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Messages - JoshEEE

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Sorry I didn't see this topic sooner, but I went through the same exercise last fall before my wedding.  I bought the Rebel XT after comparing all the various alternatives.

Ultra IIs have a faster write speed, which makes them worth the extra cash (Your shot to shot time goes down the faster your card is). I bought a 1 and a 2GB Sandisk Ultra II.

However...the most important part of your purchase (and the part you've failed to mention) is your lens.

Rebel XT is a great camera, but like any's only as good as the lens you've got on it.  So....what did you get?

I was talking with Kevin last night, we were guessing as to how much it'll cost Philip to buy this one...

Well..that's really the question isn't it?  How much is it actually WORTH and is someone going to pay that price?

Perhaps like an Ebay auction, towards the last day you'll see some dude sign up 20 fake memberships just for the prize.  It would be nice if Dustin won without having to partake in that sort of fraud, but only time will tell how it actually plays out.

I can say that the idea to run appealed me earlier this morning, not just for the prize....but for the opportunity to be the President of the Fan Club.  Imagine if there was a president who would actually publicly state what a crock of **** Hyperspace is.

That would be my campaign platform if I ran.   ;D

Philip just answered my question about whether or not I'd be allowed to in the affirmative.

That sort of puts this whole thing to bed for me. 

I don't think it's misuse of Rebelscum to assist Dustin (a loyal staff member) in winning that election.  Philip is simply pimping his friend's campaign and I can't fault him for that.  Especially after he said another forum member running wouldn't be breaking any rules either.

Seems like it's all in fun after all.

I actually contemplated trying to get some sponsors after I saw the prizes one would get....but I doubt I could compete with the Rebelscum machine. made for an interesting question.  What if someone else did run?  Could they promote their campaign on RS?  I know someone "from JD" probably couldn't....but what if I did?   

Everyone knows I love that site.  So if I "ran" (and I'm only being hypothetical here), would I get in trouble for mentioning it at Rebelscum?

He wants us to link this to other sites, but when was the last time RS allowed people to link other sites on their forum?

We've always been allowed to link to other sites at RS.  Photos of our collections, costumes, some cool little news article we found.

We just can't link to Rebelscum competitors over there.

As for Dustin's campaigned, he's running on BEHALF of Rebelscum, so I can't fault them for pimping it.   I actually hope he wins, but until today, I actually thought the whole thing was a goof.  I didn't know he was serious about it....and that RS actually expected people would throw down 40 bucks just to help Dustin win.

I like Dustin, I hope he wins......but I'm not throwing 40 dollars down to that website to help him. 

I think your thread title is spelled wrong....   ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: remote entry
« on: February 15, 2006, 07:30 PM »
i don't think i would really be into the finger print scanner thing, though.  it has been noted far too often on tv and in the movies that you don't actually need the person or even their whole hand to get past a finger print scanner.  same with eyes.

I'm not sure if everything on TV is real, but I suppose someone could access my computer with a piece of tape and a glass I touched once.

If so...I suppose they can log into JD and post even more random stuff than I do.  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: remote entry
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:59 PM »
I think so, although mine's a much cheaper version of the reader.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: watch your driving in Cally!
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:38 PM »
If everyone is going the speed limit, where's the backup? There's no stop and go; it's flowing, though maybe not at the rate some people want.

That's why my ticket was reduced and not expunged.  I was trying to argue that he was causing a traffic problem, when really all he was doing was enforcing the limit.

I knew my argument wasn't going to get me off for speeding....I just wanted the ****** to have to go to court.  I was looking forward to wasting his time like he wasted mine.  The legend goes that if the cop doesn't show, you can argue to have the case dropped...but in this case, I admitted I was speeding anyway, so the best I could hope for was having it reduced and that's what I got.  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD and Toy Fair
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:34 PM »
I didn't make it last year, what were Matt's scathing questions?

The year before that I was at the panel Matt went to as well...and I think I asked a couple of "hard hitting" ones.  One was about the decline in lightsaber quality (they went from that awesom metal back to plastic that year).  I brought up something someone at RS suggested about a magnet on the belt to hold them (which they should have done). The year before that I did a lot of bitching about Jedi Master points, and we later got those silly auctions.....because a lot of people had just as much curiosity as me.

However, the best questions are always the guys that ask why Hasbro doesn't sell figures directly instead of all the shortages at retail.  People love that one and Hasbro hates it for some reason. They really think all their figures hit retail equally.

Of course, if you want a really off-topic reporter that will get them scratching their heads, my wife always asks them whether or not they'll ever bring Jem back.  Every convention we see them at.  She even asked at a Star Wars panel one year.   At C3 they told her they were thinking about it, which has only encouraged this quest of hers. ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: remote entry
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:08 PM »
Oh great, now people will be stealing and replicating our fingerprints.  Or worse, our fingres

I've got a fingerprint reader for my computer.  It's handy for not having to remember passwords, until I accidentally slice my hand off or something.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD and Toy Fair
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:06 PM »
Oops, topic just got split and I replied to the wrong one.

Super, one of the better things to come out of the thread.

I don't know about THAT...but it's a genuine offer nonetheless.  I didn't see the lack of coverage as a big deal (stuff happens), but it's clear some people were really upset by it. con I'm going to, I'll raise a hand to volunteer.  If someone gets sick, broke, or dead...then hey, they have a backup.   ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: watch your driving in Cally!
« on: February 15, 2006, 02:46 PM »
I've "taken the ticket" for the team once when some ******* cop did this trick on me.

He had a pack of cars doing exactly 60.  I got sick of it and passed in the open left lane at maybe 65 or 70.   Not breakneck speeds, just enough to get pass the slowdown. I didn't care if I got the ticket.....I was just sick of this ******* causing a backup for a mile because he was playing games.  Of course, he came out and got me.

I pulled right over and told him that I saw him, but I was sicking of him holding up the traffic.  I told him I didn't really care about the ticket, because I'd be taking it to court anyway.  Once there, I tried to cite that you can pass at up to 15mph over the speed limit, but the judge said that that's only on a one lane road.  So I tried pointing out that there's a sign that says keep right except to pass and I was simply passing.  I had it reduced after that, but not expunged.  It's off my record now, so looking back I still feel ok about doing that.

******* ******* cops.  It was worth the 60 bucks or whatever just to not let some dip**** on a power trip ruin the day of 20 other motorists.

A light apology to anyone in real law enforcement reading these words who doesn't like my tone, but anyone who joined the police force to give people speeding tickets for doing 5mph over the limit deserves the verbal abuse.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: February 15, 2006, 02:36 PM »
I hearby offer to cover comic con as a backup backup reporter for JD. I'm planning on going anyway and I have a really snazzy digital camera now that kicks all sorts of ass.

See, I'm a problem solver.  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: watch your driving in Cally!
« on: February 14, 2006, 07:51 PM »
I'd love to comment, but I think there's a no religion or politics rule here.  ;D

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