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Messages - Dimetrodon

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Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 6, 2005, 08:18 PM »
Sweet! Thanks for the pics! Can we see a pic of Commander Appo (He is in the scene where the Clones are slaughtering Jedi in the Temple, he as a Kama/Skirt on)


Nope, he isn't there. I watched the sceen, and in slow motion about ten times, he sure isn't there.

Star Trek! you traitor you..  ;)

Thats one mean wookiee!
I really like it a lot. I wonder how ahrd it would be to reasonw ith a wookiee bounty hunter?
What does the original figure look like btw? I'm not sure how he started out.

now.. if only his eyes could look angriery, heh.

Why did you make his chest such a bright green? it is the same color as his arms and shoulders.
Otherwise I think it's pretty cool. I'm hoping I'll be able to recreate camo like that on a small scale with the minis.

I can try and get some more commander gree pictures for you if you like.
Also while rewatching scenes of the movie I notice he has no backpack or anything.
the white straps seem to be nothing more than suspenders.. :P

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 4, 2005, 02:16 AM »

This is the best I could do. I played the disc through a projector and took pictures with a camera as the computer wouldn't save them for some reason.

Oh and everyones personal favorite.


Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 4, 2005, 01:24 AM »
Commander Appo is not in any scene, or at least nothing in the finished film.
On the flip side I should be able to get picture of the BARC troopers.
And when you say "electrocuted emperor" kevin, do you mean when he is zapping mace?

I was having troubled capturing pictures on the computer but have a new method whioch I will try out very shortly.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 2, 2005, 10:51 PM »
I'm working on it.

or rather, I will be.

My friends last day of school is tomorrow (he gets out late this year) and we will start finding pictures.

He's been giving me crap about finals the last few days. Wouldn't let me borrow it either.. bah..

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Episode III Screen Shots
« on: June 1, 2005, 06:43 PM »
alright, I'll see what I can do.

I can't take it seriously  :D :D :D :D
LOL, that thing is too funny!

I can only imagine what an outcast rancor looks like..

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Episode III Screen Shots
« on: May 31, 2005, 10:06 PM »
My friend got a bootleg copy of Revenge of the Sith.
an apparent "studio copy" of it...

I'm going over to his place tomorrow to check it out.

I also believe we can take screen shots from it. So,If anybody needs reference shots from the movie for customs, we can probably dig something up for y'all  :D

just ask.

excitement, adventure, a jedi craves not these things.

good thing i'm not jedi.

I can't wait to see what mor is in store for us.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: I. Ardan Torik: Indescribable Hate
« on: May 30, 2005, 03:16 PM »
description is all  that could make this better. I really enjoyed this.
I think my favorite part was whent he cloen told his followers to shoot through if need be. I think it gave the cloens a bit more character. I thought the connection of Ardan to training clones was interesting also.

Can't wait to see more.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: May 30, 2005, 01:46 AM »
this all too much!  ;D

Photonovels and Movies / Imperial Raid!
« on: May 30, 2005, 01:34 AM »
Ok, so it's not quite a photo novel..

but it does have pictures.. with umm.. story..  :P

It's a diorama setup I have on one of my shelves.

News has traveled back to the local Imperial Garrison,from their spies. A Duros Merchant is dealing illegal arms to the Rebellion. A Strike Team is ready to infiltrate the Duros' warehouse at Mos Entha. They are now on their way to the scene of the crime in action.

It's an Ambush!! Someone must have tipped off the rebels.

They have a Heavy Repeating Cannon in preparation. Most likely to Hold off the Imperial troops as long as possible for an emergency evacutaion.

Those Rebels are looking pretty screwed..

"I'm too big to fit!! Damn you hasbro!!"

And Just for fun, here are some pictures of the shelf above that one.

This is my only part of my Republic Army, the 501st Legion as led by Anakin Skywalker. There are eight rows of fourteen clonetroopers. A total of 112 Clones in blue. Accompanied by some AT-RT's, Commanders, and Elite ARC Troopers.

Oh and what army is any good without a Tyrannosaurus to back you up?

Very Nice, and excellent Diorama! How did you do the trees? are they some sort of stump or just a background, I can't tell..

 I really wish that Hasbro would give us one of those BARC guys. perhaps in some sort of pack with a Gree. That'd be grand fro all. And just like the cloud car pilot, yoiu have shown me that sometimes there is more than meets the eye, as there is with your spacer.
It's been a while since I've seen anyone do a spacer..
Back in the day everyone was doing cantina guy.. :-p

I'd like to try this sort of custom out. Mostly to try out my camo skills, but I only have two scout troopers..
I already have enough customs to do anyway, between republic friends and the minis..

Modern Trading / Geonosian War Rooms Needed!
« on: May 29, 2005, 02:52 PM »
Hi, I need both of these sets. If anyone can help me, please shoot me a pm.
Send me a trade list also, so I know what I can do for you. I have too much to list.
I'll also buy..

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