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Messages - speedermike

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The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:25 AM »
Phurby, I agree about your debt comments.  I will still have a mortgage for 20 years, but outside of that, I'm just about debt free aside from a monthly credit card bill which could get paid down at any time.

Personally, I do not put toys on the credit card.  Cash only.  And back when I didn't have the cash, I didn't buy the figs.

I have NEVER thought of figures as an investment.  They're mine to keep forever.  The investment is the joy they bring me as I see the collection get bigger and bigger, and great figures like Ezavan finally show up.

That being 10.99 a figure, I will not be buying stuff that is "slightly" new.  I won't buy Ceremony Han, I have not bought any TVC clones, or the ROTS Obi-Wan.  I will not buy the Super Battle Droid.  I will be picking and choosing, which I've never done before.

At 8.99, I think I might be a completist, but 10.99 (or 11.99, in the NYC area) no.  Hasbro's lost me after 16 years.

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:14 AM »
Sorry Jesse.  I slipped.

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:46 PM »
When gas hits 5.00 a gallon, maybe poeple will start thinking that electric cars are a good idea, and not just liberal kitsch.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Top Ten Most Hated Figures Ever
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:34 AM »
Wait!  Wait! I call foul!

Some of you are judging "characters" not "figures."   Not fair.

For intsance, the Lucas Family pack contains four very well-made figures, but you might not like the characters.  Totally different discussion.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Top Ten Most Hated Figures Ever
« on: February 16, 2011, 02:02 PM »
Ugh...just looking at some of these is painful.  While I don't really put the POTF2 guys in the "failure" pile, they we OK for the time.  Not great, but they fit into the line.

However, the action feature stuff from AOTC almost made me quit collecting.  I remember my heart sinking horribly when I first saw those.  I was just crused. They are just not what I want from an action figure.  At all.

But you know what?  Hasbro listened to us.  We have super articulation on many figures.  We have mostly neutral poses, and well made soft goods.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2012 "Vintage" Collection Wave 13
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:16 PM »
I agree.  But I've bought them all. I have a few regrets, mostly during the AOTC era as well.  That waitress droid was awful.  But for 5 or 6 bucks, buying one here and there that I didn't really like didn't kill me, because I too have a complete loose set.  (Oddly, except for the AOTC Legacy wave that I never saw...)

But vinatge is 10.99 at Target where I live, and I don't get to Wal-Mart much, so saving that money is a big deal.  I mean, for every two Vintage I pass up, that's a nice little Lego set.

BTW, I don't hate EU.  I really liked the TRU exclusive wave.  While I didn't know much about the characters, they at least FELT like SW.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2012 "Vintage" Collection Wave 13
« on: February 14, 2011, 11:06 PM »
I agree...I want to like the EU, but corny designs like this just don't connect with me.

If I don't buy him, it would be the first totally newly sculpted figure on a single card that I pass on in 16 years!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Revenge of the Jedi Set
« on: February 14, 2011, 11:02 PM »
Guys...I don't get this whole thing about lugging it home.  Buy it, open the figures, and chuck the package.  You can bring the figures home in your pockets.  Jeesh...I just don't get some of you...


The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2011
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:58 PM »
I agree that I think TCW is on cruise control.  Why make new figures when older ones will do?  I think it makes solid business sense.
In fact, it's probably why the line is a cash cow.  Little tooling cost, lots of sales.

It is a shame that they don't go batsh*t crazy with the line, because there are some really cool designs.  Toydarian Soldiers?  Yes, please!

Also, didn't a Q & A say that they couldn't get Savage out fast enough and look for him in the spring?  Or May?  I can't remember.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:52 PM »
We might be able to turn the cape inside out...

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2011
« on: February 13, 2011, 07:07 PM »
I was looking at "The Making of Star Wars" book to see something about the Rebel Fleet Trooper.

I never niticed but in the Yavin medal ceremony a very few have the cap on, and a few have the "ammo" leg belt.  Amazing details.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2011
« on: February 12, 2011, 08:01 PM »
Just curious....the "35" vinatge figures in 2011 starts where?

The AOTC wave?
The ANH wave?

Any info would be cool.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 9
« on: February 12, 2011, 07:39 PM »
Jesse, you never found the Endor rebel?

While I understand the concerns about getting these, IJ is nowhere near as popular as SW.  Even a casual  collector might pass on this because the characters are kind of obscure.  I mean, who besides us wants Satipo?

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Jedi Turbo Speeder
« on: February 12, 2011, 07:17 PM »
I never even saw a boxed picture of this thing...

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