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Messages - urban fox

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The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Duel
« on: September 4, 2003, 05:05 AM »
I'm sure you've all read on Hyperspace and exactly how violent and disturbing this fight is going to be.  Anakin being seen burnt to a crisp and badly cut up.  People are saying it might be hard to get a PG13 certificate.  I just hope Lucus has the guts to tell his story like he imagined, irrelivant of certificate.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Duel
« on: August 29, 2003, 02:36 PM »
I reakon Coruscant is a good bet.  When we see Dooku vist Sidius it was in the same firey/industrial part of the city where Anakin and Obi flew over the lava.  

They've already said that the fight takes place through a number of sets/rooms i.e. not just on a vulcano but within a building that has lava in/around/beneath it.
So coruscant is my hot favourate, but with the promise of so many new worlds it could be anywhere.  Lets just hope its not in a lava pool where the workers are trying to get the Calibar crystal under Anakin's command, and Obi stumbles across it and tries to stop them.  No crystals! No crystals! No crystals! Come on, chant it with me, No crystals!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Duel
« on: August 28, 2003, 07:11 PM »
apparently Obi, Padme and Anakin are all on a mission that involves them travelling and camping together. Padma gives birth to the children during this mission. Anakin keeps having scary dreams about him mother though and waking everyone up.  At first they think it's sweet, but then when he keeps waking up shouting for his mum tempers fray with the lack of sleep.  Luke and Liea are always just getting off to sleep when BAM!!  "Mum!!" Anakin sits up screaming.  Padma obviously can't keep having the kids woken up each night so sends them off to be hidden and Obi kicks off with Anakin telling him not to be such a wimp.  

I got all this info from Hyperspace, I think it's in one of the set diaries.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Palpatine goes to the movies...
« on: August 26, 2003, 11:38 AM »
the info's from 18 July set diary in Hyperspace on the official site.  Take a look there for the full scoop or I have included the important passages below.

a scene shot today was originally set in Palpatine's Office. A quick rewrite kept the scene intact, but changed the venue. What was originally a private meeting has moved into a very public space.

After a morning of shooting in Palpatine's Office, the camera crew moves to a very sparse set on another stage. It's what people generally imagine a digital backlot set to be -- blue curtains and blue stage pieces everywhere. The date in the latest script has this revision occurring on July 14 -- a scant four days ago. On a nearby table, I see a pile of five printouts showing Ryan Church's concept art of this new location. They're all dated July 13. In these past four days, Gavin Bocquet's Art Department has whipped up a blue representation of the new set's contours, complete with fully detailed chairs featuring miniature monitors and control keys in the armrests.

In postproduction, this minimalist blue environment will become a Coruscant theater, with tiers of viewing boxes and an elaborate stage production yet to be determined.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Return of a Bounty Hunter?
« on: August 26, 2003, 11:29 AM »
Thousands of the clones had their helmets off in episode 2 when they were training.  We saw them all collecting their helmets.  Besides his face is being used for lots of clones, not one rouge clone.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Slaughter of the Padawans
« on: August 26, 2003, 06:59 AM »
That's what I'm on about :) a few younglings trying there best against bosk or IG88 or a young boba, but finally being cut down.

The Prequel Trilogy / Obi fist fights the Emperor!!!
« on: August 22, 2003, 09:10 AM »
 "in Episode III. Though Fett fans would argue with me on this point, I contend that the Jango vs. Obi-Wan rumble was pretty evenly matched. Today's fisticuffs are far more one-sided, though. Obi-Wan's getting clobbered. "  "Ewan does get in a few good kicks, throws and roundhouses"

Taken from Hyperspace (p.s. if anyone has any objections about me copying and pasteing hyperspace articles please e-mail and I'll stop.)

Sounds like a lot of non-lightsabre action as well.  Do you think that it's a fight with Ani that ends up with them getting their sabres out?  Has his lightsabre been taken off him?  Is he fist fighting the emperor?

" Regarding Ian's intensity in playing Palpatine in Ep3, "Ian doesn't hold anything back."  That is a quote from, I think the a Palpy vs Obi fist fight with a bit of force lightning/throwing would be good to watch.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Stormtroopers and Chewies Motivation EP3
« on: August 20, 2003, 12:52 PM »
Perhaps chewie does have rebel sypathies, and even helps them out, then Han saves his life and he has to follow him around and that takes him on a more dubious path.  When they hook up with Liea and Luke before the battle of Yavin han is going to leave but chewie growls somthing and Han replie "I know what I'm doing" or something.  It's seems to me as if chewie still wants to stick around and help out.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: and the title isnt....
« on: August 19, 2003, 04:49 AM »
my  money's on:   "Hunt for the Force Crystal"  or "JarJar's big Birthday" both of which would be sweet!

The Prequel Trilogy / and the title isnt....
« on: August 18, 2003, 04:37 PM »
if you go to You can check who owns a domain title. are all owned.  I suspect that all these have been brought by fans or companies looking to earn a bit of cash.  fallofthejedi and falloftherepublic are both owned by someone who looks like a fan, meaning that he’s either going to make some money, or knowing tight ol’ George, he’ll choose a different name. though is owned by a company called The Force Productions based in California.  Possible Lucus company? Check it out yourselves.  Anyone got any other pos titles that have been taken, there were lots of possibilities, i.e. that were not taken.  

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Return of a Bounty Hunter?
« on: August 14, 2003, 06:12 AM »
Don't ever trust what Mr Mayhew says.  He told me I looked really nice in my pink ball gown, but everbody just pointed and laughed.  He spins lie after lie.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Return of a Bounty Hunter?
« on: August 13, 2003, 05:40 AM »
This is fresh of hyperspace today, it should but this debate in the senate to rest.  "Tem is back, as one of the faces of the Republic clone troopers. Some of the soldiers are older, grizzled with Tem's face -- enhanced with battle scars, while others are more fresh-faced, played by Bodie Taylor. As Bodie did for Episode II's clone commissary scene, the actors film multiple takes of the same scene, in different positions, so that they can properly duplicated into large numbers. Since the clone trooper armor will continue to be computer-generated, Bodie and Tem wear blue bodysuits, lined with tracking markers to help gather performance data. "I just need their heads," says Rob Coleman.

If you haven't got hyperspace get it, it's worth it if you're a fan.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode III's big surprise REVEALED!
« on: August 13, 2003, 05:30 AM »
I really don't want a shape shifter in the plot.  The whole idea of clones coming back and people turing into different characters sounds awful to me.  

It sould all be so simple, you can still have really good plot twists and revelations without bringing clones back or people turing into new characters.   Please

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Bye Bye Mr Dooku We Hardly Knew Ya
« on: August 13, 2003, 05:25 AM »
Christopher Lee said himself he was supprised how a couple of years had effected him.  He said he was not able to do any of the action scenes because he was too stiff.  So I reakon a space battle is going to be the only way to make him go out looking good.  Apparently his double does most of his work, so if there is a lightsabre fight it will be crap or shot from space so you can't tell who's fighting.  I'm sure he will get his sabre out but I reakon his going out in space!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Bye Bye Mr Dooku We Hardly Knew Ya
« on: August 12, 2003, 01:36 PM »
We know that the films opens with a space battle and that the start of the film signals the end of the clone wars (see so we can guess, probably quite accurately, that Dooku and the droids are fighting over  Dooku's home planet.  Dooku takes out a few Jedi, being an expert jedi pilot, but Anakin, in an epic shoot out, guns him down.

Sounds like a damn good start to me!

I wonder if Dooku realises his been betrayed by Palpy in those final moments?

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