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Messages - Jabba the Slug

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The Vintage Collection / Re: What Would Be "The End" For You?
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:53 PM »
For me it's about price, sadly... I've even noticed that I haven't bought a single basic figure in a while, too. If the price hits more than $12 (and it's almost there, too), I'm definitely out. These days, I buy one figure on occasion, I'm so behind in TVC, which is a shame because I really love that line. I haven't seen any TVC figure beyond the ROTS wave. I'm doubtful my local retailers will catch up.

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC The Phantom Menace thoughts
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:49 PM »
Well it's about time, isn't it? I'm actually surprised a new Maul is being released before the TPM re-release. Cool that a new Jar-Jar is on the way, too.

Scored Anakin - although I'm sorta disappointed. Sure, it's better than that horrid 2002 sculpt, but he looks sorta funny when you take off the poncho.

I'm having a hard time finding Zam. She seems to be the harder one to find in my neck of the woods, which is funny because the original 2002 sculpt was a massive pegwarmer.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: April 3, 2011, 04:02 AM »
Went to Wondercon today and attended the TCW panel... it was so funny, because I was getting into line with my friend when he unknowingly bumped into Dave Filoni! I just stood there in awe with my eyes wide open. It was somewhat embarassing, as Filoni caught sight of me just staring at him.

The Season 4 trailer they previewed was different from the one that accompanied the Season 3 finale. By the looks of it, I wonder if Filoni is re-interpreting the Battle of Mon Calamari (from the original CW microseries) into the new animated format, as a shirtless Kit Fisto fighting alongside the Mon Calamari was in the preview, and it looks like they're even trying to sneak Ahsoka into the battle, too. It's funny, because if they do that, then they're slipping Ahsoka into a series done over 5 years ago - an example of good behind-the-scenes work.

During the Q/A, some little kid shyly asked if the "tall guy from the Nightsisters episode with the horns (Savage Opress) will find the other guy (Darth Maul)." Filoni laughed a little at the poor kid and said that YES, that plot point will be continued, but he didn't say if it would be next season.

Other Q/A answers:
- Another OT character might be on the next season of TCW
- Asajj Ventress will make a comeback (wasn't specified when, though)
- Luminara Unduli is also going to be getting a new outfit, too
- Filoni himself hasn't even worked out yet what will happen to Ahsoka as far as her eventual fate goes, so he's still unsure about what will happen with that
- 2 of the things he's most concerned about (plot-wise) are the fates of Rex and Ahsoka 

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:54 AM »
The biggest disappointment to me from this season (besides the political trash) was that the Savage Opress arc was too rushed, in many respects. And if you think about it, he was in really only 2 of the 3 episodes.

I wonder what the theme will be for Season 4. Is it true that Season 5 is slated to be the last season, or is that a rumor? I recall from somewhere that Filoni was aiming for around 100 episodes, give or take a few. 5 seasons x 24 episodes each season (right?) = 120 episodes. Getting there. 

The reasoning for this on Hasbro's part is simple:  Eeth Koth they only want to have to make one time.  All the others you have listed they will minor tweak each time they make them so you have a "reason"  ;)  to purchase them.

You know what, that's actually true. I wouldn't be surprised to eventually see a SA Obi and Ani (Season 3 looks) with soft goods eventually down the line.

They did a great job on him. It seems that Hasbro puts more energy on the Jedi figures that exclude Obi, Ani, and Ahsoka, for some reason. They went all-out on Eeth Koth.

Really? Hmm, that's interesting, I hope that's the case here. The only thing, though, is that the shelves haven't been restocked for like a month in my area... hopefully Wave 6 will start to trickle in, but I'm hoping I'll see some of Wave 4 first. I could really care less if I miss that horrid Wave 5.

I'm surprised to see Endor Rebel making a return - yet no sign of any other of the ROTJ figures. Even Wooof is gone, and he was one of the lingering figures.

That's awesome Pete, apparently some people are already getting the Postcard of Ultimate Doom. (backordered)

Did it say if Hasbro is going to be making another production, or are they just returning the checks? I still haven't mailed away for my Bric yet, but I gotta say that it's more out of disinterest than procrastination.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: March 19, 2011, 03:29 AM »
Personally I felt the Force Wielders episodes were kind of lame, i thought obviously the stuff with Mandalore was incredibly lame...  I liked this last episode arc, and Kamino.  Other than those two storylines, Season 3 is definitely the weakest season of the series.

I agree with you on the "Force Trilogy" - everything the main characters learn, they eventually forget - it's like there was no point in that trilogy at all. It may as well have never happened.

Anything Mandalore-related this season was an atrocity. A complete waste - Filoni mentioned somewhere before that this is all supposed to tie in with the show at a later time, but, really now, we all know what happens in ROTS. There was really no need for any of the political crap we put up with. Politics have NO place whatsoever in a show aimed for kids. Period.

Even the Savage trilogy was weak. Lots of overrided canon, and I feel like he was used only as a marketing ploy for this season, when it turns out he's only in 2 episodes. Heck, Filoni should have made the entire 2nd half of the season all about him!

I really can't imagine what Season 4 is going to center around. If anything, make half the season about Savage and Maul striking at the galaxy, and make the second half about Ahsoka turning to the darkside or something.

Their packs would probably rise to $40 a pop nowadays.

That's true, huh... TVC figures are more or less $11 these days, with SL and TCW close behind at around $10... yup, BPs aren't worth it to me anymore, especially considering they're mostly rehashed garbage... now, if Hasbro manages to pull off another set like "Resurgence of the Jedi" or the "Yavin Scramble", then I'll (ever reluctantly) spend the money.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 Saga Legends Figures
« on: March 19, 2011, 03:14 AM »
Hasbro press photos of the next Legends assortment show Spacetrooper...which is really the POTF2 Dark Trooper. OOPS!

I'm really hoping that gets fixed (and we don't get the POTF2 Trooper), or else SL will once again be completely useless to me this year...

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 19, 2011, 03:12 AM »
I know this a lame observation, but I like that this Clone sculpt has wider and flatter feet... lame, right? But if you look at a film picture of a Clone, the foot armor just makes his feet look... wide. Call me crazy. Older Clone sculpts seem to have narrower feet than the TVC Clone.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:25 PM »
It'll be interesting to see what Filoni does after the series is over to address all the conflicting canon that's been going on. A book, an internet article, anything, so long as they make the effort to clear everything up.

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