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Messages - BobaShek

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rank the Star Wars movies!
« on: May 17, 2003, 08:53 PM »
...OMG! Me too! Seriously! :D

Newbies / Re: The dark one,he is fat...
« on: May 17, 2003, 05:11 PM »
Welcome, Dark_Count_Fatty! Hope you have a great time here! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
« on: May 14, 2003, 09:34 PM »
I'm afraid my heritage isn't as complex as yours, OCB,  but here it is:

1/2 Armenian
1/2 Italian

I'm an Armalian. :P

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: PS2 Clones Wars worth the $40?
« on: May 11, 2003, 09:12 AM »
I just bought it used a couple weeks ago for 30 bucks, and I kinda like it. It's no Rogue Squadron, but for 30 bucks, I got what I paid for (Unlike most of you ;)).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How Many States Have You Been To?
« on: May 9, 2003, 04:11 PM »
To be honest, I don't think I've ever been outside of New England:

New Hampshire
Rhode Island

...damnit, only five?! ;D

So what's on tap for the big day Michael?

Generally my birthday celebrations are fairly low-key. For instance, I decided not to tell anyone at school, as they have a habit of wanting to sing "Happy Birthday" to people really loud, and really off-key. ;)

To be quite honest, I haven't even decided what I want as a present from my parents. Maybe I'll just ask for some money, and wait 'till I see something I truly want. ;D

Anyhow, thanks a bunch, guys! You're all far too kind. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Your pocket knife -
« on: May 5, 2003, 02:53 PM »
...Since when was it mandatory to carry a knife?! ;)

I will say that I don't have one, but I think it'd be cool to get one. :P

Newbies / Re: I Love a Parade!
« on: May 2, 2003, 07:01 PM »
Welcome to JD, Muftak! I'm sure you'll have a great time here. ;D

Other Collectibles / Re: PEZ dispensers
« on: April 30, 2003, 09:19 PM »
I have all of the SW PEZ(no rehashes, though :P) and I don't really care about the value, whatever it may be. Like Matt said, they're unique. Also, it's the only SW collectible that I can be sure I'll have the complete collection of. ;)

I just leave them loose:


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What would YOU be interested in seeing?
« on: April 28, 2003, 05:59 PM »
I'm not sure if it's do-able, but it'd be cool if we had a Star Wars role-playing game here. We started a LOTR one over at JF, and it's quite entertaining. Just a suggestion, though. :)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: 2 Sets from the OT in SW III
« on: April 27, 2003, 04:56 PM »
If the cantina was one of the sets, it would be a sensible setting for the Chewie cameo. :)

I wasn't able to go to C2, much to my dismay, but C3 will be different. For one, thing, I'll have my license, so I'm gonna get there no matter what! :)

Newbies / Re: I have arrived, but everyone please stay calm!
« on: April 25, 2003, 11:56 PM »
Hmm...I can't really add much more than has already been said, so welcome! ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Shower From Hell...
« on: April 25, 2003, 10:32 AM »
You know things have gone to hell when kids actually want to go to school. ;)

Newbies / Re: Greetings Earthlings
« on: April 9, 2003, 06:38 PM »
Sorry for the belated welcome, CC, but...well, welcome! ;D

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