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Messages - JoshEEE

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4 stereos in 4 different locations.  None in the hood.  

I had a car stereo stolen in broad daylight in the parking lot at a Lake while I was water skiing. It was back when I drove a convertible, and I had been courteous enough to leave the alarm that if someone bumped it, it wouldn't be going off while I was off on the water.

Someone slashed the top, stole my speakers (but left everything else of value in the car) and put the top back up.

So that's a big pet peeve for me. Spineless pussies that mess with another man's automobile.  >:(

Newbies / Re: Invasion of the NEWBIE kind!!
« on: June 5, 2003, 03:09 PM »
Welcome man!!! Your up in Josh EEE's neck of the woods.  Where is he???

Welcome to another from the Great Northwest. Are you also a member of the SSWS?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Coca Cola Classic - Caffeine Free?
« on: June 5, 2003, 12:41 PM »
You know, Diet Soda, or Caffeine free's just never appealed to me.

I don't drink it that much, but when I do....I drink it because it tastes good, and has that sugar rush. Same thing with coffee.

I don't think I'll be trying the de-crackinated coke anytime soon.

come on.  These are economy cars that sell for what, about $11 K US and guys are dropping the same amount for stereos and customizing the body?  I simply don't get it.

While I think modifying the family sedan to look like an indy car is both pathetic AND silly (buy a real sports car, boys)...I do believe that an awesome stereo is a neccesity whether you are driving a BMW or a Pinto.

While it's silly to exceed the stereo/car value ratio, I admit that I had a 1200 dollar stereo in my 800 dollar Ford Escort back in the day.  :)

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Sammy Sosa busted with a CORKED bat!
« on: June 4, 2003, 06:21 PM »
I was at the gym at lunch, and although there was no sound, it appeared that on ESPN, they were sawing through some of his bats "Live". I wonder what they found.

I don't think they should ban him from anything until there is more research done. Guilty until proven innocent seems to be the way things are going though.

I'm not a Cub's fan, but I believe the guy should get the benefit of the doubt. If they find out this is a regular thing for him, then by all means...throw the book at him, make an example of him, but not before they have proof.

I know it's probably unlikely...but it COULD just be an honest mistake. I doubt it...but maybe.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: hey, are you a star wars fan?
« on: June 4, 2003, 06:18 PM »
I used to think I was, until I met my girlfriend. She read the EU books, and knows all the supporting characters names in the movies and such. I felt humbled. Then I joined the Seattle Star Wars Society, and got schooled yet again by all these costumed folks from the 501st.

Now I just realize I'm someone with a really freakin' huge toy collection, and that's about my only bragging right in the Star Wars world.  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Should I...
« on: June 4, 2003, 06:13 PM »
Nah. I really don't care about the profanity thing. I am specifically referring to the trading rules, as they really affect this Simpsons Collector. They also affect me because I've bought a few things that weren't Star Wars from other folks there.

They've refused to talk about it anymore, and they ban people who make a stink (like Jango Fettish).

That to me is not cool.

It seems like a lot of people I liked chatting with are absent, or over here, so I don't see why I should hang out there.

As for what I'm doing with all that spare time, well, work has been a little busier, but I've also taken up playing Joust on a bit.

I bet I'm better than all y'alls.   ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Should I...
« on: June 4, 2003, 02:44 PM »
My posting severely dropped off over since these new rules started coming into effect.

I thought about posting an "I'm leaving" thread, or something asking what's the deal with the sudden influx of all the new (and harsh) rules....but I don't see what good it would do.

I've just stopped posting there almost completely, which is no small feat considering I spent all day at work there most every day for a LOOOOOONG time.

Instead,  I've just found other ways to screw around during the day when I'm bored.

I can tell you that my girlfriend won something on Ebay back in April, and she JUST got it last week.

Think of the person overseas as being an irresponsible U.S. bidder (someone who waits 2 weeks or more to pay you) and then add on 2 or 3 weeks for travel time. Then you have the maximum allowable threshold.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Behold: The Language Police
« on: June 4, 2003, 01:08 PM »
LMAO!!! This reminds me of the movie "Judge Dredd" where in that portrayed future society they had machines installed that actually fined you if you swore.

Wasn't the movie you're thinking of Demolition Man?   ;)

Yeah....this sucks, and I wonder where it's going to end. I mean...eventually, this whole vanilla politically correct way of life is going to have to come to an end. When you have women suing men for asking them out more than once, lawsuits for discussions about Seinfeld or Howard Stern, all sorts of words becoming taboo on a regular basis....eventually it has to stop.

I just wonder what the last straw will eventually be.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Sammy Sosa busted with a CORKED bat!
« on: June 4, 2003, 01:06 PM »
I'm more interested in finding out what they find with the boxes of his bats that they confiscated. I mean....if NONE of them are corked, his story might just check out. Or at least be a little easier to swallow.

However, if they find another one....that's when he'll be beyond redemption in most people's eyes, including my own.

You know, it's not like a corked bat will enable you to hit 500 home runs, otherwise, we'd have a LOT more people with that milestone these days.

But it still looks bad, and I have a feeling they're going to make an example of him over the next few weeks.

He already had all the records he could ever hope for.....I don't know why he'd be so stupid as to do something like this on purpose.

Much better ending than last season. When Nate was driving drunk in the car with his Father in the passenger seat and Lisa in the backseat, I kept hoping they didn't end it there with another stupid "Will he die?" Cliffhanger. I swear they did that last season for contract negotiation reasons or something.

This ending was much better. He visited Brenda, but she's got something new with someone else brewing, could be interesting again next season.

I also really liked how the title of the show was Lisa Fisher, but at the END of the show instead of the beginning like it always is. Interesting twist.

Rico's storyline is interesting. I'm glad they're bringing him into the forefront at least a little. They focus too much on the Fishers, and it's nice that they spent a little time branching out. After all, he's a partner now....

I thought at first that the baby in the cemetary was another baby Lisa had had or something, until my girlfriend pointed out that the baby was Claire's. I don't know how I missed that at first, but it was kind of odd to go there I thought.

I wonder what they're going to do with that freaky kid next season. He seemed dissapointed that Ruth got married, maybe he'll leave...or become a psycho or something. Not that he isn't pretty weird already.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Star Wars references in other movies?
« on: June 1, 2003, 05:05 PM »
Hmmmm...that's a parody of Star Wars though, so I don't know if it counts. If it does, then all the Fan Films should count too.  :)

However, that did remind me of another one.

DUDE where's my car. There's the guy who only talks like Yoda.   :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: My Displaying Dilemma
« on: June 1, 2003, 04:23 PM »
Yup. Those are the pics I remembered. I think your display is REALLY cool, and a great way to co-mingle (If you have the space) but my SW room is a lot smaller....and I just don't think I could pull that off.

BTW....if you look at that last shot, you can REALLY see how those Simpsons figures stick out. I can't imagine how much that would be amplified in an even smaller space like mine.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: My Displaying Dilemma
« on: June 1, 2003, 02:56 PM »
Wasn't it OCB who just had the giant toy room, with all kinds of stuff in there? It looked really cool on separate shelves.  I thought about doing that with my Star Wars and Simpsons, but opted to keep them separate in the end.

Flourescent tones just don't "Go" with the Star Wars universe.

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