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Messages - Dimetrodon

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15 16 17 ... 44
Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Reference/ Background Thread
« on: June 12, 2005, 11:16 PM »
excellent, I must use those sometime.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Part II Preview
« on: June 11, 2005, 05:02 PM »

Pretty neat effect, looks cool for memory and dream sequences.

Hmm, they sure do. A regular R2 and a flying TR2. I have some extras of the regular one. I intend to do a few customs with them. I've been looking into small rubber beads to try and make a clear dome for one. Any suggestions would be excellent.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Salsa. Mild, medium or hot?
« on: June 9, 2005, 05:41 PM »
I make Salsa's at work. Hot, Medium, and Mild.

I prefer a medium salsa anyday.

oh, and I work at a NY Burrito (a chain that has about 20 location scattered accross the States)
It kind of like Subway but wraps, burritos, and tacos. pretty good food.
I also work at a bagel place.   go college summer jobs!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs
« on: June 9, 2005, 05:32 PM »
I think thats my favorite Cody custom so far, I really like it a lot.
Clone Flamethrower Trooper sounds like a nasty guy to run into. I think that'll be pretty cool once we see the final product.

Nothing at all wrong with a little ebay. It's no different than a painter selling their works. It is all art.

I plan to finish up my Endor Commando very soon, I didn't like how he came out so I am doing a complete repaint with it.

As a simultaneous projet I am going to paint up that Aqualish character and also do a Protocol Droid.
But I am unsure of the color for the droid. I was thinking white like K-3PO but I'm undecided.

So expect some more by sunday night (work really gets in the way)

Also what paint sealers do you guys use? I ran out of what I normally use, and can't find more of it, it's pretty old.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 9, 2005, 05:22 PM »
stealing my thunder? haha, i'd have never thought of it like that. I like when threads build upon themselves. By all means post more if people need it. I sure won't be able too. I only had the copy out on loan from a friend.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 8, 2005, 02:20 PM »
No kama there. He has white leg armor liek the rest.. there clearly isn't any dress hanging from his waist.

also, Jediknight760071, where are you getting your pics from? it's obviously abetter bootleg. So i'm just curious.

Sith would be good maybe.


Dimetrodon, are these guys really not force-sensitive?  Damnit!!!

haha, no no no..
what i meant was i never thought about his species as a jedi or sith.
if i see a member of shaak ti's species all i'm gonna think is jedi ya know what I mean.

When I said he was the furthest thing from the force and a talosian, I was makign a ref to Star Trek aliens that are white but look similar.  :P :P

I like the idea of the zarana, looks like it could work well for the KOTOR 2 girl.

I'm going to have to make something for this months contest too.
we shall see.

The large Chinned Jedi is amazing.
I can imagine a jedi like him teaching palpy and the sith gang a lesson or two.

haha, keep up the awesome work DD  ;)

I'm digging those in battle shots, very very nice stuff.

The Djas Sith Apprentice is cool too   :D

I wouldn't have thought to use him as a force user. Prolly because he reminds me of the talosians in ST..
The furthest thing from a force user, hehe.

It's been a while and most things are still a Work in Progress (WIP)
I've been busy with work and various other activities such as moving.
Hell, I'm glad to be posting anything  :D

These pix aren't great but here we go.

An Aqualish Mercenary, WIP. Parts used are Rebel Officer legs, Seperatist Commando torso, and Aqualish Spy head

I like this one a lot. It's a mini from the D&D minis set Abberations.
a Yuan-Ti Halfblood figure.
He originally was holding a bow and arrow.

I fixed into some guns, and now I have some sort of Lizardman Mercenary.
The guns are from two different aqualish spy's. I carved one o them up for it to have a handle to fit into his right hand.

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