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Messages - Ruprecht

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Neyo?
« on: February 8, 2006, 02:39 PM »
I second CM's nomination, Bantha5's are the best I've seen so far.

Oooh cool!  They look awesome.

Would you by chance have any removable AOTC Clone helmets cast, or on the assembly line? 

Sell, sell away! 

I've thought about doing that with some of mine, to get extra dough to pay for various things, including bills and more sw figures, but I haven't as of yet been able to part with them.  Not because of any ethics concerns, but due to how much I like them and how much time went into them I can't justify it.

If I need extra money, it's worth more to me to just work a couple more hours a week.  Whereas, for me to sell a quality product that I consider worthy of resale, it takes at least 5-10 hours to get it right.  If I make 50 bucks including shipping off of 1 custom figure (that's a very high price for 1 figure on ebay, by the way), once I account for time taken both to acquire the figure, materials, packing materials, and actually create the figure --- I've made at best 8 bucks an hour if it only took 5 hours to make it. 

I could cut down on costs by "mini mass producing" figures, but that would just turn the hobby I love into a job I hate.  I would also have to reduce the quality of work that I put into each one, which I just CAN'T do.  I'd make more money working at 7-11 part-time, anyway.

To reduce the chance of Ben or his handlers getting an action-figureborne illness, make sure you wash your hands after handling beef, poultry, fish, diapers, buttwipes, cadavers, and genitalia.

Nice Kiss Amedda BrentS.  I always thought Gene Simmons' tongue would look just as juicy and meaty when scaled down to 3-3/4 size, and you've proven my theory correct.  He just needs a couple things:

1 - A big axe-guitar....NO, a big, BLOODY axe-guitar!  See Chewie's thread for good bloody axe ideas.

2 - A sidekick.  Every lingually-endowed 3-3/4 scale action figure with a bloody axe-guitar needs a whipping-boy sidekick.  I submit the following for approval by the board:

     A - Take a Dannl Faytonni head, shave back the hairline and give him a perm.  Attach said head to a skirtless ROTS Padme body.  Adorn Padme with red and white striped Daisy Dukes, revealing white tanktop, white workout Keds and white calf-length socks.  Paint the legs, upper torso and arms hairysunburneddoughy #5, and VOILA!  Gene Simmons with his faithful sidekick and little brother, Richard!

     B - Placeholder for stuff

I can't wait to see your Lickin' to the Oldies photonovel!

I like the Admirals, and I'd say that they should have different rank badge thingies except that they're all Admirals.  In my current haze it gives me much glee to see an admiral with the last name of Gere.  He should be promoted to Rear Admiral with that last name. 

I've never seen Admiral Pellaleon, but this one looks a lot like Ernest Borgnine.  If you ever do an Airwolf photonovel, chop that head off and put it on a fat old guy action figure.  In all sincerity though, he looks like one of those sycophantic knob-gobbling Admirals;  which, deducing from JesseVader's post, is spot on.  I'd give him more fleshy facial coloring, but maybe he's supposed to look a tad pale, given the type of admiral he is.

That Whipid looks like he can just whipid, whipid good.  I like the paintjob, and the bloody axe is beautifully bereft of non-bloodiness.  We could use a few more bloody axes like that in this day and age.

Bravo, and now I must find some soft, chewy cookies to eat, since thinking of your name makes me crave such things.

Nice DD.  I like the head swap for the AT-AT driver.....The stock head reminds me of Droopy the Dog.

The smuggler is nice and simple.  I like the paint job on his face and horns, as well as the non-earth-toned outfit.  The stock Tiin just looks so doo-doo brown blah, and you've avoided translating the dooky factor to the smuggler, which is a good thing.  Contrast is the new chicken soup for the soul and little black dress.

The Bulq is way cool, and again you've proven that some of the coolest customs aren't the most complex.  Only thing about him that throws me is his head looks like it's floating.  Probably just the camera flash or dark clothes + dark background.  That or I've had too many sarsaparilla-nyquil cocktails.


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Exjedi's Customs
« on: January 30, 2006, 01:29 AM »
Damn good idea for those mini holos, and an even better paint app.  I also like the lines and backpack on your shock commander, along with your Massive Imperial Army.  *drool*  I had to smack it with a cold spoon to reduce my excitement.  DOWN BOY!

I can't decide what to do for the barstools. i have some wooden dowels that would work well for the post, I just need to find something for seat. I don't know if I want to make 18 individually or make about 3 and cast them..

Some craft stores have hole punchers strong enough and large enough to punch a hole in styrene up to .040" thick.  That way you'd get a nice, clean circle or square shaped seat.  You usually find the hole punchers in the scrapbooking section.

Sorry Kevin, that was inexcusable.  In my defense, I've been doing non-SW superfanboy stuff lately.  Such as:  showering, wiping thoroughly, reading non-SW books, and abstaining from comics and excessive masturbation. 

How far I've fallen.  It's time to get back to the basics!   

:P ;)     <----those two emoticons are meant to display the intended show of humor, with no intent to shock, hurt, or appall any staff member, frequent poster, uber-jedi, lurker, or anybody who does or does not adhere to any of the aforementioned practices.

Chewie, I don't think I've ever said it, but that Neimoidian Jedi is my favorite of all the custom Jedi I've seen.  Especially with his newer outfit and double sabers.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: SWG Mandalorian Commando
« on: January 26, 2006, 12:46 AM »
I really like all of this one, especially:

The helmet - The lines on top just slightly resemble Republic Commando helmet lines, but it's very subtle, yet it gives it a meaner look than the stock Mando helmets

Boots - The spikes help set him apart from the largely flat-footed assortment of SW figures

Clipped pauldron - I've never considered doing that myself, and it looks awesome

Leather-like pouch belt - Where is this from?  I like it at the top of the kama.  He could store all kinds of killing accessories in there.

What I like most about this is its BIN price.

HEED!  Kama!  Now!

While I like his hair more than previous Quinlan's I've seen, it just looks too rastafarian.  However, I have no alternate suggestion, since soft goods hair on an action figure either looks fabio-esque, rastafarian, or like they took a ride on a motorcycle with wet hair. 

I know he has an olive complexion in the comics -- maybe it's the lighting or camera -- but he looks kind of greenish here.   

His arms, legs, and torso look perfect, in my opinion.  Nothing out of proportion, and a great mix of parts to achieve the necessary look. 

All in all, probably my favorite Quinlan custom to date, good job.

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