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D_N -

Glad to see you took my idea (in so far as it was really a sub-idea of an idea you already had) and ran with it as you did. Nice work! I like the very dark color scheme you've used here; it looks like a low-contrast camo with the dark green showing in places.

These guys need helmets of some kind. Even your neighborhood urban SWAT teams wear helmets, so hook your boys up with something! This will also address the night vision/light enhancement need for your team. If they work under cover of darkness, they need to turn the darkness into an advantage with some lenses.
Great work!

Thanks, M_P and CHEWIE  -

M_P, the funny thing about that Kel Dor is I made him with the full intention of him being a good guy, either Rebel or Republic-loyalist. That whole alien design, for some reason, is quite intimidating, though. I like having someone who looks the part of the bad guy being in league with the good guys. :)

The bedroll on the Radio clone came from the same Japanese Machine Gunner who donated his body to the Kel Dor... that's a great figure for parts. Lots of pouches and ammo boxes with him.

CHEWIE, I have had that Lando cape in my parts bin for a long time, and I decided to go through and try on the capes I had to see what works. I was as shocked as you when THAT cape worked well. :)

The uniform on the Kel Dor is stock. I painted the lower legs uniform brown to give him the appearance of boots (as opposed to shoes and leggings). I may still change the color scheme up, but for now I'm inclined to leave him along until it bothers me... On that Aqualish skull, it's still very much a WIP. Good idea to bore out the sockets a little more.

And the Radio Clone is very much like a TeleViper. He's more inspired by the Vietnam and WWII movies I've see... always had a lightly armed radio man in the group, and it made sense to me that Koe and his squad would set down on a planet, leave their ship at the LZ, and then rely on the radio man to relay messages to and from the drop ship which in turn relayed the messages to high command/orbital ships. Overthought a little, probably, but good inspiration :)

Thanks again, guys.

The Sith are in full effect on this fair Saturday. Thanks for the comments, Nirvana and ripley!

Nirvana -
Hey, I thoroughly enjoy your Clones, so I can't agree that mine "kicks the crap" out of yours (although I appreciate your sentiment). The radio pack is a headphone can from a 12" SAS figure. The ant. is just a length of fairly rigid, insulated black wire.

On the Kel Dor, that clip is where it was located on the source gun (a Japanese WWII machine gun). I might make the clip shorter, but I like the idea of a top-mounted power pack for some reason. It's just different enough to make sense with an alien that looks as odd as a Kel Dor :)

As for the Lando cape, you've suggested exactly what I'm planning...I just have to decide on a color for the cape and kama to go with whatever base theme I choose...

ripley -
Thanks for the kind comments on the radio trooper. He came together better than I thought he would. I need to group shot my little squad now. Koe and his Killers are starting to look like a real-deal squad... :P

As for the Kel Dor, I am absolutely ecstatic with your comment! To me, Plo Koon looks like he has Zombie skin, so I was going for that, only blue! Look closely Plo... his skin looks *awful* - and at least when he's at Council he's clean and well-kept. This guy would be a bit field warn. No damage or anything, but rough. I understand where you're coming from with him freaking you out a bit, but think of that as a good thing :)

I'm not sure what I'll do with this Lando cape, but it will be around this Clone's neck... I just need to decide on a concept for him. Yours is a good suggestion.

Thanks both of you for the comments. I always appreciate hearing from my fellow customizers.

A couple of new additions today...

First is I.O. (Eye-oh), Koe's radio man.

Large, whip ant. helps keep Koe in contact with his drop ship even on the longest foot patrol missions.

And here's one I've been wanting to do for a long, long time - a Kel Dor soldier. I think he might be my entry in this month's Custom Challenge.

The head is an AOTC Plo, the hands are from the AOTC Plo. The body is a Japanese Machine Gunner from the 21st Century line, and the gun is a cut down gun from the same figure.

I gave him a new skintone and resculpted his mask to try and make it clear he wasn't Plo. The hands have carved pegs, so his wrists are still articulated. The neck was sculpted to fit this body specifically. There was a lot of work there, actually. :) The skull is an Aqualish custom gone bad, so I'm going to work on stripping that down and painting it bone white for a prop. :P

And here's something I've noticed... the cape from the first crack at a Lando General Hasbro cursed us with fits Clones like a GLOVE. I think I'm going to coordinate the Kama and cape and just weather this guy... I'm digging the Vader-ish look!

Master_Phruby -
Really nice work. I like that darker jumpsuit a lot. This has always been my favorite rendering of Fett (the graphic on the card), so to see a modern fig painted to those specs is great for me. Frankly, it's an idea I wish I'd had :)


You're heading in some new and interesting directions here. Good for you!

seems like this Cerean head is really making the rounds, but you've found a great set of shoulders to leave it on. I'm finally buying into this NOT being Ki-Adi Mundi, so nice work there!

On your grunt, good call keeping him friendlier looking... it goes with his job. However, I'd like to see something more there... perhaps some color on the Clone armor that is also applied to his flak vest?

As an aside, wouldn't a Jedi make for a better negotiator, what with the mind tricks? Just a thought here, but you might slap that flak vest on Creon and make him a Jedi with especially strong Jedi Mind Trick powers. :) Back him up with a small squad of SWAT Clones (flashlights on their heads, small arms for close-quarters combat, handcuffs, etc with a navy blue color scheme)

Just an idea. As it stands, you're really onto something, and I really like the work you've turned out. Working on Coruscant, will there be Police speeders? Perhaps a SWAT-van air speeder? 

My wheels are turning... I'm hoping for some cool stories here, D_N! :)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Phalanxx's Customs - Clone War Jedi
« on: December 9, 2005, 09:58 AM »
 :o :o :o

I am loving this Saesee Tinn! The color is great (and looks like space armor ala the toon). The inclusion of a cape and kama just puts him over the top. He really looks like a leader and warrior here.

I also like the touches you've added to the remaining Jedi. Your Gen. Kenobi is great (... I really need to make one of these!)

Ki with the AT-RT driver arms and legs looks very convincing and ready for combat (is that a straight pop-and-swap? It looks dead-on perfect.)

The bronze boots and gauntlets on Plo, though, might be my favorite addition. They just go so well with Koon's darker look.

The only one I'm not really buying into is Secura. The parts used make her look very bulky. Your construction techniques and paint look good, so it's nothing technical. The parts just make her look a little big.

Super update. I look forward to more of your submissions, Phalanxx!


What more can be said? I hoped you would carry the new Rykrof outfit forward. Little did I know you would do that and then some!

The Typho head is a great Clone variant. The eye patch really sets him off, too. As to the hair style, I'd have to think that if you can have your own name and armor design, a hair style would be the least of Republic Command's concerns with their Clones. :) The helmet looks big-ish, but I think that's just a byproduct of the Evo mold. It's just bigger...

I really like this Emporer custom... I'm glad you got around to giving him a crack, and as expected, you've done a fine job with him. For some reason, though, I'm just not liking any of the ROTS bodies under that Bust-Up cowl... the proportions always seem off. Of course I'm to the point now that I have an overly-critical eye for that detail, so this is probably closer to correct than I'm seeing it as, if that makes sense. :P

Now, the use of the cowl on Rykrof...


(Stan) Lee.


That's the thing that has taken this from the best Rykrof yet to probably being the best Rykrof we're ever likely to see. I hope you plan to keep him in this gear for a long, long time, as you'll be hard pressed to upgrade him. :) You've inspired me to track down some Emporer Bust-Ups just for those hoods! They are awesome, especially when applied to excellent pieces like this Rykrof.

(as an aside, since I'm sure you've addressed this before, is it Rike-roff, Rick-roff, Rike-ruv, Rick-ruv? How do I actually say Rykrof?)

Nice work, Miseria.

ARC Trooper:

I may have commented on this guy elsewhere, but for the record, very true to the way I envision ARCs in my mind. The blasters are awesome (and I will make some of my own per your recipe). The blue paint is a little soft-edged (meaning it has bleeding or uneven lines) in a couple of places (chin, kama), but those are only noticable on very close inspection. Quite frankly, Hasbro has a serious problem with that on most of it's painted Clones, so don't worry too much about it. :)

The 501st trooper is a nice piece of work, too. Your color choice is good, and your scheme seems to me to be very faithful to the movie. You can see a touch of the yellow on the helmet, but you already knew that. Your weathering is convincing. I like the black flecks all looks like he was dodging saber deflections and hitting the floor repeatedly in the process.

I also want to say that I appreciate how you've presented this guy. We get to see him in some context, which is cool. It's the second time I've seen you use "Be one with the Force, Jedi", and I love it! :)

Good job!

Fritzkrieg -

I am so glad you finally got this Mon Cal Jedi posted here. Thanks for your kind comments re: Sedo Crus, but I have to say you've blown poor Sedo out of the water with this effort. :)

Let me be the first to comment here at JD about how impessed I am with the paint work on this guy's head. It is special-effects-creature-shop good, man! The tiger stripes are very consistent with Mon Cal from ROTJ, and switching him up to a green base removes any question that he is NOT Meena Tills :). You've also done a very nice job on the hands; perfect consistency there.

I really like how Ki's body accomodates the Mon Cal Jedi. The neck is long, and the forearms short to accept the middle-length parts from M.T.

The use of the Clone boots, though, might be my favorite upgrade. Where I opted to stick with Ki's boots, this one makes a heck of a lot of sense to me.

[Tangent]I know Master_phruby disagrees with humanoid feet on a Mon Cal, but given what we have seen from ROTJ through ROTS, I think it's safe to say these feet are at least cannon. Perhaps Mon Cal swim with their forearms, having abandonned flipper feet ages ago to better facilitate their amphibious ways? Who knows... And crabs have spikes for feet, so I think it's fair to say there's a broad spectrum of possibilities (Mon Cal to me seem like fish crossed with crabs, so...).  Suffice to say I dig these feet, and I look forward to Master_Phruby's web-footed version :) [/Tangent]

Finally, I really appreciate your giving him a yellow saber. Lucas be damned with his blue and green, I *like* yellow! It looks to me like you've used a Gundam hilt for the saber... I considered the very same thing (as I took my yellow blade from a Gundam fig).

We need to get a pic of these guys together... email me a higher-res version so I can composite them. :)

As for the Zero-G Const. Worker, I really dig this one, too. He looks decidedly non-military, which is a big plus. He's got bulked up gear on for warmth, another big plus. And the helmet is dead-on perfect for a worker (with the light attachments)

The only suggestion I would make would be to somehow give him a visor. If he's building in space, we can't have his eyes exposed. :) You might be able to fill the opening in the helmet with sculpy?

Where did this helmet come from?

Great work. Thanks for sharing.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Quittin' RS Customs Board
« on: December 8, 2005, 11:37 AM »
Phruby -

Thank you for that. This thread has gotten into a bit of a venting exercise, and I never meant for it to be that at all. (In fact, I requested that this thread be locked or deleted last night, as it's turned into something I never intended)

I was merely saying:

"From now on, I'll be doing almost all of my posting here. The tone of some of the Noobs on RS has gotten embarassingly bad, and I've decided to leave it behind.

I'm only posting this b/c I want folks here to know the reason I'm no longer commenting there or posting my work there.

I'll still, of course, post comments and occassional work here to share with what seems like the last best haven for polite, informed, and interesting conversation and comments about SW customs."

I wasn't mad at RS; I wasn't mad at all. I was just burned out a little on sifting through RS and decided I wasn't going to post my work there anymore. From there it's blown up in to a big "thing". For me, until the past couple of days, it was never meant to be a thing at all.

Then CHEWIE posted over at RS asking for nothing more than a respectful forum there (a perfectly reasonable request, I might add), and some people have actually resisted that suggestion there (?!).

The response CHEWIE got from some people at RS kinda cemented my decision to keep things over here... I can only invest so much time and energy, and this is the place *I* - *PERSONALLY* - have decided to call home. I'm not bashing RS. I'm not bashing any individual. I'm not looking to change the world. I'm not even attempting to do any of that. I'm merely observing a difference, assessing my level of interest and enjoyment of customizing and sharing my work online, and making a personal choice.

Unfortuately we may have lost Owen to this, and that sucks. I'll just have to drop in on his site from time to time.

Now, before we upset anyone else over something that was never intended to upset anyone in the first place, let's admit that JD and RS are different and appeal to different tastes and lock this thing down. :)

Cloth. The vinyl ties his head back into the old Obi too much. The cloth cape left no doubt that the fig was Dooku.

And I sort of envision Kenner as giving Dooku special treatment anyway; like they did Jedi Luke. :P

This is a really cool concept and a very nice mix of parts, Phruby. As to the belt making him look fat... it's not like he had the physique of an Olympian God, so I think a little girth works here.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Gregorbian's Customs - UPDATE 09/27/05
« on: December 7, 2005, 09:00 PM »
Tell me it gets easier InRem:-\

Do you understand the concept behind my screen name? If so you're way ahead of the curve.

Seriously, this is the WORST of it, but a lot of people theorize the only reason students think it gets easier is b/c they get used to it. It's somewhere in the middle, I think.

FOCUS right now... you can't afford to do much else, and good grades this semester will set the table for so many opportunities (law review, moot court, mock trial, etc.) Don't worry about the forums - they will be here when you're done.

Remember to decompress before your exams. Take a couple of hours to have dinner with your study group the night before a big exam (no beer or wine with dinner) and try not to think too much about the law you've been cramming in. Believe it or not, by that time the night before the exam you already know everything you're going to know the next morning.

Hmmm... more tips. How about this.

There was an ambulance at the bar exam to take people away if they had a panic attack or worse. On the other hand, I never once saw a 1L exam - no matter how hard - result in physical harm to the student. :P

And remember - survive this semster and the next and based on the statistics you WILL be an attorney someday.

Best of luck! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers (and I encourage others to join me).

SWEET, Phruby. That looks very much like it would have come off a vintage card. It appears you have added some detail to the belt? He really does appear to be wearing a tunic insofaras a vintage sculpt would show one.

I wish I had a suggestion to improve him... maybe slap him on a card?  ;)

Great job!

And thanks to Jeff, too, who is collecting your work for easy reference :)

Yeah, just img in brackets. I'd recommend using the button as suggested by Jeff.

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