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Messages - TheBlackDog65

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: December 19, 2005, 08:39 PM »
Would still like to see what the Bly variant looks like but hope has almost faded on that.

You've seen the pics, right?

Yep, seen the pictures but never the variation in real life. And with it so late into the year and no new shipments of  Bly showing up . . . . I am giving up hope on this one. Guess I'll have to customize one of the ones I have.

DP, this station rocks! You are doing an outstanding job! I look forward to having a reason for stopping by the house to see it when it is done!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: LOTR's 'The One Ring' Inscription?
« on: December 17, 2005, 10:54 PM »
Man, I miss the movies. Might be time to re-read the books yet again (its an annual thing).

JohnH, I guess I am more amazed that given the vast amount of posts on video games that you were faithful and never peaked on the net to see what happened when you did beat that level! I guess my favorite thing about games, movies, or books (life for that matter) is the journey. Always enjoy the journey and it sounds like you did.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: December 17, 2005, 08:27 PM »
Well, I picked up two SA clones today to do a kinda of custom for some more SA 501st. I'll do that tonight as my wife goes to a party at our church (I'm still fighting a cold and won't go because I HATE when people go to places sick, and spread it around. Guess it is a pet peeve).

Would still like to see what the Bly variant looks like but hope has almost faded on that.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: What figures are hard to find now?
« on: December 17, 2005, 11:50 AM »
I ran into a Hasbro rep awhile ago who told me that Target and Hasbro HQ knew the Nemodian issue and that in time, they would be taken  back by Hasbro, and given their own SKU so that could happen and so it would not impact the ordering of new figures. I think I have seen part of that here.

I wanted to find a Bly variant but I haven't had time to hunt and when I have, there is nothing to find.  The line is coming to an end.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Christmas and ROTS
« on: December 17, 2005, 11:47 AM »
It is here. The Nemodians at one Target are down from 24 to 6 . . . .

Shelves are worse here then ever.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 - year wrapup
« on: December 17, 2005, 11:44 AM »
I think this has been a really outstanding year for Hasbro and for the 3 3/4 inch line. Most of the product was solid, more of the overall line was outstanding, and the horrible figures, though still there, were less then before in a movie year. I was not a fan of the deluxe figures, I actually think outside of the Anakin to Vader and the Vader Table that these figures were really poor. Also, those spinning attack figures did not work at all. There were some great solid vechiles and I personally believe that the ARC 170 is perhaps one of better ships we've gotten lately.
Hasbro put togeher a great line this year, but I have to also state that they have re-earned their title of ReHashbro as well. Much of their success has come from taking a basic figure, ship etc and redoing the figure or ship etc. We can see that with the clones, with the Jedi Starfighters, the Gunship etc.
For the future I think the biggest thing that the ROTS line has done, is to continue to raise the bar for what Hasbro can do (looking at the SA 41 and the Obi Wan Pilot as examples). So in the Saga line, I think we will find some great figures, and a few that really will raise the bar. However, we will also see the rehash continue, or the remix (like Boba Fett), and I think that will impact the line somewhat, because of collectors like me. I bought one of everything in the 3 3/4 line for ROTS (more of some), but am now going back to how I was prior to ROTS and only buying one of the figures (except for a few clones or army builders) and I will be passing on about 1/2 of the line (the rehash or remix if the remix is not a huge improvement on the orginial figure). Thus that will decrease demand, and I think the farther we get from the movie, the less interest will be there by the kids. Luckily, I think as you can see at rebelscum, you have a new generation of young teenagers who are now caught up in collecting, which will fuel the drive.
In the end, I see some wonderful figures, a few outstanding, lots of rehash and remix. This year was a great year, and I will remember it for restoring the thrill of the hunt and of collecting SW in general. The future is yet to be determined, the jury is still out.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Christmas and ROTS
« on: December 14, 2005, 11:42 PM »
I think many a kid will be happy on Christmas morning. However, if anyone is still looking it may now become a blue Christmas as I think the ROTS end is well within sight.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: December 14, 2005, 12:00 AM »
I really think I will be voting for a SA Jar Jar!

Ok, to be serious, Quinlan would be cool. If they do more then one I would really like to see a true SA soft goods Qui Gon similiar to the Clone Pilot Obi Wan. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Anyone Watching Charlie Brown?
« on: December 12, 2005, 11:07 PM »
I also watched/watch Charlie Brown and own them on DVD. On DVD I do watch them, but I have to agree for nostilga's case, I LOVE to catch em on TV.  It takes me back to when my life was simple (when I was a kid) and all the great memories of it all. Speaking of that, I bought a Snoppy, a Woodstock and a Charlie Brown stuff doll at Kohl's (proceeds went to local charities for kids). So yeah, at 40 I'm still a sucker for Charlie Brown.
It did make me think what would happen in 30 years when my generation tends to go or be gone and kids do not grow up with it.  Instead they'll have reruns of the Simpsons etc.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:57 PM »
I have given it time and I have not changed my mind. Scorch is not for me! That will be a very easy pass still! I think he looks bulky, ugly and non-Star Wars. Unlike ROTS, Hasbro has to earn my business this year and this figure just does not make the cut in my book.  More money for other clones that hopefully are worthy! I still am going to buy up more SA 41's for customs. Now if I only had the time to custom!

The Original Trilogy / Re: He died the same time as your father.
« on: December 3, 2005, 01:13 PM »
Pretty good one Tamidala!
Anyway, on the dead thing, if you look at it like I am married now so my single part of my life is dead, or I've transitioned from college to working so my college days are now dead, I think it makes sense for Obi to be dead. Its a metaphor, dead meaning not phyical but a period of ones life. Obi's days of the old Jedi Order are dead and gone, as it that world and galaxy.  Now there is a new order and a new world and Obi has assumed a new role in the new order. 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: What figures are hard to find now?
« on: December 2, 2005, 02:14 AM »
I agree. The last 5 are not hard to find now.  Twins have not been hard to find nor were the Shadow Troopers. Other than that the only thing I cannot find is the Bly Variant to see if it is really worth picking up.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS variation/error thread
« on: December 2, 2005, 12:08 AM »
I am beginning to think that these have come and gone

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