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Messages - Smartypants1635

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20 21 ... 105
30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 3 - Tatooine
« on: June 5, 2007, 06:46 PM »
How many pieces would that take jesse?? Me thinks stealing his treasure hunts works better. :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Harry Potter
« on: June 5, 2007, 04:46 PM »
Hey even add in those Laser tag games from CIV. :P

Mine had a ton of these this morning finally marked down, this place takes forever. They were totally out of Yoda and Anakin though...
Did they have any windu sets?? If so, could you pick some up for me. If yah do pick any up, let me know how much and I'll send you the money :D

thanks RBQ

Hey, can anyone help me out with scoring 6 Mace windu/marine packs?? On clearance preferably :P
I really need the marines for customs
Thanks in advance


maybe it wasnt scum, i think it might have been JD :-\ I swear I saw it in a pic, it has its lights on and everything.

Yeah thats it Coeli, Theres also a repainted Clone cannon from a ep 2 clone. Just pm me your addy and I'll send them out to yah ;D

The RS pics had yours flying in.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating
« on: June 3, 2007, 07:27 PM »
59.5 hotdogs?? holy :-X That is alot of hotdogs. Its disgusting to watch them cram those things down their throats.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC #20 Stormtrooper
« on: June 3, 2007, 03:47 PM »
Bend him back a little, so you can see the inner joint of it, Take a tube of super glue, pour some in (a very small amount), And continue moving the torso ball joint around, the glue wil spread and dry giving a bit of roughness to work against. I use this when I customize, you just have to continue moving the joint :-*

Looking for the following

POTJ Qui-gon Jedi armor.
GI-joe Guillotine helmet
GI-joe Gung hoe head, the newest version
Gi-joe Major barrage. Whole figure


. Offhand I can think of only four U.S. cities that would even be options for us.

Denver, St. Louis. ummm I dunno, what else. I really hope its Denver ;D

ROFL thats awesome. :D

What now?

Now we say congrats, tell everyone what a great job they did, and be done with it all. C5 is too far off to determine whether or not we want to try for the UGP v2.0, until we know what city it will be in we can't do anything.
Well We could figure out what Scene we are doing, A fan fic or a city or location from ep 5 Ie Cloud city or Hoth echo base.

Bizump ???

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