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Messages - ThePerennial

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Quote from: CHEWIE
Bounty hunter colony? Any pics of the comic you are referring to?

I can scan the comic some time this week it might take a bit of time . I have thousands of comics. Ths comic came out just after the 2nd movie did. Its about Janga and his family . They all live on a planet thats some what old west but are raised and live as bounty hunters. Its a cool comic it was a 3 part series if i find them I will scan every page so you can read it .

 The "Bounty hunter colony" he's referring to is the Mandalorians, And the comic, which is called "Jango fett: Open seasons" is a 4-part comic. It's a great read, even if you don't like mandalorians.

The Mara would be good, I'd say, but I think the ROTS Mon Mothma would suit you more (Facially, at least. The hair is a lot different, but hairstyles do change and not faces :P )

So Tylin's been promoted now has he? Good on him!...Sorta. It's kinda bittersweet what with the future of the republic and all. I like the choice of legs; great for poseability. Could that be because Tylin might be seeing some action in a coming chapter?

I love that mandalorian! I'm making a mando custom right now and I'm using the Djas Phur belt as well!

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Jango Fett: Open Seasons
« on: August 23, 2005, 10:02 PM »
i've been wanting to make a JEDI count dooku custom are there any good reference pictures of him in it?

 There are some fairly good ones in issue #3. He's beardless in his brush with the mandalorians on Galidraan

Perennial: Funny you should mention Vertigo Company, as they are on my short list of figures I want to make. The question is, should Myles have a magnet in the torso for his ill-fated brush with the Jedi on Galidraan?

 Well, I didn't like the removable hand feature on the Saga Bespin Luke, nor did I like the removable head jango, so I won't think I'd go with a magnetic torso. Maybe if it were just a peg in the torso so that it'd stay together in a more stable way. You could probably disguise it as a spine or something :P

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Republic Commando
« on: August 22, 2005, 10:25 PM »
Well, it was a pretty good read - kinda short, though. Go get it.  ;)


 Karen Traviss, Author of "Hard Contact" says that her sequel: "Triple Zero" will be a really long book. I quote from her: "It's so big you can use it as a coffee table"

 For the mandalorian, I think he looks great as is. Doesn't remind me of Jango at all and all he needs is a bit of weathering, which you said you'd do anyways. In my opinion he doesn't remind me of Jango at all. He reminds me of someone from Vertigo Company, which was a unit in the mandalorians that specialized in air assault and was under the leadership of Montross .After montross defected, Vertigo company was under the leadership of a mandalorian named Myles.

I like the eyes as sumglasses, looks slick. The helmet reminds me of what a samurai daimyo would wear into battle; I like it.

I love the Clones: awesome work!

 Does your AT-TE tank gunner's forearms fall of easily, though? what I did with mine before I made it into a super-super articulated clonie is that I replaced the tank gunner forearms with a #6 clone's forearms. It works wonders, stays on, and provides a lot more articulation.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Dressel Rebel's customs thread
« on: August 21, 2005, 05:00 PM »
I love dresselian customs; there are barely any. I'm working on one using an ROTS sidious head, those are good for non-eyepatched dressellians and better yet they look nothing like palps anyways.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: sp1635s customs
« on: August 21, 2005, 02:28 PM »
This is an excellent start! Two months and you're already dishing out these babies! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future!

Off topic: I'm thinking that the Ric Olie head would be a good Montross head. Does any one else think so?

I really think that a General Madine head would better suit you. The face is more similar to madine aside from the haircut, but I'd strongly suggest using an OTC General Madine Head

I love your customs, Darklord. I saw these on RS and was amazed at these masterpieces. Every single one of your works are works of art!

Typho is a very good idea - I would probably think that woudl be best for you.

SLC, I still can't see that pic - sorry!   :-\


Yeah it keeps showing up then disappearing, I don't know what is happening.  ???

Perrenial, I think Typho would work, unless you want an eye patch you'd have to do some resculpting though.

 I was thining of sculpting on the other eye and making it something like a pair of glasses, but then again, I like the one eye thing- maybe it could be like a rangefinder type thing.

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