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Messages - JangoTat

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 65 66 67 [68] 69 70 71 72 73 ... 81
30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Force Unleashed Line Unveiled
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:47 PM »
Omg i female star wars figure that isnt Leia!  :o

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TOY FAIR 2007
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:46 PM »
figure ^^^^ looks pretty decent

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Sith Infiltrator
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:45 PM »
The queens starship was awsome.

"BUT it was not too scale!!!!!!!!!!!" ::)
just kidding

i did end up seeing a lot of the Star ship at clearance factories for like $20. My uncle bought me one for christmas when that happened :) But i do understand that it would be hard for hasbro to make to scale vehicles. It star wars some of these things are damn big.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Force Unleashed Line Unveiled
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:37 PM »
*Drools* oooohhhhhhhaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

the clones look pretty wierd...but cool kinda wierd. the guard just looks like a repaint.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TOY FAIR 2007
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:34 PM »
The ship looks WAY to small for my liking. But I was never looking forward to it anyways.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TRU exclusive Bantha & Rancor?
« on: February 10, 2007, 05:30 PM »
well I don't have the Bantha. But $45 American which would be like $50 or more Canadian ( I'm just throwing a guess) is not worth it. They better be packing in a couple of tuskens and tent. But if they did that it would be more like a BP so they will probably just give us the Bantha and 1 tusken to go with it. :-\ Hasbro will find a way to ***** us over.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Customs by Fritzkrieg Update 02-08-2007
« on: February 10, 2007, 12:59 PM »
The new republic figure looks pretty good. I think his chest looks a little bulky BUT it must be friggin cold for the guys working in snow so im sure its supposed to be padding of some sort  ;).

overall good job looking forward to see more from you.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Recent 30AC Purchases
« on: February 9, 2007, 08:05 PM »
Is it me, or is this a new practice for Canada to get figures so far ahead of the US?

Maybe. But is it just me or does the States tend to get more figures and waves of figures that Canada never sees? ::)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 1 - Revenge of the Sith
« on: February 7, 2007, 10:11 PM »
I officially Hate WM.

 Me " hey i came by this morning and asked if you had any Star wars figures in stock  and was told to come by at around 9:30 at night because they would be stocking then. I was wondering if you can help me find a box. ( there was huge piles of boxes..of toys of course... in the toy aisles)

Customer service person/  : oh i cant help you with that ask the toy employee

Me: i was actually told to come to customer service because the box i was looking for was supposed to be still in the back and they didn't have a key to open the doors. I was told you can help. Can you maybe check the computers to see if you have the items in the back?

Customer service: oh i cant help you with that. thats day staffs job we cant use the computers.

Me: But you were just using it for the person in front of me :S

Customer service: oh wait we don't have any (didn't even check the computers) Have a nice day.

and she just left me standing there.

Then maybe an hour before that at another WM i had asked a manager if they had any in stock and i was told they had never ordered any of the new star wars figures and were not ordering them till next month WHEN there was still R2 and Obi on the shelf. I wonder how they could have gotten there then :|

Then i asked another employee of the same store and they said they had only ordered 1 box of the new figures WHEN there was 4 obis and 3 R2's on the shelf. correct me if I'm wrong but last time i checked there wasn't 4 obis a box.

So i now HATE WM. Their idiotic ways are beyond belief.

Collections / Re: Jesse's Collection
« on: February 7, 2007, 04:25 PM »

amazing i love your collection.

For me i Plan on getting:

Vader x1(never got that version of vader before.
Marine x5
Lava Miner x0 (still thinking on this one)
R2 x1 (i noticed i only have 1 R2 soooo i need one more)
SBD x3
Obi x0
Mace x1
Airborne Trooper x3
Concept trooper x2 (one to open, and one to keep carded)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC "Vintage" Figures Thread
« on: February 3, 2007, 10:45 AM »
^^^^^   Hey theres nothing wrong with short people. ;)

..Well im getting 3 figures from this wave for my birthday...Which i dont know But i DO know im getting 3 different ones :s

im just happy because they are finally around My area Ontario (where? well you dont NEED to know). im sure they will hit the states soon. after all we havent gotten a new wave of figures in over a month you guys just got a new wave (wave 9? i believe) But either way our cardbacks suck  >:(

Where does he live?

Like stated above. Ontario Canada. only Wm are being hit though...which was also stated above....

My friend told me they have hit the wm near his house. looks like im on the hunt.

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