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Messages - Darth Slothus

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Feedback / Re: jediscar's feedback
« on: August 26, 2005, 08:55 AM »
Great on the spot, whip-outta-check payment from Jediscar for
sale of Target Turbo Tank, 3 ROTS basic and sith evo's and clone evo's. As expected more than timely payment for my hard ass collecting work.

Only downer was He rushed me...made up some story about how he had a relative in the car who needed a smoke.....
(Yeah, I think he made it up so he could rush to go play with his presents!!!) ;) JK!

Thanks again Steve, it's been a pleasure :D

I think one of the reasons Obi won#55 is pegwarming here is that it's not an army builder and he came out in all four of the case revisions(unlike the sentry). Despite being one of the most cleverly done Obi-won's I've purchased-once people have this figure then, that's it-shoot ,they don't want an army of them!I guess as all these revisions of this wave start hitting everywhere like they've done where I am you may see the pegwarming trend- alot more 41's issued with the last waves and revisions-when people see the colored clone they not surprisingly tend to leave the 41 and take the colored variant figs. This is what happened where I live. Whateva- depends on your area's stores product availablity I guess. My Wal Marts typically have been setting out 12-14 cases of product at a time- see now how it can sit for this long?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 6.5 Earthquake... Damn that was scary!!!
« on: August 25, 2005, 10:47 PM »
Nahh.... Been through 2 worse ones than that where alotta folks died. Hell in one of them if they hadn't let us off early that day at the wherehouse someone at my work could have perished....just minutes after everyone left one of our 4 story racking fell -it had tons (literally) of starters and alternators on the racks that were everywhere on the floor when we came to work the next day- when I got home that day my Pool was like a 4 foot tidal wave pouring all the water out- my backyard was soaked. And the same quake they had to resume all the world series games in Oakland!

a 6 point whateverer...sigh, experienced worse. Oh, and Cally will 'fall off' into the ocean long after my kids and I are dead. My plastic star wars figs will last till then

I've been finding myself in a bit of a pinch lately as well with it being a movie year and all....I tell you paying for school gear, food and clothes for an 8 and 11 year old annually is worth it albeit costly. I've definately had to scale back with every thing Hasbro is offering this year- but recue comes in the form of a 300$ a month raise in October just in time for the holiday exclusives to hit. Phew-I'm so lucky- Hey, I not here to forage. But that was some collection you had!!! I pity your situation- maybe something will turn and you will luck out :)

unfortunately with all the stores available to him there's also a ****load of competition from other collectors, kids and scalpers(weather they're personal 'e-bayers' or work for F&S and Big Lou's)...There's only millions of people in the LA area- Ha! I've gone to some of his stores a couple times and mostly the pegs are completely empty not even more than a handful of pegwarming basic figs!!

Fortunately for me I'm isolated from that area on the other side of a mountain range so I feed off the get stuff early in US release in my area-however we don't have a major scalping issue- we have a few but ..they don't run rabid ;)
Where I live rare figs elsewhere are pegwarmers here more often .. LOL some of those SCers would **** if they sall all the #41s, #6's, ATRT drivers,#56's, and bacaras all pegwarming here for the last week and a half strong. LOL where else could you luck out and walk in at 6PM at Wal MArt and pick up 8 shocktroopers that were stocked  that morning?

My stops are varied but include this total
X4 Wal Marts
X2 Targets
X2 Kmart
X1 Kohls
X2 Kaybee
X1 Suncoast

If I go up to Matties' home turf(40miles) I include
X1 Target
X2 Walmart
X1 Kmart
 did I miss any up there Matt? those are all I scored goods in(oops) I mean err ..ahh..visited. ;)

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Movie Quotes
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:46 PM »
G1 ;)

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Actors other movies
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:45 PM »

OOPS I knew I missed one- the Bacara is another I would like to add to what I consider pegwarming central here-

There's only 280,000 people jammed into 3 towns here where I live and about 8 major stores to buy SW products
4 WM's, 1 TRU, 2 Targets, Kay-bee also Kohls if you wanna count 'em. So I guess it's not like the millions or so in the LA area not only that but they got the big resellers F&S and Big Lou's AND all there scalp teams. Well I'm just fortunate I don't have to drive an hour and twenty  to where they are

Where I live in SC there are alot of ATRT drivers,#6 clones(not painted), #41 clones on the shelves- if they stay on the shelf for 7 days at least 6 or more than that's how I justify calling it a pegwarmer- That's just me. Next I anticipate the Yoda's, grievous's, vaders to pegwarm as rehashes- they already are pegwarming here as well and.. the new cases aren't even out yet. I am fortunate at getting alot of stuff in the Valley here but I guess I'm fortunate to not have F&S employees near me that take everything for resale. You've spoken well on this matter staff member :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:35 PM »
Jared's right they been consistently a month to two slower than ever before- it may have to do with the mOvie year sheer volume in distro but as you can see they still as of yesterday did not have the clone evo's in stock yey..or the sidious..or new battlepacks...I got my wave 3 deluxe case 2 months after they were released in stores! But, they guarantee mint and ship well. :-\ I never even heard of those other guys you least EE is a short drive from here so I can save on shipping ;) 

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Movie Quotes
« on: August 25, 2005, 06:46 PM »
He'll be safe with me?  what QuiGonn Jinn? ???
                                     or Obi won?

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Movie Quotes
« on: August 25, 2005, 06:40 PM »
there's more..think droids

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Actors other movies
« on: August 25, 2005, 06:38 PM »
But C. Lee was already mentioned as Saruman earlier in this thread. What.. somebody actually beat you Doc??! unheard of ;)

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Captain Antilles
« on: August 25, 2005, 06:32 PM »
Good review Jesse as expected. There was alot of unrelated Antilles in the Star wars saga. Man, they're right he IS packing. ;)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 RotS Figures Release List
« on: August 25, 2005, 06:24 PM »
Noticed unfortunately, that Hasbro's case assortments look nothing like what was hopefully posted earlier instead dissapointingly full of rehashes-with many of the (next 12) only one to a case- I REALLY better get to the stores early

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