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Messages - PenDragon

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...The base figure and the helmets look great, just not the head. I think if there were to be different heads on them it'd be fine....
I totally agree. I didn't mean to suggest that they were clones. Just that the over-all-look was kinda neat. I'd hate to see Jango clones here, but the face would be easy enough to change out.

At retail cost even! 8)

Oh, and FoxtrotDelta (over on FFURG) brought up an interesting point (perhaps by accident).

If you do go with the GTG/DSG guys I mocked up, then Fritz's silver-helmed dude would look great as their squad leader/captian!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Reference/ Background Picture Thread
« on: September 1, 2006, 03:18 PM »
thanks Pen much appreciated. :), but I can't see the pic.  I tried a google search, images,  and most of the pics that they have is porn :D

Ok, how's now?

Though I'm still not sure how searching for "kubaz" brings up pr0n....  must be some o'that funky alien-on-alien "drunken cantina party" pr0n... ;)

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP Spec Ops?
« on: September 1, 2006, 03:11 PM »
Mwa ha ha ha haaaa! ;D

And thaks D_E! Glad ya like him.

Gotta give props to Fritzy though. I think I might have been (fairly substantially) subconsciously influenced by his UGP Guard which made use of a 'Joe helmet/vest & the DS Gunner.....

Still if you like the design, he doesn't require paint, and GoodToGo Customs might be able to supply the parts in fairly good quantity....

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Reference/ Background Picture Thread
« on: August 30, 2006, 07:05 PM »
did you try google images? this was the 2nd image in a 2-page return of images. google is your friend.  ;D

there WILL be a PayPal donation function built into this site....  ;)

And, as sort of a 'heads up':

For the webmaster & officers of this project, I can give you each an '' email addresses to use on the website (or, really, any way that you see fit). And we can even set it up so that the '' addresses just forward emails to your regular email addys.

The reason I offer these up, is so that you won't have to put your real addresses on a web site - which normally attracts all kinds of crap to your inbox.

Either way, if this is a 'C4 only' thing, then i'd like to suggest the name:


Psychedelic even! ;D

That guys is a great mix of parts & paint! And I'm diggin' the gem eyes - like a LOT, man. Like every time I look at them, they look cooler, man. Like they're sucking in my soul....

GAAHH!  Ok, maybe they do need to be tamed a liitle... I think the glasses / goggle idea is a good one. Either that, or I might try to embed them a little further into the skull ... so they have ... eyelids or something ....

Yes please!  ;D

And sorry I didn't post that here too. I'm not even sure I sent you a PM about it, M_P (very sorry if I didn't!). I've just been quite sick for the last few days. My was not, not so much "in the game" as it were. More..."in the toilet."  :-X

But yeah, if you guys give me a name, I'll make it happen. And it can be anything! From something as simple as '' all the way to ''  (though shorter names might be easier for folks to remember...). As long as it's got the '' on the end of it, there's no chance that someone else will have taken whatever name you so decide upon.

So, a Website Name, a Time Frame,  and offers of help with the coding would all be apprecited.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: BSG meets SW
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:51 PM »
Ya know, I really love BSG (new version), but this was just plain funny  ;D

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP Spec Ops?
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:43 AM »
Thanks, Strax! The shield's from a gundam modle, I guess.

And where are you at? I think I saw a total of 4 or 5 DS gunners yesterday at various Wally words in my neck of the woods... Them, and a butt-lopad of Chirpas... Oh, and like 3 or 4 of the newer, "shinny knees" C-3PO's....

Should I go shopping for people?

I love the metal trim & details on the outside! Nice work man!

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / UGP SWAT/Spec Ops?
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:04 AM »
So I was messing around with my latest order of parts from GTG Customs and this guy just sort of happened. And the reasons I bring up the UGP are 1) I'm not sure if you guy's have settled on a security force, and 2) everything but the DS Gunner can be had on (when they re-stock).

To quote from my GTG post:
Well, It's not painted, it's not intentional, and it's certainly not what I origionally bought these parts for, but I was just playing around with my latest order, and thought I'd share the results.

Anywho, I'd love to hear your thoughts on where I could/should take this accidental project - and if it's worth goin' there   ;)


hmmmm, first impression? too much all-black in one area.

i'm fairly sure that i liked it better w/out the pauldron - but maybe a grey one (to match the kama) would look good?

also, i forgot to mention that really dig the range finder!

Ya know, I always thought I'd hate seeing color on a stormie - and I often do - but this one actually makes me wish there were more....

Good use of the kama, great work with the paint, not sure how I feel about the legs, but over all, nice work!

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP - Sponsorship
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:40 PM »
If you'd like a web site devoted to this project in all it's glory, ('cuz, man, it deserves it!), I co-own a small web hosting company - which we've devoted to all things that some might consider... 'dorky.' (We're also going to be a gaming store ;))

I'd be happy to donate hosting (& perhaps even design) for a site like that, in return for the chance that it might draw in more business from folks that need cheap, but better-than-geocites web space. (Currently, we're hosting Findswoman's web site - so we have an in-house reference if you need one.)

Just let us know,
Tom - from the JackPoint ( &;D

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