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Messages - Nirvana

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Thanks for the comments RC.

I made this guy today to mainly star in my new PN (which you can check out here).

Air Drop Shock Commando Corporal Kellar, 367th Legion

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think, all comments are appreciated. Thanks for looking.

I just posted Chapter 1 of my ADSC Photonovel. It has no working title, so if you have an idea, feel free to post it or PM me about it.

Here's the link.

Photonovels and Movies / CHAPTER 1- AMBUSH
« on: June 29, 2006, 02:47 PM »

Soon after the transition to Phase 2 armor in the Clone Wars, the Air Drop Shock Commandos were transferred to the small forest planet of Nokoi Mindar, specifically the Jaderona Region, a thick, wet mass of jungle and plains strangely occupied by the notorious CIS. Command sent out teams of three to scout out the region before the full-fledged ground assault and to collect data on enemy positions. One such squad was F Squad, consisting of Captain Ratay, and Corporals Athen and Keller.

Chapter 1


       F Squad was strung out in a loose skirmish line, with Kellar brining up the rear guard and Capt. Ratay on point. The planet's sun was starting to set, and the foliage was still damp after a light shower.

       "Darnit, Captain, why are we out here? I haven't picked up a target on the tracker since we left the dropship," Kellar pouted, looking around the dense foliage with a DC held loosely in his gauntlets.

       "Do you ever stop complaining, Corporal?" Ratay countered. "We're out here, for the tenth time," he added, "to scout out this region for supposed CIS activity."

       "Specifically,"he continued, motioning to a larger cluster of trees, "to check out that group of vegetation about a klick south." Athen grumbled, and pulled his boot out of a puddle of mud.

       "I've got movement 100 yards to the south," Kellar said calmly, spinning around to face the direction the target had come from. "It has no heat signature, so it could be a dr-"

       There was a crack of a blaster bolt, and Athen was suddenly down in the mud with a hole punched through his right shoulder.

       Kellar rushed over to the corporal to administer first aid while Ratay searched for the droid who fired the shot. "Gotcha," Ratay said quietly, and pulled the trigger, eleminating the sniper droid camped out in a bush.

       Kellar walked up to Ratay. "Captain, Corporal Athen is hit pretty hard. He's unconcious right now, which isn't a good sign. The best thing that I could do is pump some bacta into him and bunker down for the night until a Gunship can come pick us up in the morning. He won't survive the trek back to Command. I would radio in for a Gunship now, but there's a pretty bad storm rolling in, and they wouldn't send out a bird in those conditions."
       "Okay," Ratay agreed. "Let's cover him up and put down for the night." "Are you sure there won't be any more droids tonight?" Kellar asked. "I dont have any more signatures on my tracker, but you never k-"
       "CIS never follow the conventional sniper rules," Ratay interrupted. "They always travel alone, and if we cover ourselves, we'll blend in pretty well with the night. I wouldn't worry."

       Kellar covered Athen up with some loose foliage and laid him down in a small ditch.

       Ratay sat back on a small hill and looked on thoughtfully. His first mission on Nokoi Mindar was not going well. One of his squad members was fatally wounded, and now they had to spend a night in droid infested unfamiliar territory.

       Kellar finished up taking care of Athen and decided to try to sleep as well. He laid down, covered himself with loose groundcover, and switched off his comlink.

The Captain rolled over and decided to do the same, and slowly fell into a fitful sleep.


Well, I hope you like it. I don't have a working title yet, so please leave suggestions. LMK what you think. Thanks for looking.

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: VTSC Biker Scout
« on: June 28, 2006, 11:36 PM »
One thing that really ruins the fig for me is the inability to hold a rifle naturally...there goes the Battlefront Sniper option, and his glvoes are pretty much useless in some customs.

Well, maybe introduce maybe a "POTC" line- Premium Original Trilogy Collection to include OT figs that didn't have a vintage release, but are in desperate need of an ultimate version of the character.

I've been pretty much out of the loop for a while, and I apologize for not replaying to other people's threads...I might later.

Anways, I picked up a lone SA clone at TRU, so I made another ADSC, I'm trying to build up a little squad.

I might update again tomorrow with a mini-dio and my redone OD Sandtrooper...I've been running into continuous setbacks with both (I just about finished my OD Sandie when nail polish remover spilled all over his torso, pretty much ruining the undershirt, and causing me to start over.)

Well, the Robinson WalMart is completely useless when it comes to Saga stuff. The most places I've had luck at (which isn't many, I still haven't seen remnants of the Coruscant wave) is at Target, TRU, and my local KMart.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:57 PM »
Okay. But why do you hate me?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:32 PM »
Well, I decided to stop by my KMart just to see what was there, and I found two pegs full of VTSC!

Picked up a Biker Scout, and I did see something was a VTSC Luke whose inner bubble (on the card) wasn't glued at all to the had fell to the bottom of the case, lol.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:27 PM »
Thanks, man, I love this site.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 26, 2006, 11:18 PM »
Wow. Apparently the thread got deleted in the 20 minutes between you posted and I clicked the link.

Another example why some mods are really retarded.

Playing both sides, Nirvana? I seem to remember you, of all people, trashing JD last night over in the RS forums...

When did I trash JD, AE?

I wasn't trashing JD, I love this site. It's pretty much my home base. I simply said that I don't especially care for some users here, but that's gonna be like that everywhere you go. If I could look up my posts last night, I'd show you.  :) I hate the mods on RS, JD is really much better.

I also said I didn't understand why RS and JD hate each other, I think it's just a matter of bad blood between some people.

This whole rift is stupid.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 26, 2006, 07:26 PM »
Wow. Apparently the thread got deleted in the 20 minutes between you posted and I clicked the link.

Another example why some mods are really retarded.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 26, 2006, 07:00 PM »
Last night was basically a verbal fight between the two RS users 'Killer185' and the infamous MisterKenobi...I tried to stay neutral, and I logged on today to find that the thread on JD had mysteriously vanished as well as all other threads created by subak.

Why are we letting him here anyways?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:54 PM »
Somehow it always gets locked and magically resurfaces... ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:33 PM »
Now, I don't to start a site war here. Just accept that fact that there are people who like other sites/users more than other sites/users. Just ignore the people you don't care for.

Double post and a huge ass novel-cover and dancing pikachu in the signature... pretty much par for the course for someone with a 'Rebelscum 4 lyfe' tagline, wouldn't you say?


That was pretty funny, AE. Thanks for the laugh.

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