with SW it's a case of usually not having enough.  They do a great job mostly, and I'd like to see a little more uniform articulation across the line.
Title: Re: Articulation: How Do You Feel About It?
Post by: Jesse James on June 26, 2004, 12:34 AM
Articulation's part of toys, and being that toys are what I want to collect I say the more the better GENERALLY.  The Marvel line I'm familiar with enough, but I generally don't collect them.

This figure, to me, is close to perfection...  Hasbro's SA Clone or Durge MAYBE best this though, with their VERY excellent use of Ball/socket joints.  Unfortunately where 21st excels Hasbro doesn't, and where Hasbro excels 21st doeosn't.


To me, the SW line's severely lacking in this single area more than any other.  Rubbery accessories are dealt with, absurd distribution's a fact of life, oversaturation's been with us since vintage days.  Articulation is an area they just are reluctant to tread.

21st's figures are incredibly poseable (as are BBI's) and look AMAZING displayed.  Truly impressive little pieces of plastic, and even with pre-posed interchangeable arms they really add a dynamic there for "static pose" collectors.

Bottom line though, articulation is the #1 area that makes a toy, and more focused an action figure, a truly fun item to play with.  The popularity of poseable toy lines should be a guide for all toy lines...  G.I. Joe, Marvel, LOTR, Stikfas (and similar), BBI Elite Force, 12" military lines, etc...  

Lots to learn from there.  I'd love to see Hasbro wind up doing figures in their SW line as well as the SA Clone or Deluxe Durge were (or VOTC's).  Incredible sculpting, articulation, and deco all in one.  Keep salt shaker senators and the like, but go all-out on the rest.  

I'd even like a more dramatically posed side-line alongside the poseable basic line at the same time.  Like Unleashed, but in more "realistic" poses and in the same 3.75" scale.  A 3.75" Han running (circa DS Escape) looks a LOT more fun for specific dioramas when you've got VOTC Han to pose however you want and play with.
Title: Re: Articulation: How Do You Feel About It?
Post by: evenflow on June 26, 2004, 02:12 PM
Honestly, I like a nuetral pose with standard articulation. I think ML over does it a little.