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Messages - Victor_Von_Doom

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: December 8, 2005, 02:12 AM »
Except she looks like she is about 15....

My thoughts exactly...its ok if you are under 18, but after you turn that magical age the law changes...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: December 8, 2005, 01:41 AM »
Making fun of Scum here is about the only place you can do it though and get it off your chest.  With our new people coming in periodically it's inevitable it flames up, plus many people still visit this, that, and the other site too...  It's gonna come up, and a lot of it gives me a good laugh for the day.

BTW I missed that thread and I doubt any of you did a copy did you?  I'd like to have read through the bafoonery.

Which thread are you referring to?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: December 7, 2005, 05:48 PM »
It's so obvious it's her by the response.

Yeah...that sort of gave it away. Like everyone else, I don't really see what the big deal is at all with this, and it just seems sort of weird. Is this 100% her then? I know some people here can confirm it...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: December 7, 2005, 04:26 PM »
It was only a matter of time before the secret was revealed...

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Quittin' RS Customs Board
« on: December 7, 2005, 03:42 PM »
[quote author=CHEWIE link=topic=10347.msg183656#msg183656

As for the retarded newbies - we all seem to agree that people like that are a negative - we just have different ways of dealing with them.  I've found that different solutions work for different people.  Quite often the best way is to just be firm and deal with them from the top.  I am sure there are instances though where a person can mature over time and still be an asset to a site.  I know at first at, some of the older members there didn't care for me too much at first - I was an overly zealous collector that got on some people's nerves.

Thats a good point. A couple of newbies joined a few months ago and asked me for help. Initially they did not type better than Greenday. I gave them some advice - and they listened. I've been chatting with them regularly ever since, and its a good feeling to know that you are helping a new beginner get into this hobby and give them a warm welcome. They are both 13. One has become a productive, normal member, and while the other one needs a bit more work, he has made vast improvements.

However, if its some dumbass kid who thinks he knows better in his 3 minutes there than veteran members, screw him.

Fan Art / Re: Underwater X-wing on ebay
« on: December 7, 2005, 01:03 PM »
I agree, its a good idea, but could benefit from some more things, such as battle damage. It would be neat to see some seaweed/kelp over it or some other creatures swimming around...right now it looks more like a fish tank than an environment. I also think it would be cool to see some creature make a home out of the cockpit, like a hermit crab in a shell or an eel in corral. Its his painting though, so to each his own, and I still like it.

I'm just wondering about the "vintage" darth maul painting the seller has... :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: December 6, 2005, 11:59 PM »
As usual Jesse James, thanks for the long message. I'd always enjoy a long, thought out message more than 2 short sentences 8)

While I registered in 2002, I lurked for 2 or 3 years. At the time, I didn't think I was knowledgeable enough to be able to discuss things with the experts there, so I lurked and tried to soak up as much information as I could. I was around when Scum started, and I remember the things you are talking about. I found out about Scum through Yakface, back when Yakface was the only site, if that gives you any idea about how long ago it was.

Its not just Scum itself, but the people in general. Flaming is considered a regular perfectly acceptable thing. I try to hold my tongue and help people when they need it and to try to give back to the community, and then I get flamed for no reason. Excuse the cuss word, but What the ****?!? I've said before that people need to stop flaming and regain the focus of why we are all there: to talk and share the love of Star Wars, but it falls on deaf ears.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this ranting :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: December 6, 2005, 10:35 PM »

I wish I had mod power so I could fix this crap and try to restore the Rebelscum I used to know.  :'(

Not to be rude or anything, but who cares really? They dug their own grave and now they sit in their own ****. The site is a complete and utter joke. You have an account here. You most likely have an account at a couple of the other respectable sites. Post here, or at those. :)

Its just a little sad that the place I used to love has changed so much. The site isn't completely devoid of qualities...there are still some good members there. I've been posting here a lot more lately, and will probably continue to do so. I understand why you don't like it, but it hasn't gotten that bad for me yet.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: December 6, 2005, 10:02 PM »
Which admin was it? 

In his defense he could not have had any time to respond and could be getting back to me later...but given the fact that I never got a response from the other PMs I've sent in the past (even though I asked for a response of any kind just to know he read it) I'm not holding my breath. I'll hold off on naming names for a day or so, but if I don't get a response by then I'll say it. You can probably figure it out if you think about it hard enough...

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Quittin' RS Customs Board
« on: December 6, 2005, 09:39 PM »
Guys I know I've been away for a little while, But has it really gotten that bad? Ive apparantly missed a lot in the last 3 months. :(

As much as I hate to say it, yes, yes it has. Scum has been going downhill for a while. I've tried to actually communicate with the admins about these problems and ways to maybe change them, and I never got any replies, just read reciepts. I'm not someone who constantly is trying to change things either; I've only sent 5 or so to the admins this year. For instance, this is what happened today:

I sent a PM to an administrator offering suggestions and some changes that need to be made. I sent a PM almost exactly like this one 2 months ago and never  got a response, just a read reciept. Guess what happened this time? That's right, read reciept and no response. I'm pissed because I put a lot of thought and effort into the PMs I sent. Each PM was pretty long, with around 10 or so paragraphs. I was very cordial and didn't say anything critical of him or Rebelscum at all, just some suggestions of things that need to be changed. What makes me even angrier is that I don't think the admin even read it because of its length; a minute later (it would have taken more than a minute to read) the admin was making a reply in a thread that was completely off topic than the one I sent him. I've been there for over 3 years and have, IMHO, been a good productive member there, so to just sort of ignore what I had to say is rude.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: December 6, 2005, 06:26 PM »
It's great to know this crapstain was allowed back:

He graced us for about six minutes with such amazing posts such as when he quoted himself for no reason (after a triple post) to say:

 clonerking33 wrote:
God!!! clonerking33 is a major jerk. Who is super sorry. I was bored. Master Skywalker!What are we to do their are too many of them!-unknown padwan

He also is the one who gave us the timeless quotes as saying "YAY!" and "Fook you MutherFooker!" for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Why the hell he was let back is beyond me. They also let the guy who was scalping the Twin sets come back too.  ::)

I wish I had mod power so I could fix this crap and try to restore the Rebelscum I used to know.  :'(

UPDATE: Well I sent a PM to an administrator offering suggestions and some changes that need to be made. I sent a PM almost exactly like this one 2 months ago and never  got a response, just a read reciept. Guess what happened this time? That's right, read reciept and no response. I'm pissed because I put a lot of thought and effort into the PMs I sent. Each PM was pretty long, with around 10 or so paragraphs. I was very cordial and didn't say anything critical of him or Rebelscum at all, just some suggestions of things that need to be changed. What makes me even angrier is that I don't think the admin even read it because of its length; a minute later (it would have taken more than a minute to read) the admin was making a reply in a thread that was completely off topic than the one I sent him. I've been there for over 3 years and have, IMHO, been a good productive member there, so to just sort of ignore what I had to say is rude.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Last Time You Threw Up
« on: December 6, 2005, 06:09 PM »
That whole beer/liquor quote doesn't apply to me.  I've had lots of beer before lots of liquor and never threw up. 

It doesn't really apply to me very much takes a lot for me to puke. It does however make you feel a little weird, especially if you drank a lot of beer before the shots. It doesn't matter if you have a couple beers THEN shots, it only matters if you drank a decent ammount of beer then moved onto hard liquor.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Quittin' RS Customs Board
« on: December 6, 2005, 01:00 PM »
I don't think you will get banned; your thread is just trying to help people remember the focus of customizing and not really against Rebelscum or its staff.

I really like the style your customs have. They paint jobs look like they are elite troops that have been dragged through hell and back, and I like the dirty and gritty quality they have.

As far as your vehicles go, I love them. That ARC-170 was one of the best vehicle customs I have seen in a while. The detail and weathing was great and looked authentic. The warthog/LPRV's look great too. Since I'm guessing you would like constructive criticism as well, I think the LPRVs would look better with a bit of battle damage. The paint job is great, but I think that a little damage would bring out the "dirty war look" more. Personally, I would take a nail and scratch up the windshield, put some cracks in it, and maybe a hole like a bullet went through it; IMHO though.

Keep up the good work and keep us posted!  8)

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Quittin' RS Customs Board
« on: December 6, 2005, 11:54 AM »
I'd mention something over there about it, but I'm sure it would result in a banning.


I guarantee that if you weren't banned you'd end up on a watch list. ANYTHING relatively against Scum is not only locked, but deleted.

As far as Scum's custom section goes, I definitely agree with you. I am always willing to help out a newbie, but when they just say something extremely vague like "I want to make a figure need help" and then don't even post coherently, it gets very old.

I don't know about you, but it seems to me some of the replies people give to others in the customs section are just to raise post counts, and lack any real insight or suggestion. I try to point out two positive and one negative thing in each custom I see, because I know I would love constructive criticism on my customs. I know people on other forums regard Scum's custom section as having newbie comments, and that people just post "Great, awesome!" in each thread without looking at the figures. I really tried to stop posting in there unless I can give a long post, or if the poster asks for some ways to improve it.

CHEWIE, In Rem, and Glassman6, I LOVE all your customs and have many pictures of them saved on my computer, so if I don't always respond to one of your threads it usually means I think its great but don't want to soung like a broken record :P

I usually read the custom threads here, but rarely reply. I'll try to respond on here more. 

(end of rant)

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