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Messages - Captain Piet

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The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: K-Mart Exclusive Capt. Lock
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:15 AM »
Or, if you had a Target, they got so few Y-wings and skiffs that it was next to impossible to get one and had to resort to the web.
That said, K-Mart will do OK w/ the Lock figure. I, too, will try to help those who have a hard time as well as I have five stores in an easily-reachable distance. Worth having the past two years for the Buy-one, get-one free sales.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: TRU Deluxe Yavin IV Tech and Sled
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:30 PM »
With the two I already have, thank God I can skip this.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Jedi Turbo Speeder
« on: January 9, 2011, 10:35 AM »
I agree you'd get raped on buying a case of these things, but you could come out alright picking up 1-2 at a time courtesy of HTS. I got both the Tri-Fighter and HMP for less than what they would have cost at retail.

I'm just tired of waiting for new stuff...if I can get it early and save time and hassles driving around looking for stuff in vain, that's the way to go, IMO.

But why not just be patient, instead? You said yourself you got a couple new vehicles from HTS cheaper than retail. I, myself, got the Droid Gunship and Xanadu Blood for like $18 each in early December. What you were proposing paying BBTS was pushing $30 a vehicle, taking into account half of the case has been out forever. So, when you think about it, you're paying an even-higher premium for the new vehicles. By paying it, you also support that ridiculous pricing.
Relax, monitor the reports around your area and, when they get close, then search more intensely.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Jedi Turbo Speeder
« on: January 8, 2011, 12:36 PM »
FYI, this is In Stock now at BBTS, but only as part of the larger case assortment. For some reason you can't order the thing by itself.

I will probably have to order this the online route because the previous TCW vehicle wave (Tri-Fighter and HMP) has not even hit retail yet so this is probably at least another month or two out. Dammit.  >:(

For $109 before shipping, they can keep it.
Must be nice to have money. ;)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2011
« on: January 7, 2011, 06:28 AM »
Mark me down for a Death Star Playset.  I swear to God.  The line has been around since 95 and they still haven't made a decent one yet.   Every other toy company in the world would have been all over this but not Hasbro!  If you really want to get vintage Hasbro make one somehow, someway.   You are in the toy industry.  Be creative and git it done!   It's got plenty of "screen time" and playability for God's sakes.  I know asking for the Tonnika Sisters is to much but a Death Star Playset.  C'mon!!!  

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Dr Evazan, WalrusMan, Rebel Fleet Trooper, SkiffMaster Weequay, and probably some others I'm forgetting.  Oh, Bom Vimdin.  I don't know if we will but I'm hoping.  

I assume the big vehicle with the "Attack Shuttle" from the Clone Wars.  

I was hoping for some tie-ins to the Blu-Ray release, but now that we know it's not coming until September that's probably not going to be revealed in time.

I'm not really expecting much at TF this year.  

I agree with you. It's criminal that such an iconic setting, which was a hallmark of the original line, has not been reattempted because of bs "playpattern research." You make a good toy, kids will play with and buy it, pure and simple. With two Falcons and AT-ATs, you'd think they'd think they could knock it out the park. It can't be a confidence problem from design angle. I guess they're just too worried about selling it. Fortune favors the bold.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2011
« on: January 6, 2011, 06:12 AM »
How about some Galactic Heroes Hasbro?  We have absolutely NO more upcoming releases (besides the AT-ST Kohl's snafu - who's going to get it?)

I'd love to see some more of these because my son really enjoys them.  He's more into the GI JOE ones though.  As for the AT-ST set, do plan on getting it if I ever see one.

What's up w/ the AT-ST set anyway?

Decent sets. Now that I got sucked in w/ the nine-pack at $25, I'll get these.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: TRU Geonosian Warrior and Speeder
« on: January 4, 2011, 06:00 AM »
I might bid on it too - lord knows the TRU version will probably be $30, since their regular deluxe are up to $21 now.

It would follow that, since he's got the Geonosis Battle Droid from the upcoming Target two-packs, the drones are from them as well.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Jedi Turbo Speeder
« on: December 28, 2010, 10:58 AM »
I'm wagering some of those hinges hide "missle" pods or something JACK.  There's stuff not shown there that appears to "flip out" or something.  I'm betting it's a Cloud Car type of deal.

According to EE it's a hidden gunner platform.

There's pictures in the Rebelscum forums. It's pretty cool, actually.

I was gonna get it at $35, but it was a no-brainer at $25. I got a mint one too. Lord knows the store closest to me had enough.

As per our front page, Hasbro are doing another Redemption promotion, but it only lasts 12/25 - 1/31.  Spend $20 (before tax/shipping charges) and get a freebie.  The Star Wars item most appealing on the list is the Deluxe Figure/Vehicle set.

They had a lot of items to choose from, and if you are like me and spend a lot, this is a sharp way to get some toys to donate, or some items for your kids or whatnot.

Yeah, least you go into it expecting a Cad Bane bike, Anakin w/ Naboo ship, Obi-Wan w/ speeder or Plo Koon w/ speeder. Anyone who sees otherwise will have won the lottery.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: December 20, 2010, 06:14 AM »
I was at TRU tonight and did a price scan on the Clone in cold weather gear with the Freeco Bike.  $21.99 is what came up on the scanner, which is completely ridiculous.  TRU is well on their way to pricing themselves out of the market.  And if they keep it up they may wind up going the way of KayBee before them.

They're pricing truly is out of whack. They had a nice year with the Force Unleashed sets, EU wave and getting Vintage a month and a half before everybody else, but they gotta knock this sith off.

I don't know. They are just not that exciting.

Same quantity as my previous report still sitting at my closest store.

Feedback / Re: Greg's (pka mister_palpatine) feedback
« on: December 11, 2010, 12:34 PM »
Great trade with Greg. Quick and courteous. Thanks again!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Separatist Droid Gunship
« on: December 11, 2010, 10:14 AM »
I will be pissed if my Tri-Fighter shows up with just a shipping label on the outer box as I am a MOC collector. Ugh. every other time I have ordered from HTS they have packaged the stuff very protectively. Otherwise I'll just be buying this again when it hits retail...

I had just the Droid Gunship in a huge box. I also ordered Xanadu Blood and two Undead Geonosians which I thought were in the box, it was that big.

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