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Messages - Morgbug

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Just my wife really.  You are my "little star wars friends" to her.  Pretty funny really.  She finds the chat sessions mildly amusing, though she's not that fond of Matt anymore.  IN life, timing is everything. ;)

Born in April Max was?  That's about bang on for Sydney.  She has been playing with her Amidala's and Padme's for a while now, no weapons though.  NOt much point.  She loves Darth Maul (talking bank syndrome) and broke the sabers on the Maul and Vader Epic force figures.  She also likes to play with the Tomy minidioramas.  I only give her the ones with solid figures though, no loose parts.  Not much goes into the mouth at this age, but some still does.  She's really into Wolvie and Magneto now though.  Hobgoblin has suddenly become scary (and she's right) so he's packed up high.  

I don't have the Falcon set at home right now (wifey issues ;)) but I'm sure she'll love it and especially the Chewie.  I should get the Ep II sets for her as well.  she knows Mace Windu very well (from Unleashed and the movie) and she loves the Reek beast that she calls a Rhinocerous.  Close enough for me.  

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Most regetful thing u ever did
« on: June 18, 2003, 11:46 AM »
Thanks David.  I was referring to JediMac though.  Bulky blocky?  Sorry, just taking a potshot at him, not you.

I regret not  being more clear about that. :P

Same for me, my daughter got them for Christmas at 2 and change (32 months).  No problems at that time.  It's really only recently that she has become interested in them (39 months).  

These are one of those really cool gifts. You get them for the kid and if they don't like them, you suffer that horrible fate of being stuck with them ;D

At least you have a bit of an advantage Scott, having a son, there seems to be a bit of a predisposition to these toys.  My daughter loves her Barbies.  And we didn't foist them on her at all, she chose the likeing of the Barbie's thing.  Drives her mother nuts.  My daughter really loves the Marvel Legends stuff though.  REally twisty and posable and good for smaller hands.  Wolverine is her current favorite.  I'm so proud ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday jjks!
« on: June 18, 2003, 01:10 AM »
26.  Now THAT was a really good year.  Oh my ;D

Happy Bday.  remember, at that age, life IS a beer commercial.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Most regetful thing u ever did
« on: June 18, 2003, 01:08 AM »
Wear spandex running shorts in the 80s.

ROFLMAO.   ;D  I can almost see Matt wearing those :-*

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replicas Force FX Lightsabers
« on: June 18, 2003, 01:05 AM »
Watch out for those treacherous light fixtures ;)

Kubricks / Series 2
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:13 PM »
Matt, darling :-* crawl back in the corner and have another sniffle, willya ;)

Good on ya Adam.  I'll take it as a good sign that the two sealed ones Dale is sending me will have one of the variants in them.  

Lakers suck.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: tri logo teebo
« on: June 17, 2003, 11:09 PM »
No Canadian POTJ Teebo.  Last two waves (7 figures?) were not available at all in Canada.  

There may be a trilogo Saga version, though it's hard to tell.  Saga post Djas Puhr has been incredibly rare in Canada, showing only sporadically.  I haven't been too worried about it given that I get most of my stuff from friends in the US now or Newforce.  My inclination is to say it doesn't exist.  I'll ask one of the online retailers that I have to email tomorrow anyway.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: movies 2 c over summr
« on: June 17, 2003, 12:47 AM »
Mmm, milk.

Bob, I think this one has had too much caffeine.  Look at that sucker go :o

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Name a one hit wonder thread!!!
« on: June 17, 2003, 12:44 AM »
I'm going to agree with Dale on this one.  Those other songs got a lot of airplay in their day.

The thing is, Dale's referring to another artist named Cristopher Cross, Brent.  Not the same Kris Kross that I was just referring to.  Get it...?   :-*

So is somone going to chime in with Kris Kristofferson now...   ;D

My next contribution:

Forever Young by Alphaville

Who?  See Matt, I'm trying here.  I may not be doing real well, but I'm trying.  You, on the other hand, keep getting all smug about it and pulling bands out of your back pocket that no one has ever heard of.  Alphaville?  This some local club band with strong radio play in LA?  Yeesh. ::)  At least pick one hit wonders that we don't have to wonder who they are. :-* :P ;D

The Kings, Switchin' to Glide?

Other Collectibles / Re: Lightsaber pens?
« on: June 17, 2003, 12:40 AM »
Well, I'm really hoping you can.  the last I saw of the base of my Mace pen was with my daughter yesterday.  She took the base off and was using it as a flashlight.  I haven't seen it in about 30 hours and I seriously doubt she turned it off before letting it fall where it is now (I have no idea where that might be). :-\

Kubricks / Series 2
« on: June 17, 2003, 12:38 AM »
Im still waiting for my buncha-Fetts to arrive, God I hope I get at least one of the variants   :-\

If you do score a variant Adam, ya' better NOT come in and tell us here, or Brent will jump down your throat in another jealous fit of rage, as you dance around yelling neener, neener, neener!   :-X   ;)  But don't you worry, I've got plenty of extra kleenex if he hurts your feelings, and makes you cry too...  I also have a super absorbent baggy sweater that works well for the corresponding runny nose that goes along with it...   8)

BTW, how many Fetts in total did you order again...?

I would never do that to Adam.  I like Adam.  He's a nice guy, not all bulky and blocky or nothin' like that :-* ;) ;D :P

Kubricks / Series 2
« on: June 16, 2003, 05:04 PM »
Well, my work here is done 8) :-*

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