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Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#19 - TRIBULATION
« on: February 8, 2006, 01:48 PM »
(I just realized that I bled my comments for 19 and 20 together, particularly on Dooku and his sidekicks... sorry about that)

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE#19 - TRIBULATION
« on: February 8, 2006, 01:47 PM »

I wish I had more time to comment, but WOW.

The lighting on the shots was great, from the dungeon to the scene with the officers and Mace to the scene of R.E.'s loved ones reflecting on his fate. The sets were all perfect (as we've come to expect of your work).

I really liked Dooku's somewhat ham-fisted stab at snaring Shundi with his "you can save your friend with the Dark Side" thing. I got the feeling Dooku himself didn't really think he had much hope of turning another Jedi, but figured he'd give it a try for the heck of it. :) I also liked the military courtesy Dooku showed; seemed very fitting. Polishing it off with A.V. and Q.Vos chipping in their $.02 was a nice touch. I also sense we might see a little Shundi fighting with those two before too long, and that shows incredible promise.

I'm dying to see Shundi's dueling technique.

The BC thug customs were great, and showed the appropriate level of interest given their roles as goons. Judiss was well-played, and you foreshadowed his seeds of doubt well.

On to Ch. 20. Again, I wish I had more time to comment... :(

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CM's BARC trooper WIP (update 02/07)
« on: February 8, 2006, 01:08 AM »
From the new pics of the VOTC Biker Scout Hasbro will be able to sub parts here and there and use most of the ROTJ Biker Scout parts to make a ROTS Scout.

A straight repaint would fall far short of what we should expect.

Great work on this custom, BTW. I've been following as much as I can, and can't wait to see how it turns out.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Mygeeto Diorama
« on: February 2, 2006, 09:49 AM »
Fulucia (sp?) has the huge floral life. Mygeeto was the wasteland ashen planet where Ki was killed.

Check out Battlefront II - there are some good shots of the planet architecture and you'll get a sense of the colors used (mostly gray and black).

DD -

I haven't been around much, but wanted to drop in and say how much I dig that SB. Your comment about the saber effects inspired me...

Sort of a thick-of-the-battle look...


Other Collectibles / Re: The "Official" Master Replicas Thread
« on: January 25, 2006, 03:31 PM »
I think the point of Comm. Cody's reply was that MR wouldn't tease the release of something they've already revealed. I could be wrong, but I think that was his point.

I think it's something having to do w/ the Death Star. Perhaps it's a Trench with a few ships flying through it or something...

That middle picture just smacks of a DS Turret to me.

In re: Mobility, see


B'omaar Monk legs, perhaps? Not sure if you have any extras you can harvest parts from, but I could see those as arms for the ITK droid... they reach out and surround the prisoner, then smaller more sinister arms emerge from the droid's body to do their worst.



Sorry I haven't commented in so long. :(

The ITK droid is a superb concept, and I think you're about 80% there. I'd only add like 6 or 8 more arms to make him more like an evil FX-7. To the extent you tried to make the head look like a giant IG, great job. It was the first thought I had when I saw him. :)

The new R-series droid is very well done, too. I love the head, and the paint work is some of your best.

I'll try not to be such a lurker and get more comments in here and there...

Now back to work for me...  :P

Here's my take on doing "Canon" characters as they appear in the films, and why I don't usually attempt them.

1. I can only make so many custom figures on my schedule.
2. Hasbro has shown more than a few times that no character, no matter how minor, is off limits. So I might put hours and money into a figure  that Hasbro will probably make better and that I can buy then for $6.
3. I'm not that great at sculpting, so nothing I make is going to beat even a sub-par HAsbro sculpt. :)
4. Therefore, make things of my own imagination, using elements of the SW universe as my foundation, and come up with new characters. I don't have to worry about getting something "right" for the most part, I get to be a little more creative, and I'm usually quite happy with whatever it is I produce.

And the hair on the Tonnikas will always scare me away from trying them anyway ;)

I DO however, love to see how people in the hobby approach the same concept very differently. So using stock characters for that is a great benchmark for projects like this.

Am I the only one seeing that Fire Pilot jumpsuit and thinking Ghostbusters? :P

Swap out the head for a 21st Century Marine's and take the "armor" off the boots, and you're DONE.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / The 2006 Fodder gets better and better!
« on: December 30, 2005, 03:53 PM »
Commander Cody for all of us too scared to attempt one. *raises hand*

Plus the fire pilot looks like he'll be an absolute jewel for display and the parts bin!

jedistyle said what I was trying to, only better :)

I love it! Great update! Finally we're getting somewhere with these ruffians :)

And thanks for including my "mean-looking guy with a jetpack"

Let's see... it sounds like they want to know more about Fett, and I can't see any harm in relating what we know (especially since we don't know that it's BOBA FRIGGIN' FETT we nearly brushed with).

I went back and reviewed our encounter. We know Fett's voice, but it won't help much. We know Fett wears green armor on some sort of a jumpsuit. He wore a helmet and his face was completely concealed. The helmet was green with some red around the visor. There was an antenna sticking up on one side of the helmet. He had some braids hanging over his shoulder, but we don't think it was his hair.

For a nice detail, I would love to have Deak say something like "His helmet looked sorta like something I saw in history class back home; like the helmets the Clones wore during the Clone Wars..." Deak should trail off as if to suggest a "You know what I mean, right?" to the others.

We should describe him with the assumption Fang is going to have a light go off in his head at any minute. The way you describe a movie to someone that you know you've both seen, but can't remember the title to.

Once we're done with describing Fett, we need to press Doc for what she may have helped create. I'm sure she's not ready to fully disclose, but we need to let her know that we expect to be told at some point. Something like "I'm willing to help you out as much as I can if that means finding my uncle. But I don't want to be part of anything that's going to hurt a bunch of people no matter what's happened to my uncle. So I need you to go ahead and fill me in this invention of Doc's."

They'll probably say heck no, but we need to let them know we're curious.

Sweet! I need to think about doing something like this, but in the sense that I can break it down to put in as background for my diaplay shelves. This looked great in the novel, and it looks great here.

Speaking of Chapter 18, did you ever post your new Twi'Lek baddie individually? I don't remember seeing him, and was pleasantly surprised to see him in Ch. 18.

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