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Messages - Smartypants1635

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: January 2, 2006, 04:26 PM »
George Lucas Announces Latest Star Wars Legality

ummm is this true or just a fake idea circulated by stupid people

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: January 2, 2006, 03:55 PM »
OHH GOD DUDE thats horrible yet hilarious ;)

oops i read a post, ( it wasnt daigobahs)(whos was it?) about children running all over.
 Then I read urs  a min. later,( oops got it all messed up
in my head happens alot ::) oops  lol

oh and famine yeah u should have been at target the other day. This kid was grabbing every starwars fig in site( grabbing quads
 of ones he'd already grabbed) and put them in the cart then his mom comes up and tells him he can have 1 and he starts screaming. Not just wining screaming
I mean wake the dead screaming, the mom did nothing, just grabed a toy out of the basket and threw the extras on the floor. 
I wanted to yell shut the f*** up little boy, and you lady get a hold of him and then don't throw those on the grounds some of them might be
 mint. Collectors might love to have a mint figure ie me :-[ >:(

i agree with u DP thos children should be spanked for pete sake my God wtf r u just goan ignor ur child until htere on pot 10 years alter i mean comon

second people who think ur wierd for buying action figures at age 15 just os u can " rip them apart" IE my Dad  ::)

third G@y @ss dumb shyts who dont even know me on my online game call me a stupid war loving american  ??? i mean wtf u dont even know me take a chill pill.

4th i was a camp counselar at my church and these people kept saying there children were 5 (minimum age is 5) but yet in reality only 3 or 4. whos' dumb enough to fall for that u have to hold ther hand and watch them every seocnd. there just looking for free babysitting. im nto gonna take that my God

5th frends who are god dang stupid and expect me to explian everything be it school or a book story plot duh pay attention and read the book.

6th Really stupid teenage drivers/street racers. in my state SLC /ryan knows about this
they have increasded the age to 18 to those born after 1991 but any way i have to wait till im 17 cause of the god Dang MOther F^ckers who have 20 crashes on 125 between fort collins and denver in 1 day i mean jeeese thanks alot >:(

CHEWIE u must be color blind :( i see it as purple as phruby suggested or maybe phruby and i are color blind :-X but anyway good job phruby u did a good job in taking an old sculpt and making it great

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: New Years Plans?
« on: December 31, 2005, 11:55 PM »
7 mins now for NY time hoo rah

i got 2 hours and 10 mins  :-[ but thanks anyway :-*

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: New Years Plans?
« on: December 31, 2005, 10:27 PM »
IM eating lotsa ice cream  :P yum rockky road, playin video games and gettin excited bout my B-day tomo i hope i get som enew figures probably wont :'( oh well  ;D


JK. HAPPY NEWyears and God bless

no joe if u take a close lok u can see no crease at the neck and also hes facing head on so we can tell if hes swivel or ball joint. my guess ball joint

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: December 30, 2005, 11:02 PM »
that hilariouse I.I thats probably true tho   :D that girl maybe looked 7-8 years old my god what an @ss hole of a father. this is wat caused that big hilbily feud way back when lol next gen family feuds lol

hey ennis havnt heard from u in a while.

I plan on finishin my arc squad i got a scout a meele a heavy gunner and mech, then theyre done.(tahnk God) and also i have come into possesion of cut sheets for an At-te in scale size  ;D. the plans are so large i cant even print them atr home. but my frends dad owns a copy shop and has  a blue print printer there so i can get them printed ( i plan on using them with chewies 2 month project( a figurea nd diorama/ playset for jan and feb)) and since the materails are inexpensive( im using mdf) i shouldtn break my pocket book  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Chronicles of Narnia
« on: December 30, 2005, 08:10 PM »
man tehy did an excellant job on the movie it was great i saw it  x-mas eve it was incredible it was incredibly true to the book 2 tumbs up good job disney.
oh and jedi mak the next book is
"a horse and his boy" its a back story so i dunno if theyll  make it but  yes caspian would be next then
"dawn treader" then "silver chair" then the "last battle" the last one is like Revelations in the bible theres an anti aslan pretty cool stuff

ps for any of u customizers the narnia line looks real good if its 3 and 3/4ths

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: New Years Plans?
« on: December 30, 2005, 07:52 PM »
MY BIRTHDAY YEAH WOOOHOOOO JAN 1ST ,YES its my birthday on jan 1st ;D

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: EDITED: WoodWorking Tips
« on: December 30, 2005, 07:38 PM »
thanks u are awsome i guess i caught u at a good time i posted the request on dimensions, went upstairs to put some clothes away, comeback and ur answer is here.

once again thanks for all ur help u've made this much easier for me and the others in our diorama challenge.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: EDITED: WoodWorking Tips
« on: December 30, 2005, 07:25 PM »
for how much material (dimensions)

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