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Messages - obi-dad

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Saga '02-'04 / Re: Target = Marked Down Prices
« on: February 3, 2004, 08:37 AM »
Targets in the St. Louis area "upped" their price from $4.79 to $4.99 about a month ago or so.   Might as well buy the figs at TRU if I can't find them at Walmart now. :P

Saga '02-'04 / Re: R1-G4
« on: January 29, 2004, 11:26 AM »
Sandcrawler.  Fall.  Target.  Live it.  Learn it.  Love it.

*j/k, Hasbro confirmed the Sandcrawler as a Fall 2004 Target Exclusive during Wizard World in Chicago this past August.

Let's just hope that's an exclusive that isn't delayed.  I can't wait to get my hands on that bad boy.   And thanks again, JediMac for the Star Tours droids.   I love that R5 droid, but it's definitely not R5-D4.   I didn't notice the 3rd "eye" was missing when pics of the Star Tours R5 were first out on the web and was very excited, even if it did have excessive carbon scoring.  I still think it's one of the best in the line, but that doesn't mean it's R5-D4.  

Back to the topic at hand... I still haven't seen R1 or for that matter, any of this wave on a peg, nor have I seen  an Achk Med-Beq figure either and I'm beginning to get worried.  I was able to find all of the Hoth wave.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: R1-G4
« on: January 28, 2004, 04:29 PM »
at least they didn't add some "hidden missle" like they did to R2-D4
Hasbro really has no excuse for not making a great (or good even) R5-D4 yet.  If they can make R1 that good and all the arms and articulation for the POTJ FX-7, then we should have a good R5 by now.   In fact, the vintage FX-7 is leap years ahead of the POTF2 R5.   They have to be coming out with one in 2004, but when will it be confirmed?   This is LONG overdue.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: R1-G4
« on: January 26, 2004, 01:49 PM »
I would take at least one of each of those.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Have You Ever Considered?
« on: January 14, 2004, 05:04 PM »
I have not stopped buying PT figures yet, but I have considered it.... especially as funds and space become more and more of an issue.   Looks like I'll have another year to decide.   I have stopped buying PT vehicles.   Last things I bought were the Arena, Obi's starfighter,  and first Republic Gunship.  I skipped out on Anakin's starfighter, the redeco'd gunship, the Geonosian fighter, and the hailfire droid.   I probably won't ever pick those up unless they just land in my lap by winning a contest or something like that.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Endor Wave Official
« on: January 12, 2004, 04:56 PM »
Thanks for the heads up Scott, its nice to get a chance to see pics of both Lando and Madine.  I notice Hasbro isn't giving the little line at the end "come back next month to see pics of the next wave....", like they used to :).
I noticed that as well and really miss it!!  It's the next best thing to getting pictures of the new figures is to see the actual Hasbro confirmation.  Anyway, I did notice the descriptions of the figures naming several other possible/potential future releases.   On the description for Lando:
After the daring rescue of Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, Calrissian became a General in the Alliance Forces. He volunteered to spearhead the starfighter attack on the second Death Star while Admiral Ackbar led the capital ships.
Also, on Han Solo AT-ST Driver's description, it reads:
With the help of the native Ewoks, the Rebel strike team defeated the Imperial forces and destroyed the generator, paving the way for victory at the Battle of Endor.  
And finally, on General Madine's description:
 A strict military disciplinarian, General Crix Madine was an important Alliance officer and advisor to Mon Mothma. It was Madine who masterminded a number of crucial Alliance operations that paved the way for victory at the Battle of Endor. Madine was tasked with finding a way to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death Star. His personally trained soldiers captured the Imperial shuttle, Tydirium. With this shuttle, Madine's troops, under the command of General Han Solo, infiltrated Imperial territory on the Sanctuary Moon.  

So, between the 3 figures, they mention Ewoks, Jabba,Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, and General Han Solo.   We know that Jabba and at least 2 ewoks will be made, but does this increase the chance that Acbar, Mon Mothma, or General Solo will be produced?  Personally, the only one I'd be excited about seeing other than the confirmed figures would be if they added Ackbar to 2004's lineup.  I'm sure they could do Mon Mothma better, but I would rather wait  till after the Ep III figures, since there are so many other figures I want first.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Cantina Wave 2 Sets a No Go (For now)
« on: January 8, 2004, 05:10 PM »
Does anyone think it is even remotely possible that Hasbro did all this work and that these figures won't ever see the light of day?   I regret now not buying them on ebay when they were cheaper, but I still can't believe that at some point in time in whatever the current packaging is, that these figures will get released.   Am I crazy?   No wait.... strike that... I know that much, but the real question is: does it even seem possible that these won't one day get produced?
Since no one replied to my questions and I'm just interested in opinions cuz I know that no one knows for sure, I thought I would re-post this.   Stan, could you find out if Jimmy knows anything?  It would be crazy not to release these next year when everything else is so OT heavy.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
« on: January 7, 2004, 04:45 PM »
On a partitially different subject, I have limited time at home to play this game... my son just got it for Christmas on Xbox.  I think I've logged about 1.5 hours on it and I'm in Tarris or whereever it is... haven't played in about 1 week or more.  Just wondering if there are a couple of good people here to get hints from.   I don't trust myself to buy the book, otherwise I'd be looking things up all the time.  I've beat the first 2 opponents in the dueling ring, lost to ice or whatever her name is.  I went down to the lower level but I think I need more armor, or the energy shield that the guy across the apartment keeps trying to sell me or something.   Another question, I repaired the one sith droid in the first level on the ship... I've never added another person into my party, but could I have added the droid to my party?

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Cantina Wave 2 Sets a No Go (For now)
« on: January 7, 2004, 11:25 AM »
Does anyone think it is even remotely possible that Hasbro did all this work and that these figures won't ever see the light of day?   I regret now not buying them on ebay when they were cheaper, but I still can't believe that at some point in time in whatever the current packaging is, that these figures will get released.   Am I crazy?   No wait.... strike that... does it even seem possible that these won't get produced?

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Hoth Wave 2?
« on: January 7, 2004, 08:28 AM »
I saw this old Hoth post I had made and did a thread merge...continue on :P

Torryn Farr had speaking lines as well, I think she would make a fine figure
Guess it's time to watch ESB again.   I agree... I think she would make a fine figure and I would love to have her.    How about a Hoth command center playset.... that was a small enough area and she could come packed in with her seat and control panel.  Still, I think she's obscure enough that she won't be made before 2007.  Of course, there are a lot of obscure figures getting made these days that I didn't figure would be made before ep 3.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Super-Articulated "VS." 2-packs?
« on: January 6, 2004, 10:46 AM »
I hate to be a killjoy here, but isn't the reason we are getting AT-ST pilot Han because Hasbro needs to balance putting out better figures that cost them more with figures they can make a larger profit from?  If anything, I think these would be better as single carded figures.  That way we could get all the stormtroopers, snowtroopers, scouttroupers, etc we want without having to buy an equal number of other figures you might not want as much.  For the army builders, I'm sure we will eventually get SA figures of most to possibly all of the imperial army builders and maybe the rebels.  But, I'd be very surprised if we ever get all of the main characters in SA form.   Hasbro has proved over and over again that profit drives the line, not what we want (which is pretty much how most companies work, don't ya think?)   I could see them going to a SA line after Ep 3 and then driving the price back up another dollar to about $5.99 a fig and then they could do all the SA figs we want and still have plenty of profitability.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: 6th figure of the Coruscant Night Club Scene
« on: January 5, 2004, 12:11 PM »
I could have gone with several of the suggestions here.  I would have liked the Zam that Chewie described, the bartender, or some of the other random bar fly.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Hoth Wave 2 thoughts
« on: January 5, 2004, 11:30 AM »
I may be crazy, but after waiting 23 years for General Rieekan, I don't see Torryn Farr being made before ep 3.   At least he had some lines.   I doubt many fans other than us geeks even knows who Torryn Farr is.  I'd love to see her, but it won't be before 2007.  Mark my words.    Remember this post, cuz I'd love for someone to throw this in my face before then.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Burger King Glasses Figures!!!!!!
« on: January 5, 2004, 11:20 AM »
I seriously doubt Hasbro will see any of my money for this trash.   If I would buy anything it would be for the glasses, but they are not even glass.   Looks like I'll be able to save some money for all the great figures that are coming out this year.   Maybe they can put out some more cr@p this year to help with all the figures I will be buying.   I mean, it's very exiting visit these sites and see all the new figures coming out this year, but my wallet is going to take a beating if they don't throw in a LOT more rehashes.  So, that's my Burger King glass half full way of looking at this.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Ice Cream Maker Guy
« on: January 5, 2004, 11:11 AM »
Perhaps they could just reuse some parts and throw him in a TRU Bespin 4-pk or something.

- Ice Cream Maker Guy
- Protocol Droid that cusses at 3PO
- Bespin Guard (black)
- Ugnaught

- incinerator belt pack in w/ stove and box of 3PO parts

Would anyone buy that?

I would in a second and as odd an assortment that would be, that is still better than most of TRUs 4-packs.  Only the Imp set and Hoth set were better IMO (including the most recent set of rehash trash of the skiff guards).

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