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Messages - JoshEEE

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: If you had 5 Million Dollars...
« on: June 26, 2006, 03:19 AM »
Kind of already, uh, attempted that joke, which was totally lost on our friend "Darth Deastron.

That's what I get for not going back to page one.  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: If you had 5 Million Dollars...
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:52 AM »
If I had 5 million dollars?

I'd tellya what I'd do man. 2 chicks at the same time, man. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:50 AM »
I missed the whole thing too.

Damn Jack Black movies and fine Italian cuisine!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: To Catch a Predator
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:11 PM »
This reminds me of when I was 17 and dating a girl who was 19.  We were trespassing and getting busy on private property.  In short we got caught by the Police and after checking our ID's they asked me if I was consenting to sex and if I needed any assistance.  I found it pretty comical at the time.

When I was 17, I was also dating a girl who was 21.  Not quite illegal, but 4 years is a pretty big difference.  Maturity wise, she probably had at least 10 on me.  ;D

It's really tough to say where the age lines should be drawn, and how to prosecute the people that are right on the edges of them.  For example, I wouldn't freak out if I heard a 15 year old freshman in high school was sleeping with an 18 or even 19 year old senior.  Seems like half the freshmen girls in my high school dated seniors, and those guys could probably all be locked up for it.

Should they have been?  I don't know.  It would have made dating easier for me, that's for sure.  :D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Indiana Jones 4
« on: June 23, 2006, 02:42 PM »
Seeing the preview for Rocky 18 or whatever the newest one is has actually given me great fear for Indy 4.

Harrison Ford is too damn old to be Indiana Jones.  Unless he's playing the Sean Connery roll to some other action star in this one, I'm not sure I want to see him swinging from a tree by his whip or getting into fist fights.  It might be more depressing than anything else.

I'm sure I'll still go the day it comes out, but I sincerely hope Indy is more of a treasure hunter than a swashbuckler this time around.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: To Catch a Predator
« on: June 23, 2006, 02:40 PM »
I am all for giving someone a second chance in life for messing up, but pedophiles are that rare case where the first time it takes place it cannot be overlooked or forgiven. 

I would agree 100% with you, except that I find myself sympathizing with those guys that go to jail when they're 18 for sleeping with some girl they go to school with because the parents got angry about it and charged him with the crime.

I also find myself being a hypocrite when it comes to hearing about those female teachers that sleep with the high school boys.  I always think "right on kiddo!" for the guy, but if it was a male teacher, I'm sure I'd be like "lock him up!".

On the other hand, when it comes to predators like the one Jim was describing, I'm all for locking them up and throwing away the key. Let them be someone's bitch in prison.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: To Catch a Predator
« on: June 22, 2006, 01:09 AM »
I think it's a lot like he prostitution stings, where cops dress up like hookers.  I think as long as the PervJustice folks get the pervert on the other end to bring up the sex act talk first, then it's not entrapment.

This is one of those instances where I'm all for them pushing the law to it's limits.  If they have to talk suggestively to get the perv to suggest sex or something....yes, they're luring the guy, but they're luring a guy who was going to take advantage of a real kid if they didn't.

So did they prevent a crime, or did they arrest a guy for a crime that he may not have commited if they hadn't arrested him?

I guess it's a little like Minority Report, but again...I'm for it in this instance.  They just better not start taking liberties like that with other areas of the law.  The areas that I like to break.  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Star Wars on DVD - the future
« on: June 21, 2006, 03:04 PM »
Code: [Select]
mega 50th anniversary set due in 2027, on the brand-new holographic disc format.  And then there's 
There's going to be a holographic edition?  Well, shoot...I should just save up for that I guess.

My sympathies go out to Shannon's family in real life and all of her good friends here.  I didn't know her nearly as well as some of you, but when I met her at C3 she seemed like a really nice person and she's always been an outgoing and friendly member of this community.

Hearing that her struggle is over is terrible news, but I hope she's gone to a better place.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: If You Lost Your Collection....
« on: June 15, 2006, 05:22 PM »
A lot of times, when I sell, I often regret selling the pieces I did.  I then end up buying them back a few months down the road. 

How crazy is that?

Not that crazy actually.  I feel like you do, except I never sell anything.  However, let's say I could sell POTF2 He-Man Stormtroopers. I probably would.  What would I get for them?  A buck? Less?

For that price....they're almost better sitting in the very back row of a lineup of better POTJ and beyond troopers, you know?

That's sort of the case with everything I have.  The pennies on the dollar I'd get for them isn't worth letting them go, and for the stuff that IS worth a lot....I don't want to sell it, because I feel like I'm doing something that I've always hated to see. Profitting on Star Wars.


1.  Let's say I decide I don't want some of my 12"  Hasbro figures anymore, especially the ones that are being replaced by better Sideshow versions.  Some are worth 10, a few a lot more.  I'd want to sell them for what I got them for, or less....and at that point, I'm looking at a figure I bought for 15-20 who's now "worth" 70 or so, and saying "Do I really need the 20 bucks so bad?"  "What if I want to buy him back later?  It'll cost three times that."


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: If You Lost Your Collection....
« on: June 15, 2006, 03:11 PM »
It seems like many people almost feel like it would be a "relief" to stop, in some aspects, or to be more limited.

We really sound like a bunch of addicts, don't we?  I've "cut back" quite a bit this year, but I'm kidding myself if I try to say it's because of anything besides this not being a movie year.

I think one thing that keeps me from thinning the heard is my years at Rebelscum (and dealing with you guys here) has engrained in my brain that selling things just feels WRONG to me.  Some people have really helped me out over the years, and I'd hate to somehow betray that help by liquidating stuff (especially stuff someone gave me at a good deal).

Is that crazy?

Sure, there are ways around it.  I could start a sale and limit it to people I've traded with before, but chances are...they have it all already anyway.  ;D
I could sell everything super dirt cheap, but then I'd be sitting there saying "Is this figure really worth getting rid of for 2 bucks?"

I am only buying stuff I really like these days, but I'm full aware there's a lot of stuff in my collection I could lose and not feel bad about.  I should really get rid of that stuff I guess.....but for the reasons mentioned above, I don't.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:18 PM »
It just so happens that the pertinent part of the thread was saved:

I missed the original thread, but I have to say that this really isn't a lot different than a large majority of the posts I read on most collectible forums. People are always bashing Hasbro, or Gentle Giant, or whoever it is that makes the stuff they line up to buy.

As of 3pm today, there were over 12 Blackhole Stormtrooper threads going on (every single one filled with bitching about that thing). I reported a few of them and Phillip went through and took care of them, thank goodness.

I agree Matt's post was overly profane, but I think if it wouldn't have been reported, it would just be yet another post bashing Hasbro.  It's not that big of a deal over there, over here, at GH or anywhere I go.  We all bitch and complain about Hasbro from time to time.

It would seem Matt is back posting as of 2pm today....unless this vacation was imposed after that.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: If You Lost Your Collection....
« on: June 13, 2006, 03:04 PM »
I still feel the same way I did last year, with a twist.

I've already stopped buying a lot of the lines I was collecting previously. I'm only collecting the stuff I really like now, but I still have too much.  Plus I live in a smaller house so there's even less room to pick and choose what will eventually be displayed.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: June 9, 2006, 08:46 PM »
ready to vomit? 'bout imagining you're at the Hasblow Q and A or a 'Steve S.' speech at the CC and then there's like this surprise introduction to the new Fan Club Pres and then out walks cocky, smug Dustin with an arrogant smile...where's the towel? Worse yet he's stationed at the SWS Booth

Don't you think if Dustin had won all those campaign threads over at RS would still be going?

I imagine that other dude probably won and when Lucasfilm contacted him they said "Wow, this guy isn't really that much of a figurehead.  We'll just give him his goodies and let him be on his way".

Yeah, Jon did, but it was lost in transit overseas.  Not good for Jon or the recipient (Hemish, I think). 

That sucks. I've never lost a package yet, but I think I'll send with delivery confirmation and insurance when I do the secret santa packages, because I'm sending to someone who has no idea it's coming and that's really the only way to verify they got MY gift.

I'd recommend everyone spend the extra dollar to do that this Christmas, it'll help save you the grief.  ;D

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