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Messages - Commander_Miseria

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hey what about the custom anakan

thanks for the comments guys.

Clone Commander Gr: Ya it comes out great huh? : ) i can't wait to start appo as soon as I get another At-Te gunner.

Starkid500: It's not so much a custom anakin as it is evolutions anakin with the robe from the CW jedi knights Multipack : ) i guess you can call it a kitbash, but i just thought it looked cool.

hey guys! Here's a few Customs I just finished off to bolster my 501st ranks.

501st Support Gunner

I used some of concept appo's paint scheme with some added pin stripes that run across the leg(as opposed to down the length). added some steyrene for the straps, added ammo pouches from a bacara kama. finished it off with a old G.I. JOE rifle from my bits box.

501st SA/w removable helmets (EVO clone to the far right)

removed the neck post from the At-te gunner and added it to the #41 body. For the first two on the left. why the middle one's legs are so clean i have no idea  :confused: Last one on the right is an older Evo clone custom. Ep2 evo body with ep 3 commander helmet.


And just for fun a shot of the nighttime raid on the jedi temple. You can see the "leftovers" to the back left of anakin  :p

LMK what ya think?  :cool:

In response to Gergorbian on the marines: I'm actually not sure what material it was. I didnt have capes for a few vintage snowtroopers so i made those kamas for them out of that material, but then cut them up for the masks on these marines. some people thought it looked like material from a sock, but thats not it  :(

Hows about we do after ROTS Rebels and Imperials???

Like Ben aged a bit, the corellian troops like chewie's, stormies and clones with different modification, young luke skywalker??

anyone game for this??  8)

« on: December 25, 2005, 05:37 PM »
++++ PRIORITY ep3 evolutions clones (loose complete preferably short evo rifles) PRIORITY++++

At-te tank gunners(loose complete minus weapons, or shoulder pauldron, just need body, helmet, headsculpt, and left shoulder pad)

Tactical Ops (loose complete with same requirements of AT-TE gunners

Ep2 evolutions clones (loose complete preferablly short evo rifles) any color preferably white/grey

ep3 evolutions clones (loose complete prefarabbly short evo rifles) any coloy preferably yellow



CUSTOM STARFIGHTER! (Give me any two of my wants!!!!!)

2 evolutions sandtrooper (both variants loose complete)
6 ep1 battle droids (dirty variant loose complete)
2 ep1 battle droids (clean variant loose complete)
1 ep1 battle droid (lightsaber slash variant loose complete)
2 ep1 battle droids (blaster damage variant loose complete)

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Pick New Fodder!
« on: December 15, 2005, 04:28 PM »
I chose Darth Revan from KOTOR.

you know not too familiar with the KOTR era, but i started readin up on it a bit and have seen a few pics of Revan and he looks pretty cool

Galactic Marine - Very, very nice use of parts and the end result is outstanding.  Really a great figure, I love seeing how people are being creative and contantly using different cloths for the face mask part.  How are you getting the mask part of the cloth to stay on?


Thanks chewie  :), the face material is actually pressed together with a dot of glue on the back of his head(under thered helmet). First i cut the mesh material the appropriate length and rounded it and then added a dot of super glue to the back of the helmet to keep the two together. The face mask can actually be removed withou taking off the top red part of the helmet.

Glassman-Thanks I did try and lighten up on the weathering this time around some of my figures are a bit overdone  :-[. While, it would be better to have a different material for the face mask(for texture purposes) i didn't have anything else smoother, but found this mesh stuff to be very easy to manipulate.

thanks for the comments guys!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CM's Utapau Shadow troop Comms operator
« on: December 15, 2005, 08:17 AM »
As the wee' morning approaches at about 5am here in cold cold during the winter time California, I've had a bit of trouble sleeping. You know how it is! you toss, you turn, you wake up, you make a galactic marine! same old same old. :p
I took some darker pictures, that i think turned out looking pretty cool, but if you wont brighter ones i have them.

'My obligatory "be one with the force jedi" shot'

Parts Used:SA #41(head top half removed to fit commander helmet, body), CAOC commander helmet(face removed and dremeled out), Mesh material(shoulder pads and face mask), Dc-15A rifle, POTF2 snowtrooper(backpack), SA #41 dome of helmet (backpack side pieces), POTF2 Sandtrooper (long tube on backpack), Evolutions Ep3 clone yellow (kama w/holster removed), Steyrene (boot straps and detailing)

far from perfect i know, but not too shabby for the parts i had to use. LMK what ya think?  :cool:

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CM's Utapau Shadow troop Comms operator
« on: December 13, 2005, 04:14 PM »
Thanks for the comments guys! (more than i got at scum with 86 views and 2 comments  ::) )

InRem- Ya i could definitely straighten some of the lines,although in person for some reason they dont appear as crooked as well as brush marks dont appear as vividly as they do in pictures.
The backpack is Jango Fett final battle jet pack with the exaust ports cut of and squares cut into it. Then i glued it sideways.
I should clean up the mesh a bit as on part got glued in place behind the backpack  :( and is making that part uneven.

Darth_Nirvana-Thanks DN i tried to make him look a little bit more like a soldier. Kind of inspired by a show i was watching about the 101st airborne during WWII and i realized not a lot of the clones actually carry equipment for various jobs. They're more like a one track clone meant for one thing. So if this guy was elite i figured why can't he do it all. As for the bio i wrote the whole thing myself working in different star wars characters to make them seem a little more than just a dumb target exclusive. I also sent my story of them to wikipedia's star wars section I dont know if they'll keep it though.

JediJayBird-That is an Awesome Trooper you got there! Weathering is very nice, radio turned out believable as well as great use of soft goods. I actually almost used that rifle for my Radiop man actually  :P

BIO: The Shadow troopers were elite amongst the clone ranks. While not genetically altered like their ARC trooper Brethren, the shadow troopers were subject to rigorous and special training. Off planet, on Bothawui, they were trained in Espionage, Sabotage, and other Stealth operations tactics, by the leaders of the Bothan Spynet. Also, on camp, Kal Skirata, former mandalorian mercenary and Republic Commando instructor, taught them demolitions, pathfinding, night operations tactics, and escape and evasion. During the final days of the clone wars, the shadow troopers saw their last confirmed action on Utapau. There they reported General Grievous' droid army there, Cleared minor Landing platforms for the rest of 212th attack battalions landings, and marked drop zones for the 2nd Airborne "Parjai" troops. It was rumored that some had gone on almost 3 years after the Battle of Yavin and became members of the Black Hole Stormtroopers.

This is the Communications specialist that reported General grievous' army on Utapau.

He carries a navigation pad to keep track of Drop zone positions and other troops of his squad in case of seperation after the drop.

With little assurance that any relief is coming, the shadow troopers carry enough equipment to sustain them for 13 days. This includes ammunition, food, and night operations equipment for movement during dark hours. This trooper as a comms specialist also carries an extended battery for his comms pack and long range transmission antenna. On the bottom of his pack a Pathfinder DZ marking device can be seen. The trooper also carries a demolition charge on his left leg.

This trooper carries a DC-15s with slight modifications. A starlight scope has been added and the muzzle break has been modified to reduce the noise of the tibanna gas discharge. Also on the trooper, is a Dc-17 compact pistol with extra ammo on the drop down holster, as well as his shoulder.

Parts Used: SA Clone #41,Evolutions Clone holster (painted grey,from yellow set), POTF2 biggs darklighter rifle (stock), Jango Fett Final Battle jetpack, Dc-15 rifle scope from #6, Dc-15s from #41, Antenna from #41, Backpack piece from POTF2 sandtrooper pack, Sheet styrene, Warhammer 40k bit, cloth material painted black, and ammo bandolier from Clone Commander #33

PHEW that was fun  :p

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: reference pic 4 grunts?
« on: December 12, 2005, 05:22 PM »
ya it makes complete sense that they be airborne troops as thats what their helmet respirator is for. High altitude drops.

Star Wars Action Figures / 501st legion speeder bike
« on: December 11, 2005, 06:23 AM »
hey guys. This is a speeder bike I painted up in a 501st paint scheme. I also painted a At-Te gunner in the 501st paint scheme(as he is the only clone with hips to ride the speeder bike he was my only choice, despite the flaws of it shares with the tac ops trooper  :crazy:)as well as corrected the steering handles as i did on the Stass Allie speeder bike. I added an antenna on this one for long range transmissions and have given the clone a scout trooper pistol. Hopefully i'll find something to make a holster for the pistol. I'm considering making a holster for a DC-15s rifle as well and putting it on the bike itself.

The antenna is visible in this shot. i used the #41 antenna for that piece. I painted the rear panels and near the seat in a similiar fashion to that of stass allie's bike and added sections of blue towards the front of the bike on the under body's paneling.

I also painted stripes down the center (to go with the ones found on the 501st trooper's legs). I was considering doing the "a" symbol found on their chests, but i wanted something a little simpler as i thought it might be too much blue. Especially with the painted trooper that rides it.

Weathering was done in the same way as i did the stass allie bike accept i toned it down a bit on the bike's body.

I also added thick stripes to the front piece. Very similar to the stass allie's red paint job on the front accept i wanted to keep a bit more white showing.

The 501st scout reports droid troop movements to his superior.

LMK what ya think?  :cool:

I painted this one up in the scheme he had in clone wars. It was kind of a just for fun custom, from a while back. It'll probably be up on ebay pretty soon as i have no use for it really  :crazy: it was pretty much my first custom(vehicle, cody was my first figure)

Modern Classifieds / Looking for "fox" head sculpts or casts!
« on: December 9, 2005, 01:59 AM »
Title says it all is there anyone that sells this   i dont want to pay $40 bucks and up for one "fox" figure with an iffy sculpted head. i'd much rather get a few from customizers here. if anyone can help me out please email me: or PM me on Rebelscum TheMurderWeapon or here.


Customizing Tips and Tricks / Help with Commander Fox Helmet Casts
« on: December 9, 2005, 01:57 AM »
Title says it all is there anyone that sells this  ??? i dont want to pay $40 bucks and up for one "fox" figure with an iffy sculpted head. i'd much rather get a few from customizers here. if anyone can help me out please email me: or PM me on Rebelscum TheMurderWeapon or here.


ya i was thinking about straightening up those lines on the arc's kama and helmet, but what can i say i'm lazy  :P Thanks for all the comments InRem  ;D yours (among a few others) is an opinion that has much value to me as your customs are great as well and wonderfully imaginative. You've done what no other could....make me want to buy Mina tillis  :P

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