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Messages - Dimetrodon

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And how gay-ass sounding is "Superfriends"? Might as well be pronounced "The Thuperfriends."

Ironically, Apache Chief and Robin are even more popular on that team.  ;D


The Team rosters are ever changing as new or better ideas come to me... but here is what I have so far name-wise..

Republic Friends:

Captain Galaxy
Wookie Twins (Rargh and Ghrar)
Green Jedi
Black Ewok

Legion of Seperatists

Darth Luthor
Black Man-Droid
Super Droid
Count Destro
Grand Animal Thrawn
Tusken Milkman

The Title for the first and maybe only photo novel is..

Republic Friends: I bent my Wookiee

I have no idea what Superfriends is, but I am sure we're in for a treat.

Trust me you are. But Justin!, you gotta remember the show in some form.

The Justic League of America and the Leagion of Doom!!  :P

Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman against Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Black Manta , Riddler.. bla bla..

you have to have seen it before.

stuff like this

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: So how many times have you seen it?
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:10 AM »
going for my fifth time tomorrow.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wookiee Army
« on: May 27, 2005, 01:25 AM »
I do like the removable vest/bandolier thing, but the Preview version is so much better!

that's the only redeeming quality to those garbage wookiee's..
I got the tan and brown variants..
opened up the brown one.. the tan one I didn't like as much.
I don't understand why we can get such awesome figures out of hasbro liek some of the clones and jedi.. but this wookie is a plastic poop...

I have an extra tan one if anyone is interested..
I may just return it, but i offer it to you guys first.

My potf2 stomrtroopers haven't gone yellow.. still pearly white..

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Your DVD Collection
« on: May 26, 2005, 07:57 PM »
I was going to call you a traitor, because I didn't see SW, but you took them out of the big silver box.

I'm going to get up a pciture of my collection soon.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Spider-Man Movie Series
« on: May 26, 2005, 01:05 PM »

Eric Foreman?

Thats what I thought when I was told about this.

I can't imagine who he would be though..

As far as any rumors that i've heard about we know we're getting some sort of harry goblin.. i'm not sure if he'll be a green or hob.. who knows how they will reinterpret things..

But there are major rumors and statments about the Sandman. Mostly of a lot of concept art for him and such. Sandman isn't my favorite, but is still cool. Although he probably won't look too real. but who knows with the advancements in effects..

Aside from the goblin.. I'd almost expect the Lizard to be in it. Doc Connors was mentioned in the first movie, and even had a bit role in the second film, so I see it as very likely.

I'd like to see the Vulture, but considering the baddies we already saw spiderman go up against, i think he isn't tough enough.
Electro and Mysterio would be pretty cool.
Scorpion might be cool too, but he's basically a lesser doc me anyway..
Kraven.. i dunno..

It would be cool if they did a Sinister Six thing.. but that'd have to be it's own movie.

I don't know why everyone wants Venom and Carnage to team up on spidey.. as I recall it they are enemies.. and Venom has helped spidey to defeat Carnage before..

Well I just got put off for a bit from my job, so I'll have a good amount of time to get some things worked out for it. I just need to pick up a few figures for customs now.

Most character names I listed are tentative. I have other ideas I plan to do, some are pretty cool, or at least in my head they are. In picture form they will probably look crappy. But this is to intentionally look bad superfriends always did..  :P

Pretty cool, stuff, Justin, but I have a question.

Didn't you make a guy like that before?

Photonovels and Movies / Republic Friends Photo Novel - Preview
« on: May 25, 2005, 10:48 PM »
I plan to do a few photo novels, but the first one is going to be a spoof of the Superfriends.

I call it the Republic Friends
featuring such hero's as..

Captain Clone
Angry Wookiee
Senator Man
Crazy Jedi

And their enemy.. the Legion of Seperatists
featuring such villains as...
Darth Luthor
Count Dooku..
Nute Gunray..
Wat Tambor..


and this is a preview picture of the Seperatist fortress
The Hall of Sith!!

Also, here is a picture fo the original hall of doom from superfriends.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: May 25, 2005, 02:40 PM »

What movie?


Spaceballs 3: The wrath of Yogurt

At first it was just cool when I saw it. But then I scrolled down and really saw it.
I got a pretty damn good laugh at of the boozin Lando and Han.

If you hadn't told us parts were used on that I would have assumed you sculpted it, because I had no idea what it was. real cool stuff Justin.

Wow.. I haven't seen any of his stuff for years (I stopped cruising the customs alliance years ago)
Quite impressive. He stood otu in my ind then, and continues to do so.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Ice Cream Maker Guy
« on: May 25, 2005, 02:32 PM »
That sucks. I wonder if he fell on cloud city and broke his machine there?
You may very well have invented a new figure by accident.
ICMG with a vengeance- pissed off that he can't make ice cream.

now give him red eyes and umm.. a bloody knife..

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: OSC Storm Shadow (A & B)
« on: May 24, 2005, 08:24 PM »
I always liked stormshadow and your custom does him some justice. I like it better than what hasbro has been puttting out for him lately.

One thing, You call him a classic with a modern body..
Unless you mean the character is classic you are a little wrong.
Stormshadow never quite looked like that

I was goign to post a pic of him from the cartoon.. but this is too funny.

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