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Messages - DoctorPadawan

Pages: 1 ... 107 108 109 110 111 [112] 113 114 115 116 117 ... 133
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: May 11, 2005, 12:09 PM »
Re: Lohan.

Wow.  Actually, I take that back.  Yikes.

If you look really closely against her hip, you can see the outline of a crackpipe hidden in her dress.   ;)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro Direct Sales Website
« on: May 11, 2005, 09:42 AM »
Thanks Jeff, I was beginning to get confused as to what whines I posted in which thread.   :D

Quick update on my order:  My credit card has officially been charged the full 26 dollars or so of my order, despite the fact that I have not received a shipment confirmation email and my account section at HTS still lists the order as "Not Shipped."

So far, things are not looking good for me being a repeat customer of HTS, at least for a while.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: you work out the bugs on a site before it goes live, not while it's live.  And you should probably actually have the stuff in stock that you claim to have in stock, especially when the company that makes the product and is selling the product is one and the same.   ::)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: May 11, 2005, 09:00 AM »
I found one each of the Destroyer Droid, Wookiee Warrior, and Neimoidian Warrior yesterday at my local Wal-Mart.  They were hanging on the front of the pegs in the (overflowing) SW half-aisle and there was (surprise!) no sign of the Clone whatsoever.  I was walking around in another aisle and found the case that the figures came in (literally) ripped open at the top and lying in the middle of the floor.  Wow.

In case anyone is wondering, the Droideka is practically the exact same figure as the 2002 Saga version.  New copyright date, and the missles have been modified a bit near the nose of the projectile, but otherwise it's the same figure.  The Wookiee is very cool, although mine's right arm keeps coming apart at the elbow joint and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell that totem pole thing is used for.  The Neimoidian is cool, but as far as the Big Ass Cannon, WTF?

Hasbro needs to figure out this Clone situation and pronto.  It's not funny anymore (it never was) that the figures that more people are having more trouble finding than anything else are all Clones (Clone 6, Clone Commander, Clone Pilot, AT-TE Gunner, Clone 41, and I'd be willing to be Commander Baccarra is going to be just as hard to locate).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: May 11, 2005, 08:51 AM »
Best I could do for ya', Michael...

Great, thanks Matt!  Your 6 cents is on route.  :)

And they film it different than any other show on Food Network... looks more like a film than a cooking show.

I was noticing that yesterday, Bill.  The guy's show that comes on before her didn't have a whole lot of production value to it.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the way her show looks, but her father is Dino DeLaurentiis, the legendary film producer. 

One more thing... it helps to search for her correctly-spelled name...

D'OH!  I feel like (even more of) an idiot now.   :-[

I have yet to see Lohan with the blonde hair, but over the last two years (IMO), she just keeps getting skankier and skankier, so the bleach job doesn't surprise me.  Playboy, here she comes.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:36 PM »
I wanted to finally get in on the fun in this thread, but alas, I cannot find a photo online of my belle d'jour.  To add a little incentive to my regular offer, I will give not only a shiny new nickel, but also a slightly off-color penny to the person who can find one of her that is a decent size and post it.

Giada DeLaurentis of "Everyday Italian" on the Food Network.  Absolutely stunning, and she is a chef.  Wow.  Cue the drooling smiley.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro Direct Sales Website
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:36 PM »
At this point, it looks as if it's already destined to fail, given that they can't even ship out the stuff that was listed as "In Stock", much less the stuff that is on backorder (the irony of Hasbro not having their own toys in stock amuses me to no end, though).

I was told yesterday that my order (placed on May 2nd, that was for an item that was advertised as "In Stock: Usually Ships in 24 Hours") had been shipped on May 6th, despite the fact that I had not received a shipment confirmation email, the account section on still showed it as being unshipped and expected to ship on May 12th, and the temporary authorization which had been on my card since last Tuesday has disappeared.

Not to mention the fact that their site, as I mentioned earlier in this thread or the other one in Watto's, is starting to look a lot like (due to all the "not currently available" or items that are pictured but not in stock) SW section, but without all the useless Brian's Toys crap mixed in.

Why they would launch the website before they actually had stock and, more importantly, all the bugs worked out is a mystery to me.  Then again, this is Hasbro, and they're not exactly known for logical thinking.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Future Clone Troopers
« on: May 10, 2005, 02:54 PM »
I just wanted to chime in here and say that the cockpit that Plo Koon is sitting in in Nick's photo appears to be from one of the ROTS-style Jedi Starfighters and not one of the AOTC style Jedi Starfighters.  The "Making of" book actually has photos of animatics of this scene, and Plo's flying a ROTS style Jedi SF there as well.  At first I wrote off the difference, saying it was an animatic and wasn't a finished shot, but now I'm not so sure.

It seems like either:

1.  LFL screwed up and while we'll see the interior of a ROTS fighter, it will be an AOTC fighter for the exteriors.


2.  Hasbro screwed up and didn't think it necessary to correct their mistake.

Very curious.  I guess we won't know until May 19th what the real Plo Koon JSF is.   :-\

Back to the Clones and, particularly, who serves under Stass Allie: didn't Hasbro update with photos of that deluxe wave (with Allie and the Speeder Bike) a few weeks ago, and include something about the planet she was on with the bike?  I'm trying not to look too closely at things at this point, but those of you more knowledgable as to the individual planets the Clones are on might be able to start there.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Enjoy The Next Few Days
« on: May 10, 2005, 11:26 AM »
In 1977, when I was a very small child, my mother took me to see the original "Star Wars." 

In 1980, when I was still very young, my mother took me to see "The Empire Strikes Back."

In 1983, when I was a little older but still young, my mother took me to see "Return of the Jedi."

In 1999, when both my mother and I were both older, I took her to see "The Phantom Menace."

In 2002, when my mother and I were both older and she was starting to feel the effects of her age, I took her to see "Attack of the Clones."

Next Thursday, despite physical, emotional, and spiritual problems that affect the both of us, I will be taking my mother to see "Revenge of the Sith."

That's what I'm looking forward to.   :'(

Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS - Deluxe Figures
« on: May 9, 2005, 10:17 PM »
So while they're may be selling, Wave 1 is filling most of the stores to the maximum peg capacity. I don't see a lot of a chance for future waves to reach anywhere near the saturation necessary to accommodate pulling cute little repaint stunts at 1-per-case within the Deluxe line.

What gets me is that they (once again) saved the Clones until the last wave of Deluxe figures (at least the last wave we know about), and you just know that they'll do about four different color variations of those.  There was a report at GH around the time of C3 that basically said that Hasbro was going to do a few variants of it. 

So, you'll have two Clone three packs per case, in an assortment which has clogged pegs (predictably) since the first day of release, that stores aren't ordering a large amount of because of that initial glut, and it's then that Hasbro decides to start doing paint variants of Clone Troopers.

Way to go Hasbro!   ::)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Spending too much $$$?
« on: May 9, 2005, 05:48 PM »
I actually sat down and calculated how much I had spent on ROTS stuff (from toys to books) and I'm not going to reveal the grand total, but it's literally 25% more than I had planned on spending by this point.  And that's just from buying one of each figure.   :-\

The only thing I can be thankful for (I guess) is that after the Mustafar playset, there doesn't look to be anything else coming out this year that is going to break the 15 dollar mark.  At this point, I'd settle for a two month break. 

[translate:language=hasbro]We're sorry that you collectors called us out on our cheap ill-concieved cases, and will try to come up with better bull**** in the future, right after we sling a few more insults about the toys being meant to be played with, not kept in the packaging at your buy-anything-we-make asses. Eat it, collectors![/translate:language=hasbro]

You forgot this part:

"As punishment for daring to question our obvious genius, we will ship solid cases of Cantina Han Solos for the next year due to what we'll call 'an overwhelming demand' but what is actually us being bitter ********.  Lick our collective ******* while you're on your knees, fanboys!"


Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Clone Trooper
« on: May 9, 2005, 05:39 PM »
Do I win?

You win, Pete.  PM me with your mailing address and I'll get a dollar and a nickel out to you in the next day or so.  And no, I'm not kidding.  I always stand by my word.   :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro to Offer Direct Sales?
« on: May 9, 2005, 03:59 PM »
I must have been on the phone with someone there at the same time you were Jared. ;)

I just attempted to cancel my order for the Battle Arena (since I actually found all three at Target earlier this afternoon; I only bought the Sidious/Mace and Anakin/Dooku sets just to be safe) and was told by the very nice and very helpful (no sarcasm here folks, he was a nice and helpful person) HTS representative that my order had already shipped.  On May 6th.  Last Friday.

I asked why it was the account section still said that the item was shipping on May 12th, and why if it had shipped I hadn't gotten a confirmation email, and he said he didn't know.  He did confirm that my order was shipping USPS standard though, so knowing Hasbro, they probably sent it by horseback and I'll get it once Episode VII finally comes out.   ;D

Again, I will update with further developments on my own order, but I will say this: I think they've got the customer service side of things going pretty well (in terms of overall congenial attitude amongst the operators), but in terms of knowing what the hell is going on at any given time with an order, we're/they're completely in the dark.

If Hasbro starts putting up HTS exclusives, we're all ******. 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Clone Trooper
« on: May 9, 2005, 03:08 PM »
I'll send a shiny new nickel to someone talented in Photoshop if they can do up a cut and paste job of a Target Clone with an "Ebay Exclusive" sticker on it.   ;D

I'll send you a shiny new quarter if you also email this to Hasbro and LFL and point out how this is what is happening with these exclusive figures. 

A dollar will go to the first person to photoshop the stereotypical comic shop guy holding said Ebay exclusive and bag of Cheetos at the same time.   :D

Yes, I'm being silly (I'm not joking about the nickel or the quarter or the dollar though, folks, so have at it), but Hasbro likes to live in their little ivory tower in Pawtucket (doors held together securely by those twist ties and little clear rubber bands, of course) and believe that their responsibilities for the toys end when they leave the warehouse.  I think it's about time that they have to face facts that even if they're not the ones selling them, they are the ones making them, and they should be held accountable for the scarcity of products.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Future Clone Troopers
« on: May 9, 2005, 12:47 PM »
This is a spoiler question (so a "yes" or "no" with no explanation will do just fine), but is Order 66 just an order that Palpatine gives or is it some kind of post-hypnotic suggestion type thing that simultaneously gives the final order to eliminate the Jedi and brings all the Clones under his direct and total control? 

I've always wondered if it was the latter, since by the time of the OT, all the originality and distinct armor styles for individual troops was nonexistent; making them total subservient automatons would pretty much wipe out that need for individualized armor and identities.

That Clone guy with Yoda is awesome looking; he'd be my first choice for a figure.  Cody would be cool too, mainly since he was seen in the CW cartoon first, and it's always nice to see a CW character tie into the films (at least for me, Grievous will be a CW character who went into the movies, rather than the other way around).  I really wish that Hasbro would just ship the hell out of either the #6 or #41 Clone (if only the latter didn't have that antenna) and keep repainting them until they've exhausted all options for grunts.  Needless to say, this won't happen, as Clones apparently don't sell as well as constantly reshipped Obi-Wans and Anakins and Yodas (I guess that's why I see so many of the latter and none of the former hanging around these days).

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