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Messages - Kit Fisto

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I'm in dire need of the 2 gauntlets that came with the SAGA deluxe Jango fett figure, the click ons.

I have TONS of stuff for trade, you can find pics and a list here:

Mace's haves

CHEWIE, very nice job and awesome parts choice. One thing, I would give him a LITTLE bit more color. Now he looks like a statue... Just a few details with a more flashy color would spring this dude alive!

Very cool job on the Boussh as well! Wauw, a lot mor dynamic than the ones Hasbro has given us!

Euhm mine comes with its original Muppets stand. So he doens't tip over.

I'm gonna make some charp pics and put him online asap.

Do we have a "standard" look for the auctions? If so, please post me a template.

Ok that means, I'll put my Kermit up for charity! :)

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Need weathering pictures
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:57 AM »
Thanx dude! Those will work out great!

But that doesn't mean I have enough ;)
Keep them comin!

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Customs for disaster relief
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:40 AM »
If some more auctions are up, I'll ask the Belgian Star Wars fanclub to also put up a news message + link

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Need weathering pictures
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:36 AM »

I'm currently working on my 3-monthly customizing article for the Belgian  Star Wars fan club. For this edition, I decided to inform our readers about the diffirent techniques of weathering. So now I'm looking for sharp (close-up) pics of weathered ships, vehicles and figures.
I know how many talented customizers here have done awesome jobs with weathering, so it would be awesome if you guys would post your works here. I'll use as many of them as I can to publish in our club magazine, the rest will be put online at

Thanx a lot in advance for the help!

I like Jeff's idea of the holiday figures or Kermit:

I'd definitely bid a few bucks on that.   8)

I made an allmost identical fig like this. If Phruby isn't hgoing to put this one on Ebay, I will; for the good cause of course!

Very cool!

It's awesome to see how "easy" it is to build supercool jedi with just an obi-wan pilot body. Nice!

Tykrazen, you've got PM ;)

Modern Trading / Re: SpudTrooper's WANT/TRADE LIST 9/20
« on: September 20, 2005, 12:53 PM »

I have a Silver Anniversary Exclusives Sandtrooper for you, if interested LMK

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Customs for disaster relief
« on: September 11, 2005, 05:41 AM »
DAMN! Why did I read this thread so late?

I want in as well. I'll see what I can come up with or have to sell.

Wouldn't it be interesting to make a "template" auction that we can copy en modify for our own custom?

Wow! Thanx for the great critiques! It encouraged me to make a few extra pics:

HAHA!! Yeah, let's DO her!! LOL

Anyway, for this month, since the guys at FFURG are building their Snoova, I entered and Snoova's a bounty hunter: here's my entry for this month:

I used a ROTS Wookiee warrior (Thanx to Findswoman), scalpted him and sculpted new hair + an eyepatch. I used all kinds of bits and parts to build him an armor that kept the Wookiee-look but still stayed true to the original bounty hunter design. I didn't want to much of that high tech stuff, but enough. I gave him a backpack with large antenna and some more gismo's on his arm and leg. I also added a "prize" on the front of his torso. The 3 grey "balls" are human head sculls I found on a cheap figure's belt. As base for his armour I used the wookiee warrior bandolier and started cutting and glueing. Mostly I like his sholderpatch. It's big, out there and daring, but I think it makes him look bad ass.
The gun is a modified Wookiee Warrior bow caster. I added a new handle so he can hold it properly, gave it a pike and a broad blade. The blade I added because the orignal figure had an ax, wookiees normally have ryyk blades, so I made a combination of it.

Please let me know what you think of him. I have more pics, bigger pics, if anyone wants to see them. Just ask.

Updating my list, I need:


-any various human heads as long as they have normal faces, no screamers please ;)

Still looking for human heads? LMK I have some. I'l take a pic and PM ya.

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