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Messages - obi-dad

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: Defender Wishlists 2006: A New Hope
« on: April 11, 2006, 06:09 PM »
Is this closing on April 14th?  I can't stand the suspense!

they need to redo the Target exclussive Tie with corrected wings (preferably with a more reasonable price point).  I totally missed them first time around and did not even see one.  I'd be all for that!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: March 19, 2006, 11:45 PM »
If Yarna wins I'll be pissed. A six-breasted ugly fat dancer. Great toy. Little Billy will just love to play with a six-breasted ugly fat dancer. And why would anyone want Padme Funeral? A figure of a corpse. Little Billy will just love it.

Personally, I voted for Yarna.  If people were all that concerned that fat and ugly figures not get made, we'd never have a Jabba or Rancor keeper figure.  As far as I'm concerned, I hope they all get made.  I won't buy a single EU figure myself, but if it keeps the line alive and the figures don't peg-warm, then I'm all for that.  I've forgotten most of the list, but the only figure I'm really excited to see is Hermi.  I'd much rather see any of the top 10 from  the three 2004 Defender Wishlists for the OT movies get made than at least 90% of the figures on the poll.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2006 Results
« on: March 19, 2006, 05:03 PM »
Wow...  seeing those 30 figures just underscores how much I no longer care about PT figures.  I'm probably more excited about getting the Lars clan than any of the others and I know the Lars clan is boring to most.  I would buy the  SA, obi, qui, mace, and jango, plus the padmes, but I'm not sure about any of the others.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 4 Out of 6 Waves Already Out?
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:57 PM »
Yeah... I've been wondering the same thing for a while now.  I keep searching for news or pics on EE's website for a new wave.  It's all good though... until I have a better cashflow, they can stay away from all the army builders that need SA sculpting

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:26 PM »
Holy Cr@p, Batman!  I don't think Chewie's reply was to your comment Jesse.  I was going to stay out of all the various forums for a simple fan choice figure.  Darth Slothus, you can't be serious here???  Sorry to call you out, but your post was totally out of line for someone that has been around long enough to post 1200+ posts.  Kevin's post was all in good fun and I found it amusing.  I'm not using my vote for EU, cuz that's just not me, but I understand why any EU fan would.  If I was creative enough and one of the choices stood out enough for me to rally support, I'd hope I could come up with something like that for my "candidate".

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Defender Wishlists 2006: A New Hope
« on: March 18, 2006, 09:43 PM »
Original post from OTC 2004 Wishlist:

1.  Resculpt R5-D4
2.  General Tagge
3.  Colonel Wolf Yolaren
4.  Garven Dreis - Red Leader
5.  Bom Vimdin
6.  Hem Dazon
7.  CZ-3
8.  Brainiac
9.  Bannis Keeg  -Duros - (I know, but I'm not a good customizer).
10.  LIN Mining Droid/Wed15-1662 Treadwell Droid 2-Pack (I know, but these guys are too small for a single pack).

Close, but didn't quite make the list (& resculpts & other forum members great ideas I totally love):

Resculpt Grand Moff Tarkin
Resculpt Kitik Keed'kak with corrected paint application
Resculpt Beru Lars
Resculpt Owen Lars
Han & Luke super articulated stormtrooper
Super Articulated Death Star Trooper
Super Articulated Rebel Fleet Trooper
Biggs/Wedge (X-Wing Pilot)(resculpts heads same bodys)
Davish "Pops" Krail - Gold 5 (Gold Leader style)
Elis Helrot (Givins)
Rebel Technician

This time is even tougher to pick than last... I want at least 20!

1.  LIN Mining Droid/Wed15-1662 Treadwell Droid 2-Pack (from Jawa sale of the droids scene)
2.  General Tagge
3.  Colonel Wolf Yolaren
4.  CZ-3
5.  Bom Vimdin (Advose)
6.  Brainiac
7.  SA Luke Stormtrooper (proportionately sized)
8.  SA Han Stormtrooper
9.  SA Death Star Trooper
10. Grand Moff Tarkin resculpt

Again, I had an increadibly hard time picking, (as if my list was going straight to Hasbro!!!   :D)  My only way I ended up doing this was to leave all resculpts off the list and pick never before made figures.  [O.K.... maybe I'm putting too much thought into this.  I've just edited the list my 2nd time and ended up adding my desired resculpts to the above list, which were originally only new figures.]  The main other figures I wanted on the list are:

a).  Elis Helrot (Givins)
b).  Bannis Keeg (Other Duros)
c).  Chief Bast
d).  Dice Ibegon (Lamproid)
e).  resculpt of Owen Lars (with charred Owen skeleton accessory)
f).   SA Rebel Fleet Trooper
g).  resculpts of Ceremonial Han & Luke
h).  Wioslea (how did I leave that off?)
i).   Tonnika Sister 2 pack (knew everyone else would take care of them on the final list for me).
j).   While we are at it for Owen, a resculpt of Beru Lars (again, with charred Beru skeleton accessory)
k).  resculpt of Garven Dreis - Red Leader (done like Dutch Vander)
l).   Davish "Pops" Krail - Gold 5 (Dutch Vander style)
m).  I still like "Resculpt Kitik Keed'kak with corrected paint application"

I will finally stop now, or I'll go on all night

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Defender Wishlists 2006: Revenge of the Sith
« on: February 25, 2006, 12:50 AM »
1  SA Mace Windu (with a better face sculpt, removable hand etc.)
2  Padme Amidala (Buns Hairdo)
3  SA Palpatine Senate Duel...  Multiple interchangeable headsculpts, w/ cloth robe
4  SA Utapau AirTrooper w/ Short Rifle and Removable Helmet
5  SA Commander Neyo w/ Heavy Rifle
6  SA Mygeeto Snowtrooper w/ Short Rifle, Heavy Rifle, and Soft Goods
7  FX-6
8  Padme Funeral Procession
9  Queen Organa w/SA baby Leia!   ;D
10 Owen & Beru w/SA baby Luke!   ;D

Saga Collection '06 / Re: VPTC ( Vintage Prequel Trilogy Collection)
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:26 PM »
Just curious... is this really a posting for SA prequel figures or people want to pay extra for the fancy card and star case?  Personally, I just as soon see some nice SA prequel figures in the style of pilot Obi for the basic figure price and forget about paying $10+ for the packaging.  If we are just talking about SA prequel figures, (otherwise, I'm really not interested in paying $10 + for any prequel figures) Chewie's list works for me: 

Phantom Menace
SA Maul
SA Qui Gon
SA Obi Wan
SA Battle Droid

Attack of the Clones
SA Jango Fett with removable helmet
SA Mace Windu (Agen Kolar type cape) 
SA Clone Trooper (Clone Wars rehash with rifle and removable helmet)
SA Arena Padme

Revenge of the Sith
SA Emperor (Senate Duel)
SA BARC Trooper
SA General Grievous
SA Super Battle Droid

The Vintage Collection / Re: Target DPCI #s for TSC
« on: February 12, 2006, 11:04 AM »
My TIE Fighter when I went for it before they were on shelves I got with the first confused stocker I found...  So that was cool.  Persistance is key I guess though, incase you're denied.

A little off topic, but I never found the Target TIE with the new wings.  Anyone know if they are due out again?  Or should I start searching ebay?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The Gimmick that WOULD have worked...
« on: February 6, 2006, 08:18 PM »
I have to say if done right, I'd buy them.  Like Jesse James, I'd much rather have SA figures, but if I really liked the pre-pose figures, I'd buy the set without first making sure Hasbro made a definitive SA sculpt of the figure.  I really like the pic of the snowtroopers and doubt all those poses could successully be pulled off by even the best SA snowtrooper.   There is plenty of cr@p out there already that some people somewhere are buying, but for the most part is pegwarming.   I'm positive that 3.75" scaled unleashed, if done right and priced right would move much better than the choppers, transformers, ...etc.  My one fear would echo Jesse's that Hasbro would be content with the preposed version, but they have already been content with many terrible figures (action features, for one example) without ever revisiting (as of yet) to give a good figure without some huge friggin' button sticking out of it's back.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2006 Results
« on: February 5, 2006, 11:37 PM »
Damn I didn't get to vote this time around.  I just brainfarted.

Shouldn't we just assume

1-10  SA  <fill in the blank>   with a few interchangable heads and arms thrown in and a lot of appropriate accessories.

Modern Classifieds / Re: EE ASTRO MECH DROIDS FOR SALE
« on: February 5, 2006, 11:29 AM »
PM sent

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Cantina Wave 2 Sets a No Go (For now)
« on: January 25, 2006, 07:53 AM »
Darth_Anton,  you realize you replied to a 2 year old post... right?   They did release these as a 3 pack.... can't remember if it was during OTC or what now.

1.    Kliegg Lars
2.    Owen Lars
3.    Beru Whitesun
4.    Jocasta Nu
5.    SA Jango Fett, removable helmet
6.    Toonbuck Toora
7.    Po Nudo
8.    Nyrat Agira from Outlander Club
9.    Denaria Kee - Passel Argente's Aide
10.  Qi Zhu - Shu Mai's Aide

I can't find that I even replied last time AOTC Wishlist was up.  From what I saw, didn't look like there was much interest in it and I am harder pressed to find 10 figures I would buy than I was finding 10 for PM (I could easily find 15 if not more).  For me, it's really just the Lars clan and then SA jedi (who would actually work for almost any of the prequels).  Of course, I would buy any Padme that comes out, but I'm not holding my breath.  So, I ended up choosing a lot of background characters (and the 2 aids since we've now have seen 2 releases of Shu Mai &  Passel Argente, even if the 2nd releases were only repaints).

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