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Messages - aka DaBigKahuna

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS variation/error thread
« on: April 22, 2005, 09:44 PM »
darkksith ,

I too can confirm that the #2 Anakin Variation does in fact exist.  Interestingly I saw the same figures at Walmart you saw Red Palpi and Exploding Grievous. 

I picked the variation up and it in fact comes with no gloved hand just the saber. 

I am in Arizona, so unless we have a network of re-packers across the country go get this variant while you can if you are into this sort of thing.


Revenge of the Sith / Re: C3 Hasbro Q & A
« on: April 22, 2005, 06:13 PM »

Well written, especially the 007 piece.  Are you a real doctor?


Great way to thank the fans!  Have them sit in line all day.  This is absolutely pittiful!

George Lucas and anyone with two arms and two legs should have been walking down the long line passing out the Vaders and collecting money.

Man this irritates me to hear this.


I'll let some of those who actually endured the pain share the gory details, but I thought I'd mention that the line for the C3 Vader ran at least 8.5 hours long for many folks.  Absolutely terrible experience for those who were unfortunate enough to brave the wait...


Revenge of the Sith / Re: More Target Exclusives?
« on: April 21, 2005, 06:00 PM »

My understanding is a 5/8/05 release date = Mother's Day.  Great reason for me to get up bright and early to get my wifey an nice Momy's Day Gift!

I'm not thrilled on the price, but I guess with all the advertising Target has been doing of late I can live with it.


Other Collectibles / Re: Target SW Gift Card. You get one?
« on: April 21, 2005, 01:32 PM »
To all:

I my local Target restocked these, so check your local Targets.

If your local Target does not have one and you really want one PM me.



Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Again
« on: April 21, 2005, 01:31 AM »
ruiner ,

Agreed the Yoda Palpy look awesome.  In fact, I like this Yoda much better than the prior release and will be content with that in my collection.  Palpy's face looks intense in the pics I saw today from C3.

I got a Mace in the mail today, and have to say this is one of my favorite pieces.  The image is almost dead on to SLJ.  The way he's holding the saber is bonified tight.  Lastly, I am impressed with the flames.  I kinda wish Hasbro went with the same flame style for the Ani and Obi pieces.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Are you where you want to be in life???
« on: April 20, 2005, 04:04 PM »
Lady Jaye,

Thats great news and your welcome.  FYI, my wife is Puerto Rican and Black from St. Croix in the USVI.  Thanks for the update.

This topic made me register at to try to get in contact with my old friends.  I heard back from one today and heard about two others.

I grew up in L.A., CA and feared that some friends did not make the right choices.  I am in the process of getting the writing address for two that I found out are in prison.  I spoke with one friend today after 12 years!  She is excelling in her career and we had a great talk.  I plan on meeting her for coffee the next time I fly into L.A. on business.  It was great talking to her and seeing she made out well. 

Infamy Of Crete,

Thanks for sharing, that is a fantastic viewpoint that you shared, I will use it. 
I share a lot of the same sentiments.



Three boxes for me. One each of Frosted Flakes, Sugar Smacks, and Corn Pops = 2 red and 1 blue.  It seems like red outnumbers blue and green 10 to 1 based on the reports so far. 



That display looks great, congrats.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Are you where you want to be in life???
« on: April 19, 2005, 12:26 AM »
Darth Broem,

I am not sure the line of work that your wife is interviewing for but I am actively hiring for positions in Chandler, AZ.  Feel free to drop me a PM with you or your wifes job information.

If you make it to Phoenix I would like to get together for coffee.

Let me know,


My wife finished up an interview for  a job in Arizona.  We are getting closer to moving out there now.

Cool!  Whereabouts Brian?  And how soon?  If it's anywhere near Phoenix or Scottsdale, I'll be able to hook up with you out there from time to time, when I cruise out to Scottsdale to visit my parents.  But if you say Tuscon, it's doubtful.  LMK!

We are trying for the Phoenix area.  Not Tuscon.  Yeah, that would be great!  We don't know anything yet.  She just had the interview yesterday.  They are supposed to contact her next week.  She said she will take if it is offered to her.  So, if that happens we have to find out when they want her out there and all that good stuff. 

It could all be going down really soon.  If she gets it then I will have to find something there or hopefully get a transfer. 

We will have to rent a place first.  I hope she gets this job so we can get things rolling.  This is REALLY going to put a halt to my collecting ways for awhile.  Good thing this happened after 4/2 :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Are you where you want to be in life???
« on: April 19, 2005, 12:23 AM »
Lady Jaye,

Interesting topic, thanks for being open and posting.

In response, I am very content in my lot in life.  Nine months ago I purchased a home in AZ from CA.  My wife and I decided over lunch that it would be better to sacrifice my career as an operations supervisor at a Fortune 500 Company so that my boys could have a home.

The owners decided to sell etc. at the last three townhomes that we rented so that meant our boys having to go to new schools over and over again.  The cost of living in L.A., CA is so high we did not have too many options.

God really blessed our family.  The week after I returned to work in CA from moving my family to AZ I found out that my company was relocating to AZ of all places!  A few months later I was promoted to Operations Manager and received about a 35% increase in six months.

My advice would be to keep your eye on the prize.  Set goals and work towards them.  Nothing good comes easy. 

I do not have a college degree and just enrolled at my local community college to finish the 3 classes that I need for an AA.  Primarily, because that was a goal that I set for myself as I am set in my career path.

Best Regards,


Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Again
« on: April 18, 2005, 11:50 PM »

Thanks for the review and input on the Obi and Anakin.  I decided to purchase these two and even got a Holo Yoda out of the deal  ;D.  I opened these the other day and am pleased with them. 

I have held out on this line mostly for budgeting and space purposes.  I saw Grievous at MM and had to pick him up.  In about two weeks I picked up Tusken, Luke (Hoth), Leia, Bossk, Ani, Obi, Grievous, Dooku, and Mace.

I'm still foaming at the mouth to pick up Stormtrooper, IG-88, and Aurra at a decent price. 

I have pre-ordered the next wave on Amazon.

Ultimately, I am now of the opinion that this is a great line, so much so that I returned most of my ROTS Basic Figures so that I could have room to display these properly.  I will get some pics up this weekend.

Great line and I hope to contribute to this thread in the future.



I almost forgot, I cant believe how much some of these pieces have appreciated.  I used to see Boba and Han Solo's en masse, now I will be lucky if I get these at a decent price = mind boggling!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 Red Metallic Darth Vader @ Target
« on: April 18, 2005, 05:36 PM »


Glad that the package arrived.  Everyone has an opinion.  Mine is:

1) $12.99 is steep for a 3 3/4 inch figure :o!
2) The figure itself is o.k. - not as cool looking as the Toy Fair Vader.  But not as bad as the crappy spray painted figures that followed the vac chrome Hasbro fad. 3) To me the real upside to this figure is the cardback.

Lately packaging has become an appeal to me and more and more I am liking the ROTS package shape.  I think it is so cool to have the card in the shape that it is with Vader's helmet's shape on top of the package.

I mean, how cool is it to get a Lava Vader with a red Vader on the side vs. the normal Vader that is black on the left side of the package.   

Lastly, the card back.  I think this is the real beauty of this piece.  Vader is surrounded by flames and he's clinching his hand with his saber bright red and ready for action!

All in all I am glad to have this piece in my collection!


Ok, it's a little late, but what with being in Canada and all, it took a while.  Now, before you go on, as a big shock, I'm going to complain as a bit of a novelty for a geek board. 

DBK was kind enough to pick one of these up for me to trade it to me. I was looking forward to getting it and we worked a fair deal and Matt packed it well and shipped it quick, so none of my gripe is with him. 

I opened up the box and my first reaction was...huh :-\ 
It's kind of nifty in the package and all upon first glance.  Upon second glance it was more like huh.  That's about all I could muster.  Matt told me ahead of time that the outer plastic wasn't mint and I'd heard other reports too.  It wasn't in horrible shape, but I pressed out a pushed in section and I can't believe how ****** the case is.  It's really soft, crappy plastic for a "protective" ::) case. 

The Vader itself is I guess as should have been expected given it is a crappy old POTF2 Vader, but I actually liked that figure, both as the original (the first SW toy I ever owned) and the TFV version looked pretty nice too.  But this one, um, sucks ****.  Is that the right way to put it?  I dunno, maybe it's cuz I have to go to the dentist today.  I'm thrilled to have it and lame ass loser that I am, I'm getting another from Beth, but geez, I guess I was expecting more.

Feedback / Re: Morgbug's feedback
« on: April 18, 2005, 05:19 PM »
Another good trade with Brent.



Other Collectibles / Re: Target SW Gift Card. You get one?
« on: April 14, 2005, 02:00 PM »

Yup, that is what I did.


Stopped at Target yesterday, and they had a few of these back "in stock", so I decided to pick one up.  Really good light and sound on such a small card, and kind of a neat little collectible.  I just put $5 on it, and figured I can use it on a figure or something later on (they didn't have anything new there really).  I assume they will let you keep the gift card after you use it, at least if you ask right? :)

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