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Messages - DoctorPadawan

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Pegwarmers?
« on: May 6, 2005, 03:06 PM »
Pretty much all of the first 32 with the exception of the Emperor, Vader, Secura, and the Royal Guard(s) are pegwarmers in my area, with Tarfful, Yoda (both versions), and Plo Koon holding court as the Lords of the Pegs (what's clearance, precious?).

Clones are kind of in that gray area here.  They're not as easy to find as any version of Obi-Wan or Anakin, but they're not as hard to find as a Vader either.  Clone Commanders and Clone Pilots are just now starting to show up in decent numbers (although the Pilots do sit for a while; if Hasbro actually shipped and retail actually stocked the ships they pilot, they might sell better), but the AT-TE Gunner is nearly impossible to find (I've only seen two and that was this past Tuesday, when I finally got my one). 

Of the post-32 figures, Vader's MD is usually the sign you've missed an AT-TE Gunner and it's the only figure that tends to hang around from those four.  I wouldn't say it is a pegwarmer yet, but it's got "Arena Padme" written all over it.*

If I see one more Obi-Wan deluxe I'm going to vomit.  The deluxe Palpatine is running a distant second, and thankfully the Vulture Droid is only one per case or else I have a feeling I'd be seeing it everywhere I go.  12" Clones are abundantly abundant, as are (poetically) the 12" Anakin/Vader monstrosity. 

Vehicles are, believe it or not, seemingly outselling the basic figures around here.  Not an ARC or Gunship to be seen, the Boga is surprisingly popular, the AT-RT comes and goes within a day or two, and the BARC Speeder even sells briskly despite it being a total piece of crap.

Force Battlers, by comparison, are just flying off the shelves.  It's hard to tell whether the FB or Attacktix are selling better since there are never any around.  ::)

And the Vader Voice Changer helmets are going to go down as the "Hulk Hands" of this summer.  Even though the Vader helmet is infinitely cooler (to me at least), a WM employee told me that they get at least two cases of them every week and that because of the full shelves, they have a backlog of several cases in the back to be stocked when room becomes available.

EDIT:  Oops, forgot the pithy comment :)


Modern Classifieds / Re: Clone trooper packs
« on: May 6, 2005, 11:31 AM »
PM heading your way :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: May 5, 2005, 10:01 PM »
A few days late, but I finally found an AT-TE Gunner at a local WM on Tuesday morning.  Amazingly, both of them were still hanging on the front of the pegs along with a plethora of the Vader MD and Polis Massan figures, but Mas Amedda was gone the way of the dodo.  I mean, it's a nice figure, but who looks at him and the AT-TE Gunner and says, "I'll take the one with the tongue."*

So, even though I'm not really caught up, I am caught up in my mind.  1-40 are now complete and I'm looking forward to being continually frustrated looking for 41-56 due to the crapload of 1-32 that every retailer from here to Abu-Dhabi has these days.

*minds out of the gutter, guys :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro to Offer Direct Sales?
« on: May 5, 2005, 05:28 PM »
As promised, here's a play-by-play of my order goings-on (a lot of this is in retrospect, since I was out of town for a few days).

Monday Night: I place the order and it goes through.  My account is created and all is well.

Tuesday Morning: Before leaving for a trip, I notice that the receipt I printed out is missing part of my address and I call the fine people at on their 800 number to let them know of the mistake (the part of my address that was missing from the receipt and my order on the site was still present in the actual account section).  The woman I spoke to said (and I'm not making this up) that they could not access any of the orders from the previous night until Wednesday and therefore I would need to call back then to straighten it out.  Try as I might, I couldn't think of a legitimate reason to ask why they couldn't access their own information, so I just decided I would call back the following day.

Tuesday Afternoon: Hasbro placed a temporary authorization on the card I used for the full price of the Battle Arena I ordered the previous night.  How they did this without access to the order information is beyond me, although I'm sure that voodoo and my third grade spelling teacher are involved.

Also, Hasbro sends me the order confirmation email (again, how they did this without having access to any of it is something I don't understand).

Wednesday Morning: I call's 800 number again and the woman who I speak to is very helpful and is able to make the necessary addition to the address on file for that order, which is now apparently able to access.  I am happy, since this means that my order can be shipped out.

Thursday Afternoon (10 minutes ago):  I check my order status at  The Battle Arena, listed as "In Stock-Ships Within 24 Hours" when I ordered it and when I double-checked the day afterwards, is now scheduled to ship on May 12th.  Yep, over a week later (I guess the "usually ships" comment is put there so they can say, "Oops, we're sorry" but then again, how can they even judge when something "usually" ships until they've been open a few weeks and have actually shipped anything at all?).

So now I'm playing the waiting game on two fronts: the first is to see whether or not the Battle Arena will ship earlier than the May 12th (in other words, closer to what they originally stated it would), and the second to see if they actually charge my card before they ship the toy. 

Further updates will come as this story develops.  And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro to Offer Direct Sales?
« on: May 2, 2005, 10:46 PM »
I think I'm going to bite the bullet and order something that is in stock, just for the sake of taking one for the team and giving a totally unbiased (despite my constant ranting and raving about how they are all idiots huffing paint fumes in Pawtucket, RI, I am unbiased about stuff like this) opinion of's overall ease of transaction and quality of shipment, etc.

And to prove I'm a complete idiot, I'm placing an order for one of the Battle Arenas that I will be sick of seeing once they actually show up at retail around here (Obi-Wan vs. Grievous' Bodyguard, in case you care). 

Fake edit: The order has been placed, the item is listed as "Usually ships within 24 hours" and I feel kind of dirty having paid 25 dollars for this thing that I'm sure will disappoint me.  I hope you're happy JediDefender!  I endure Hasbro's stupidity to report back to you!  ;D

(I'm sure the Obi-Wan, "Who's the more foolish?" comment is somehow applicable here)  :D

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro to Offer Direct Sales?
« on: May 2, 2005, 07:17 PM »
Just a couple of predictions (I still haven't gone to look at the site myself, so some of this may have already come to pass):

1.  Within the month, Hasbro will stop selling individual figures because everyone will be buying the Clones by themselves, leaving Hasbro (in poetic justice) drowning in a sea of Obi-Wans and R2-D2s that they can't get rid of at the inflated price.  To remedy this, they will only sell Clones in sets of two: one Clone and one Obi-Wan/Yoda/R2/Anakin/Tarfful/Chewbacca/etc.

2.  The site will completely crash at least 12 times between now and the end of the month, numerous orders will be lost, and Hasbro will find some way to blame it on retailers not supporting the line by pointing their customers to the Hasbro website.

3.  Nothing will ever ship on time (12-14 days from the actual company?  Shouldn't they, of all people, have stacks of this stuff sitting around in warehouses?), people will wind up with only parts of orders, and Hasbro will shut down the site completely.

Pessimism?  Sure, it is.  But after 10 years of this, I would expect nothing less from Hasbro.  I'm hoping I'm wrong, but honestly, would any of those three things I mentioned surprise you at this point?

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Bonus Clone Troopers!
« on: May 2, 2005, 07:09 PM »
While this is a very good concept, I can't see it being terribly succesful from a collector's standpoint, if only for the fact that the vehicles are expensive and those of us who already have the vehicles, in more cases than not, only want/need one of them.  At the very least though, the Clone looks to be the #6 version with no obvious differences, so it's not like there is anything really "exclusive" about it aside from the packaging.

That being said, it would have been nice had the ARC-170 included 3 Clone Pilots and a generic astromech; the Obi-Wan and Anakin starfighters could have included pack-in pilots for each; and the BARC Speeder could have included a Biker Sco...oh, it had one?  I thought that was an old Applause PVC that someone tossed in my box by mistake. :)

And distribution sucks because distribution has always sucked.  Hasbro's had 10 years to figure out distribution and case pack ratios and they haven't gotten any better at it in that time.  Just look at future case assortments and you'll see that many of the first 12 that aren't Vader are still being mixed in and I think we're going to have one hell of a summer ahead of us.

Somehow I don't think that the #7 R2-D2 is going to be in a whole lot of demand by the time the Mustafar Sound version comes out later this summer (or, by the rate things are going, next weekend).  ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: R.I.P. Kirby & Puckett
« on: May 2, 2005, 02:30 PM »
I am so sorry to hear about your dogs, Chewie.  At this point in my life, I am more fond of animals than I am most people, and they truly do become just like another family member.  I'm a cat person, but losing an animal is like losing your best friend, be they feline or canine.

Just remember that as long as they stay in your mind and in your heart, they will always be alive.  As Hobbes once told Calvin, "I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each others dreams, we can play together all night!"

So, I guess what I'm saying is that you should never stop dreaming, and Kirby and Puckett will never be far away from you.   :'(

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Again
« on: May 2, 2005, 02:20 PM »
Chances are you won't see most of the above again because they've already seen the new cardback.

In my mind, that would make it easier to rerelease them than the older ones.  With the older ones (Vader 2 for example), they would have to do all new artwork for the card (unless they used the recent reissue of Vader 1's artwork instead; but even then they would have to modify the packaging on the plastic insert to accomodate the different base), but for the ones that have already shown up on the new cards, all they would theoretically have to do would be to change the image on the back (where it shows other figures from that wave). 

In my mind, this makes the cost absolutely minimal for Hasbro, because they could just use the same molds and the same packaging, maximizing their profits from those figures.  If they did a straight reissue of the Solo/Boba/Yoda and Sing/IG/Stormtrooper waves, they wouldn't have to change a thing on the cards (other than the copyright date, and that would not be a big deal).

Somehow, I don't see any of this coming to pass (Hasbro's too busy thinking up new ways to repaint Jedi Starfighters, I'm sure), but it's nice to dream.

And even though I don't have him, I hope to Jebus that Jango is never recarded, because he's what almost killed this line in the first place and to see him rereleased would be suicide.

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Again
« on: May 1, 2005, 02:15 PM »
Good to hear you got one HE.  Now, if only Hasbro would get the hint that hardly anyone got one of these and make them available SOMEHOW again, as it is a really nice figure.  I'm not too fond of the cost-cutting they're doing on the bases (the Stormie's is really lightweight and IG-88's was warped due to the use of that famous "Hasbro Cheap Ass Rubber"), but the Stormie itself is a really nice piece once you get it assembled.

I actually splurged back when they first came out (this being relative, as "coming out" implies you could actually find one at retail) and just got one on Ebay for a cheap BIN price.  I think I ended up paying 25 bucks for it with Priority Mail shipping and DC and the whole transaction took less than a week.  So while I feel kind of dirty for having to resort to Ebay, at the same time I feel that it was worth it, especially given the fact that I've never seen one in a store period.  They should have just put a sticker on the front that said "Ebay Exclusive!" and be done with it.   ::)

All the talk of reissuing older UL figures got me thinking about who was genuinely difficult to find at retail and who most deserves to be rereleased.  I'm not one of these people who gets upset when something is reissued (unless it's pointless, like Cantina Han in the POTF2/Saga/OTC/etc stuff) because "it devalues my original" of that thing, so here's the list of who I would think needs to be reissued (some of these are me hoping, naturally, and new artwork wouldn't have to be done for any of them, save the RH Vader):

-Darth Vader with Removable Helmet
-Princess Leia
-Han Solo
-Boba Fett
-Aurra Sing

Strangely enough, weren't all of those "case buddies" with other figures on the list at one time or another?  IIRC, Vader and Leia were their own assortment, and I definitely know that Fett/Solo/Yoda and Sing/IG/Stormie were their own assortments.  If anything proves that Hasbro's case assortment system needs a major overhaul, this is it.

They could just do a straight case reissue of the latter two (or do a Solo/Yoda/Leia case, a Fett/IG-88/Sing case, at 2 per figure, with the third case being 3 Vaders and 3 Stormies) and I think it would work well, but knowing Hasbro, this will never happen, and they will decide to reissue the Bossk/Secura/Tusken wave, which is practically nonexistent.   ::)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: More Target Exclusives?
« on: April 30, 2005, 04:15 PM »
Hey, how did these bastards get ahold of these? And how are they able to sell it to us for the low, low price of $18?

I don't know about how they (OMGCNFO stands for "Oh My God Cheap New Figures Online", which makes the high price on the Clone a little ironic) operate now, but they initially started with the idea of doing what their company name implies.  They said that they bought directly from Hasbro and that they would not charge any more than going retail for the items they sold.  The drawback was that 90% of the people on the RS forums who were ordering from them (judging by the posts) expressed unhappiness with their shipping and packing methods, and did not order from them again.

I hadn't been to their site in a while (last summer, I think was the last time I saw it; I've never ordered from them personally and cannot/will not vouch or disparage them), but the only thing it succeeded in doing for them was making me never want to go there again, since three times in a row in two different browsers, the site made my browser crash.

As for how they got their hands on them, I don't think this is one of those situations where they can pull a "Brian's Toys Excuse" (you know, the "We got this from an overseas distributor" bull****, when the photos of the item have a Wal-Mart price sticker on the bubble), as this item was, from what I gather, made specifically for Target. 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: battle droids = terrible
« on: April 30, 2005, 10:56 AM »
I'm going to be the voice of dissent (or the exception to the rule) here and say that my ROTS Battle Droid stands just fine on his base.  The plastic is crappy and his right leg is warped, but I'm able to put his left foot on the peg completely and kind of "bend" his right leg a little to the left and a small piece of the terrain holds is more or less in place (not securely, mind you).  He looks pretty cool standing like that, so I'm happy with it.

This is not to say that the quality of the figure overall is not pure crap though.  If a figure it more or less a skeleton, you'd think you'd want to use the highest quality plastic you could to make sure the figure wouldn't deteriorate over time.  Unfortunately, as usual, "If something's hard to do, it's not worth doing" seems to be Hasbro's mantra these days.

I still say the POTJ Security and Boomer Damage BDs are my favorites that have been made.  They have the film accuracy as far as the thin legs and arms, but also have a higher grade of plastic than the bendy crap that Hasbro's using on them these days.  I've actually had more problems with my TPM BDs bending in their lower legs than the POTJ versions.

And, for the record, RELEASE THE TROPHY EDITION OOM-9 ALREADY!  You don't have to do it as a Trophy Edition as it was originally conceived, but jeez, Hasbro, the TPM version sucked and now is pretty much your last chance to do it and hope that it will sell more than three figures nationwide.

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Again
« on: April 30, 2005, 10:41 AM »
Ook, I actually posted a few pages back explaining how Obi-Wan and Anakin's bases fit together.  I don't know if I did a very good job of it, but it's somewhere around the end of page 18 or 19 I think if you want to have a look.  :)

I still maintain these are the best Unleashed figures that have ever been done when you put the two together.  Even better than Boba Fett.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: More Target Exclusives?
« on: April 29, 2005, 09:03 PM »
After thinking about it today, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up empty handed on the Clone Trooper.  My conspiracy theory brain has been going off today about how the clerk probably asked someone about it and they said, "Don't sell them and I'll cut you in on the Ebay profits." 

Oh well, it's not the end of the world.

It depends on where I am.  My local Target (I kid you not) has not restocked basic figures since April 2nd and, as such, I just stick to the fronts of the pegs.

Wal-Mart, however, is a little more difficult because they don't even have a lot of their figures on the pegs.  I don't know why, but they have only alotted (again, I kid you not) about 10 pegs to the ROTS basic figures total and decided to put the rest on a shelf, crammed in there rather indiscriminantly and haphazardly.  The other local WM is a lot better, since all of their figures are actually on pegs in an actual aisle section specifically for SW stuff, but the larger of the two WMs hasn't even taken the time to set up an aisle for them.  They just found an empty area and dumped them on the shelves there.

That being said, at the one WM that has pegs for all the figures, I do the sideways number check for the AT-TE Gunner (38) and anything 41 and up.  Sadly, I don't see anything past 32 all that often (e.g. three times since April 2nd), but I continue to look anyway.  I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.

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