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Messages - DoctorPadawan

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: The Mustafar Playset...
« on: May 13, 2005, 04:03 PM »
Okay, so I found the playset at Wal-Mart a couple of hours ago and I just had time to sit down and really look at it, assemble it, and so on.  So, I wanted to give everyone a quick heads-up as to the dimensions of this thing, what I think the shortcomings are as well as the high points, and my overall satisfaction with it.

First of all, the thing is about as big as it looks in the photographs we've seen.  Looking at it from the front area (the spot with the door at the base) here are the dimensions:

-14" from the left edge of the magma to the front point of the doorbase
-10.25" from the front point of the doorbase to the right side of the magma (although the "lava plume" extends this to between 2 to 4")
-5.50" from the bottom of the base to the top of the catwalk on the front above the door
-10" from the bottom of the base to the lip of the volcano
-13" from the front point of the base to the back of the volcano lip platform (not including the arms that jut out)
-16" width from one side of the magma at the base to the other (left to right)
-Each of the arms that jut out from the back are 10" long themselves and the little fins on the end are 6.25" tall
-The entire playset is 22-23" long, 14" high, and 21" wide at its highest measurements in every direction

(keep in mind these are all estimates)

The quick and dirty review...

The figures: about what you would expect, quality-wise, from the Deluxe assortment.  The lightsabers are like those included with the Basic assortment (meaning the hilts are painted, but they are one piece).  Articulation is standard at the neck, shoulders, waist, and hips.  One thing I did notice is that the plastic used for their legs is hollow, which kind of bugged me.

Obi-Wan looks exhausted but he doesn't have any kind of burns on him (although his "skirt" looks a bit ragged) and his stance is relatively neutral.  It's about the level of an Episode I figure in terms of quality molding, so there you go with that.

Vader has tons of little nicks and cuts sculpted into his arms and chest, but the paint doesn't bring them out at all; they're just little sculpted details that aren't highlighted.  One particularly deep cut on his right arm could have shown seared flesh, but no dice.  The head sculpt is right out of the Episode I era (it reminds me of the Cinema Scene Qui-Gon, as far as the facial expression goes).  It's not nearly as bad as the Swoop Anakin or Deluxe Anakin(s) from Saga, but it's not as acceptable as the Tatooine Attack Anakin from Saga either.

And no, his eyes are not yellow, which disappointed me, but I haven't seen the film yet, so it could be accurate at that point.

The problem with the figures is that once again, Hasbro has used the rubber bands to the detriment of the actual toy.  First of all, each comes packaged holding the other's saber, but the rubber bands have warped the hands to such a degree that putting the lightsabers in their hands is impossible (especially for Obi-Wan, who can't hold a saber in either hand; Anakin can at least hold it in one).  This to me is just simply unacceptable in this day and age.  Not to insult anyone who collects ships/playsets boxed, but when it's called a "PLAYSET", I don't think that the presentation of the figures in the window should go beyond what the old Joes used to do with the little window card thing.  How can you have the "Final Duel" when neither of them will hold their sabers?

Okay, the playset itself.  First of all, the Vader Table does attach to the back of the hallway facing outward, and the Battle Arenas (up to 3) can attach to the front of the playset.  The little discs (I don't know what they're supposed to be) sit rather precariously on the lava plume (which thankfully is the cover of lava, unlike the photos which showed it as white) and the top part of the plume spins around rather freely.  The plume and its top are held in place by little metal rods (think Unleashed) with rubber covers over them to keep the fit tight but removable.

The magma balls are hollow and there are two of them.  The little eruption action works okay, but if there is anything in the actual volcano, the lever (done to look like rock) sticks out at an odd angle on the left side.  The color of the top and bottom parts of the volcano mountain are uniform in color (again, unlike some photos I'd seen) and although you can see the "seam" between the two, that is expected I suppose.

The arms are pretty interesting and thankfully the collapsing mechanism seems to work a lot better than the horrible collapsing catwalk on the Episode I Theed Hangar playset.  The playset comes with these little "ropes" with wrist cuffs on each end so you can hang Vader or Ben off the bottom of the platform for "mid air dueling."  These actually work pretty well, as the clips fit securely around either Vader's wrist(s) or the upper left arm of Ben's (due to the fact that his wrists are thinner than the clip).  The clip on the other end of each one can be clipped onto a small piece that juts out on the inside rung of either playset arms (which I have just seen in the "Art of" book referred to as "Collection Arms" or something).

The problem that these arms cause is that they extend so far past the back of the playset itself, they cause the set to tip a little bit backward due to the extra weight.  It doesn't cause it to fall over or anything, but there is a lean to it that shouldn't be there.  Right now, I have the arms kind of lightly pressed against a wall to support them without putting something under them, but I'll probably be removing the arms completely when I put it up for display, which sucks.

The "lava pool flip" thing is pretty corny, but it does have a rather gory spoiler on the flipside.  Basically, you can send Vader sliding down the side of the volcano and he will fall through the lava trap door.  Mine doesn't automatically flip to the other side, but when you do flip it, instead of just red lava with bits on rock in it, you have red lava, bits of rock, and a single black glove reaching out.  I found that very cool.   ;D

The backside of the playset is pretty much empty.  The way the top part of the volcano hooks onto the bottom part makes a kind of shelf in the interior though, so I guess you could do a little scene or something in there if you were so inclined.  There isn't any detailing on the walls though (like the Arena had), so you'd probably need to dress it a little.  The hallway is cool, with a slight dip near the end of one end, and is what it is: a hallway under a volcano.

One of the things that struck me as kind of neat has nothing to do with the actual playset actions themselves, but the way the mountain seems to be molded.  I got a really big sense of deja vu when I saw it all put together, because the angles of the mountain are very similar to the vintage Dagobah playset.  It's not exact or anything, but the proportions and what is elevated, where holes are, and so on are similar. 

Overall, I thought it was a decent toy for the price, although I was a little disappointed with the balance issue and the almost total inability of Vader and Obi-Wan to hold their respective (or each other's) lightsabers due to Hasbro and their stupid little rubber bands warping the hands.  With kids being more interested in video games these days, I don't think a lot of them will give a damn about this piece, and a lot of collectors will probably leave them boxed up, but that being said, I had a bit of fun playing around with it.  Plus, I'm sure I'll be fiddling with it even more next week once I've seen the film and know what those big ass "collector arms" are for, where stuff happens in the film, where the hallway goes, and so on.

So was it worth 30 bucks?  If you're going to open it and display it, I'd say yeah, probably.  It's not a vintage Death Star or anything like that, but it's still a nice piece that has some fun features.  I'd actually rank it as a better piece than the Arena (on a whole) because it's more than just a facade, it doesn't rely on stickers and cardboard cutouts (a pet peeve of mine) for ambience, and it was cheaper but just as well constructed and designed (if not moreso) as the Arena.

There you go.  Anybody have any questions that they would like to ask about it for things I didn't cover in my (ridiculously nonlinear and disorganized) review?

First of all, I'd like to say that if it hadn't been for the fine people who frequent this board, I would be up the creek without a paddle.  I'll give those shout-outs in a moment, but it's because of you guys that I have these figures, so I am very appreciative.

And my list:

-WM Early Bird Set: Passed on it.  If/when they wind up on clearance (the "if" also including being clearanced before the offer expires), I'll pick one up, but even then, I don't know.

-Target Lava Vader:  Got one just because I was there at the time they opened.

-TRU Holo Yoda:  Dave (jokabofe) hooked me up with one (thanks Dave!)   :)

-KB 12" Chewbacca:  I don't have a KB around me, and I'm pretty selective on who I buy as a 12" doll, so I passed.

-Target Clone:  Paul (pmundheim) hooked me up with one and he threw in one of his empty clamshells from his to boot, so I'm double appreciative to him.   :)

-C3 Vader:  Jared (Tydirium) stood in line for hours, I'm sure, and was willing to buy a Vader and Star Case for me, so I'm owing him bigtime these days.   ;D

-TRU Anakin Starfighter:  If it shows up on clearance at for about 10 bucks, I might get it then.  As of now, I have two Jedi Starfighters in different colors and I can't justify paying 30 bucks for another one with a figure I already have.

So again, thanks to Dave, Paul, and Jared for helping me out.  You guys rule!

Feedback / Re: pmundheim's feedback
« on: May 13, 2005, 03:22 PM »
I just completed my first deal with Paul and I couldn't be happier.  Great packing, fast shipping, and wonderful communication.  He hooked me up with a Target Clone, plus he threw in an extra empty clamshell so I could store Holo Yoda alongside!

I can't recommend Paul highly enough, and I would deal with him again in a millisecond.  Thank you Paul! :)

I've read in other comments from those that saw the movie that the score was, again, mixed much lower than the sfx tracks. That is the more alarming comment to me. Ben Burtt’s ego seems incapable of accepting the fact that score is an even more important part of film sound than sound effects. He’s robbed the entire prequel trilogy of the majesty that Williams’ score brings to the mix.

I think the point where a lot of people started to really wonder about Burtt's mixing of the score vs. sound was when the DVDs came out last fall.  Many people had heard about how he had specifically asked for no music during the asteroid chase in AOTC, and due to the really abrupt edits in the music in other areas of TPM and AOTC, realized that his intentions might not be all about the film after all.  Then, once one of the most memorable musical pieces in ANH (the Rebel Fanfare that plays as the X-Wings descend on the Death Star) was mixed so low that it could no longer be heard due to a huge roar of the X-Wing engines, I think people started to catch on that Burtt might be a bit jealous.  Not to mention the fact that he reversed the channels for the music in the entire film and then LFL tried to pass it off as a "deliberate creative decision."   ::)

If you listen to the commentaries, especially on the OT, Burtt says (possibly several times) how he wishes there was no music in certain scenes so the sound effects could shine through.  Putting him behind an editing desk and/or giving him total control of the sound design is ridiculous when he's making comments like that because it's obvious his own ego is interfering with his ability to make the right choice for the films.

The truth is that with a few exceptions (e.g. the lightsaber and Vader's breathing), the music of the films is more iconic than the sound effects and, when combined with Lucas' comments that the SW films could work as silent films with just music, I think that Burtt is just a jealous prick who is abusing his position in the SW crew to make himself look good.

Announcements / Re: New Forum Avatars
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:04 AM »
Thank you so much Jared!  That's the exact image I'd been hoping for!   :D

Just thought I'd chime in here with my usual "GODDAMNED BEN BURTT ******* DIE DIE DIE!" rant on how the score is apparently used in the film.

While I haven't seen the film itself yet (I'll be there at 12:01 AM on the 19th though, so final thoughts will wait until then), I did read this article at that reveals, once again, JW's score has fallen victim to the mighty hands of Senor Burtt of Egotistica, although thankfully not quite as much as the prior two prequels have experienced.

I'm really curious as to how much music was composed and not composed for ROTS, what really cool pieces of music (ala the "Confession" scene in AOTC) were left off the CD completely, and how JW really feels about Ben Burtt these days.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Greivous' Cough?
« on: May 12, 2005, 08:45 PM »
There was (and is) still a clip of Grievous on the OS (that you don't have to pay for, imagine that!) where he's talking to Obi-Wan about something or other.  It sounds pretty silly.  I have no idea where the link is, but it was posted at around the time of C3.



Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: May 12, 2005, 08:34 PM »
Dude, we got that kickass Battle Arena set with them in it.  What more could you want?!?

Sarcasm aside, and believe me when I say this comment even makes me roll my eyes at myself, I actually like the Palpatine that comes in the Battle Arena.  As cheesy and statue-like as it is, I don't think it's that bad a figure. 

Okay, so it's bad, but it's still neat to look at in all its crappy glory, unlike the Mace Windu, Anakin, Dooku, and Obi-Wan figures in the BAs.   :-\

As for what I'd like to see, I'm not up on the ROTS characters (I've managed to mostly stay away from spoilers), but here's what I would like to see:

-More Clones (this goes without saying and works on the assumption that Hasbro will actually figure out their case assortments)

-More Padmes, from ROTS, AOTC, or TPM.  Seriously.  There is no excuse as to why she keeps getting short-changed.

-Palpatine in the robes from the 12" Darth Sidious doll.

-The other two medical droids from the Vader construction scene.

-Queen Organa with Leia

-Beru Lars with Luke

-Anyone else with the last name Lars (and if they have to do OT figures, please redo Owen)

-Grievous' Bodyguards (I'm probably alone on this, but based on the shot of one in the trailer flanked by BDs and the few still photos I've seen of them with Grievous, it looks as if the current version is smaller in both height and width when compared with the photos/footage.  Plus, it'd be cool to have a staff that had the glowing effect on the ends of each thing too.)

Feedback / Re: Jesse James' feedback
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:27 PM »
Just completed a speedy and wonderful transaction with Jesse for some loose army builders.  Great communication, fast payment, and just an all-around nice guy to boot.  I'd deal with him or recommend dealing with him again in a heartbeat.

Thanks Jesse!  :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro Direct Sales Website
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:19 PM »
And the saga has least temporarily.

I actually received my order from earlier today in the mail.  The box was plenty big enough for the item (the Obi-Wan vs. Grievous' Bodyguard Battle Arena) but it's a good thing I'm not a MIB collector, as the packing material was shoved in there so tight that it had "crushed" in the bubble on the box.  This was easily fixed, but people who are a lot less forgiving than I am would probably have a bit of a problem with it.

They used the "inflato-bag" things that Amazon has been using for ages now as their packing material, but I guess that's better than KB's wads o' paper they've been using for ages.  If, indeed, the order shipped on May 6th, it took 6 days to reach me, which given Hasbro's overall history of being able to actually get stuff out in a decent amount of time, is actually almost lightspeed.   :D

But yeah, overall, I was satisfied with the condition of the item (of course, the box was torn up and thrown away once I had the figures out, but I digress), and would probably order from them again once they actually figure out how to run the site and keep their own products in stock, but right now they'd be a "last resort" type of thing somewhere between Amazon/ and

Feedback / Re: Tydirium's (pka SilverZed3) feedback
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:09 PM »
Yet another wonderful transaction with Jared.  He hooked me up with a C3 Vader and Star Case, and I could not be more appreciative.  He even threw in a SW miniature to boot. 

A big thank you and +1 to Jared!   :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro Direct Sales Website
« on: May 11, 2005, 07:17 PM »
Yeah, I finally got the shipment notification email (which was surprisingly slim on actual details of when it was shipped) this afternoon, but only after I called the HTS "hotline" and asked why my credit card had been fully charged when I had not yet received a shipping notification email and the account section on HTS said that my order had "not shipped" and would not until about May 12th. 

The guy I spoke to was very helpful and seemed genuinely baffled as to why the account section wasn't showing it and why I hadn't received a shipping email since, according to him, the system he was looking at showed it shipped on the 6th.  He said he would mention my case to his supervisor (meaning I'm probably blocked from HTS now-haha) and that he apologized for the confusion.

So now we find out what the actual shipping part of this equation entails.  We already know that the HTS site itself has some MAJOR bugs to work out, so let's see if the actual process of, you know, us getting the toys works any better.

I don't think it makes you bad.  However, if there is someone in the aisle that only wants one clonetrooper.  You have 25 in your arms it might be nice to spare one of them for the poor person.  You know what I mean?  I mean you have 25.  He has zilch.  LOL!

To me, that's the main difference in army building that I don't think a lot of people take into consideration when they bash army builders, like rebeltrader mentioned he experiences.

A true army builder might be buying 25 of the AT-TE Gunner in the aisle, but would (I've found) happily hand you one if he/she were asked nicely. 

Someone who isn't so scrupulous will look at you like you're insane when you ask him/her to part with one of those 25 AT-TE Gunners so you can finally have it in your collection.  After all, that little guy is going to pay for his/her retirement, don't you know.  ::)

To put army builders and army hoarders in the same boat is, to me, wrong and insulting.  Army builders are opening these figures to make dioramas, or photo novels, or what have you; army hoarders are locking them away from light and the elements so they can have them AFA graded and sell them for 100 bucks on Ebay.

So, to all you army builders, don't feel guilty because you're doing it for the right reasons.  Just don't forget to give your old pal DoctorPadawan one of those 25 Clones since he's on your side and all.   ;)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS variation/error thread
« on: May 11, 2005, 03:15 PM »
Looks like there's yet another intentional color variant for army building purposes, this time on the new Wookiee Warrior.  He's apparently shipping in both light tan, and darker brown versions.  Oy!

I can officially confirm this with my own two (or four if you're all Ogre and hate NEEERRRRRDS) eyes.  I just got back from Target where they had apparently put out one case of 41-44 (guess which figure was nowhere to be found by the time I got there?).  ::)

Anyway, they had two Wookiees on the pegs: one was the tan version (which I had found yesterday in a bit of dumb luck) and the other was the dark brown version, which I picked up.  So, if Target's pegs are to be believed, these are shipped equally in a case, unlike the Royal Guard.

I'd also like to say for the record that that goddamned 41 Clone is probably going to be giving me headaches for the rest of the summer.  DICKY MO....DICKY MO!  ;D

Announcements / Re: New Forum Avatars
« on: May 11, 2005, 03:11 PM »
I'm officially requesting that someone (Matt, hint hint) hook me up with an avatar of either one of the following:

1.  The frame from ROTS (it's in the second trailer) where Yoda has this "OH ****!" look on his face right before he gets fried by lightning.


2.  A close-up of the "Demented Yoda" puppet from page 207 of "The Making of 'Revenge of the Sith.'"

I'll be your friend if you can swing this.  ;D

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