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Messages - Darth Slothus

Pages: 1 ... 154 155 156 157 158 [159] 160 161 162 163 164 ... 171
Well said, I agree with you on most points.. However it seems Hasbro put a high emphasis on the shipping of many #41's to cover the demand and likely mistake of shortpacking them early on. If I didn't have to see so many #41's in my 7 stores I visit here in Southern California...(Yes, pegwarming)then I would likely agree with everything you have said- However that fact remains and has probably (along with an individual who decided to (probably felt it was his royal duty)lay an off-topic personal attack because he doesn't agree with my thinking ) created my mood towards it doesn't matter the clone- if H created too many for sale they would pegwarm

It's OK for people to disagree here and that's fine- (it's certainly less boring than everyone walking like sheep agreeing and saying the same thing). However, I don't condone a personal attack because of a disagreeance in opinion on a Star wars figure- C'mon I mean I don't take these things to bed and fall asleep with them in my arms- but if someone does that that's fine and I won't JUDGE them for doing it.

But please don't tell someone how many smiley faces they can put on an email just because YOU don't like it. And please don't give bogus statement percentages as if you're an authority at the census bureau and did the math( however if you did do the math and asked all 1142 members how they felt then I'll retract that last line in an instant :) )

I don't care if people say that they(themselves) are 90 whateva percent sure about something themself(i think it's kind of funny) but please don't speak for everyone else like your trying to be their hero or whateva.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Scalpers in the old days?
« on: August 25, 2005, 05:55 PM »
AND the internet coincided as a place to market them

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Movie Quotes
« on: August 25, 2005, 03:41 PM »
Ok, Ok-here goes..How many times in all the saga is " I have a very bad feeling about this?"

Hey if this was already asked- go easy on me- it was along thread to skim through

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Actors other movies
« on: August 25, 2005, 03:37 PM »
Duh, did anyone get Christopher lee as " the man with the Golden gun? aside 'Tattoo' from Fantasy Island...(err.. a.. james bond movie)

Gonna have to disagree with the 97.3% of the folks that care if this set is fully articulated or not. Hey, if they are painted nicely/diplayed nicely in case and since I'm not opening I don't care if it has 14 points of articulation or 12.  8)

Oh well, I'm different and not with the majority-I'm 2.7%
But ..look, if I expand minds and show ..I'm not an opener, then it makes perfect sense that I don't have concern over the articulation, duh* ::)

At least the set packaging looks good enough for purchase and display :)

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: RED ARC Trooper?
« on: August 25, 2005, 03:07 PM »
I got my red in Cali right on the pegs in the front-this after I already had everything /didn't know about the color variant/ just thought it strange so,I purchased it. ???

Didn't buy the 'blue'- it just doesn't look 'blue' to me-just a little bluish gray compared to the original=had the opportunity/didnt buy it ::)

agreed Mosnab- they will probably take annikan shirt off all the way to expose his tatoos-(different chest sculpt)ect....would be nice if they added r2 and padme, barris offee and shakk ti

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Props Assortment
« on: August 25, 2005, 02:57 PM »
I think it's good if you're a customizer/opener/army builder. But if your a non-opening collector then you probably won't want to spend high end money on it/unless your a completist-then your mad at H for making you have to buy something again :-\

Revenge of the Sith / Re: NEW TIE Fighter
« on: August 25, 2005, 02:38 PM »
Way to freak us all out Jared! ;) Well glad I got mine already, phew!

I'll bet there IS still alot of profit in this-The retooling is only the initial stage for a new product-next the longer manufacturing/assembly line molds is where the big H saves their production cost-good point about the wings- I can definately see Target(with their incredible mark-up) making alot off of this run.
C'mon if it wasn't beneficially for Hasbro to fill a 10K$ order, they would have never done it.

Hope every collector gets one.. but @ ?10,000? highley unlikely. If not don't wait to long down the road to get one of an auction because ..with potential limited run like could suck(cost)

Not sure how 'golden' the box print means for this- it could be legit could be the first shipment/production out of 2 waves-the later does sound unlikely though.

Way to get us going again J 8) 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: August 25, 2005, 02:24 PM »
Then I wonder (not that it matters for me) if the Jeditemple assault and the single pack special ops clones will be different versions. According to you guys....whoever has the 41st version is $-I still hear alot of folks saying they'll buy multiples regardless to further my point. And this is for you, Metal Jedi, since you found it so relevant to include your non-related point here  :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(..what ? you must be jealous to complain...'rock out' dude (metal jedi)

Vintage Kenner / Re: Scalpers in the old days?
« on: August 25, 2005, 01:26 AM »
Yeah, I did have tons of stuff..death star playset, droids factory..tie, xwing all the figs- so..I guess there wasn't a scalping market then.....Was it Sears Or Pennies that had the mail away figs? all of them in my stocking one year(blue snags).

Guess the Internet really changed things

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: What the hell are they riding?
« on: August 25, 2005, 12:57 AM »
I think Hasbro DOES have an idea why a trooper would do that. Just look at the Dewback Ass-slimed sandtrooper in the evolutions set. Looks like beer ***** TP- he doesn't appear to mind!?

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: August 25, 2005, 12:52 AM »
Does it really matter..really..? It's a ******' repainted clone
 and the only complaining that people will be doing when they release it is "I can't find it" or "I need more". I think it's funny all this complaining -you're still gonna have to get it (or an army of them). ::)

So what ..'Oh no!''s got swiveling arms.. then *******
by ten of them and add them to your tank gunner army and have their 'swiveling arms' all hugging each other..GEEZ! :P ::)

My only REAL concern is getting at least one each of the non-clone figs- I count 5 or 6 of the 12 only released in 1 out of the several new waves and 1 each a case! :-\

Not only this but with all the refreshers released in the new cases.. where's my shocktroopers and black pilots? How many people need another VaderX2 or grievous or Yoda? ???

Great planning Hasbro- guess you don't want my money from senseless repacks....Wait! an Army of vaders and Yodas-excellent idea Dolts!(future pegwarmers) >:(

Feedback / Re: Bad Trader Thread
« on: August 24, 2005, 03:03 PM »
LOL ,your second point was what I said in my first pararaph-
"rediculous"=unethical ;)

My first point..yeah, I said what you said again/ a different way- so what! :P :-*

Weequay FF or Unleashed vader 'redemtion'
I don't know how much I've spent because I hav'nt spent it yet
..but I will and they'll likely both be over 350$ :(

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