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Messages - Smartypants1635

Pages: 1 ... 88 89 90 91 92 [93] 94 95 96 97 98 ... 105
Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: January 10, 2006, 05:04 PM »
actualy yes it is i needed to know becasue KB toys just ran out of obiwan pilots online.

i was planning on useing these to create my jedi and sith for my photonovels that i want to do eventualy.and the sora bulq is stuck in a action pose so he is out of the question in SA jedi bodies and until coruscant comes out and i cna see the Anakin or the naboo and i see the OBi wan :'(

Customizing Tips and Tricks / saga figs
« on: January 10, 2006, 04:36 PM »
how soon do you think all of the new saga figures will all be out like all 7 waves

Good episodes those were. end yoda impersaonation but anyway i can see those ww or bc to wrok for sb padme

Finds you use such a  small amount of glue it is only on the painted parts and not in the actual joint holding the paint tight just not the joint

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Is it X3, or XXX-Men
« on: January 9, 2006, 09:44 PM »
this is only a design a manaquin(sp)  if you will.
 he probably'll have pants in the end dont worry

hmmm well u could apply a small amount of hot glue to the surfaces your attaching anf the you could shave it off wiht an exacto when it cools.

 or you could use a small amount of hot glue and connect them at a seam where itll never see the light of day

RORAN COrAB all right.
I think I may tackle this one. And with the new momaw nadon out this will be a good one to test my skills with. :D Phruby good idea

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: January 4, 2006, 09:56 PM »
Yes, it's true.



Wait how can that be true, you can't encrypt vhs tapes. And also the article is poorly written giving it the identity of a fake article.  You guys were trying to pull my leg huh?

I had an upper GI which is where they make you drink barium as you all said.

Just so you all know your lucky only probably having to do this once, I've done it 6 times in 4 years >:(. Dumb a** doctors can't figure out if my NISSIN  FUNDOPLICATION (sp?)(some procedure, where they wrap your esophogus around your esophogus, to keep you from throwing up because of your relux; I had it done when I was 18 months old :o) is still intact because of my bad reflux disease :-\.

is that better, can u actually read it? ???

 :-*  :Dlol

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: January 3, 2006, 08:03 PM »
Articulation isn't always important  ;D. who knows i may just use the lower arms for a jedi or a senator  ;)

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: January 3, 2006, 07:43 PM »
Hmmmmm interesting, very interesting i hav'nt seen 1 set of these at my local target ever since they came out :'( if i can get a hold of some of these it'll be great. 1 thing though are the heads compatible with 3 3/4 inch figures as well as thier arms and torso? ???

OK sorry guys, I have no excuse that would hold up to any of you. All i can say in my defense was, I was in a rush. I know that is no excuse,and I am sorry for my poor typing skills.  :-[ I know one thing though this is kinda ironic being this is the thread to express your annoyances, and i did the 1 thing u all hate. im am sorry for my behavior. ttyl guys smartypants out :-\

CHEWIE you used my jet pack clone idea didnt you? ;) i guess great minds think alike.
For all of u who havn't seen what im talking bout.

 ;D but anyway good execution CHEWIE as always.
The paint job on rykrof is great, 1? though. Did you drybrush silver on or did you paint silver underneath the blue,and then scratch it off to give it the real feal of it being chipped?
What ever you did I may have to do that to my troops I've done. If I can get a hold of some more clones I may redo my squad using your techniques(sp?). :D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: January 2, 2006, 05:09 PM »
The Sloganizer!

A list of me kissing my own ass:

Everyone loves inadvertent imitation.

It's not a dream, inadvertent imitation is real!

Life's beautiful with inadvertent imitation.

There is no life without inadvertent imitation.

inadvertent imitation is what the world was waiting for.

I can't argue with that last one.  :)

Smartypants better than sex lol

man that site is the best i could sit there all day

the art of smartypants

food or smartyoants ill take a smartypnats :D 8) i never new i was so loved lol

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