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Messages - TheBlackDog65

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart Separation of the Twins Figures
« on: November 27, 2005, 09:47 AM »
Thanks DarthAcroyear. I'll keep my eyes out for a long, narrow box that says "Exclusive" and basic figures on the side. Sounds like it is different then the traditional figure box so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
Went out and braved the horrible snow storm were having in Utah last night and found nothing new. Saw the unleashed battle packs but they were a joke to me. So far it looks like the twins are a mid-west only phenom. I've not seen any reports from out west or back east. It is snowing pretty hard still here in Utah, but if it gives up, I'll try again tonight. I kinda of feel like Pinky and the Brain when Pinky asks Brain; "What are we going to do tonight Brain?" Brain replies (modiefied), "Same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to find the twins again (instead of course, try to take over the world). I miss that show, which I guess says something about me.

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Battle Packs
« on: November 27, 2005, 09:22 AM »
Saw these last night at a local Walmart. I have to say that they fulfilled my expectations as being a pile of crap! Paint job on the clones was horrid (and you thought the lines were bad on the Tactical Ops Trooper!), and the Obi Wan looked like a poorly done, cheap imitation.  I know that some collectors will love these, just like some collectors in LOTR dropped the ToyBiz line for the AOME when they came out, yet in the end, I predict that this line will suffer the same fate as AOME.  Their will not be enough support to make the line profitable. I might be wrong because there are always those (IMO, no offense intended here) that will buy anything that has a Star Wars label on it. Time will tell, but these were the easiest thing to pass on. 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart Separation of the Twins Figures
« on: November 26, 2005, 10:51 AM »
But why of course! For a extra fee of $10 per set, you can get the twins extended edition . . . .  ;D

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart Separation of the Twins Figures
« on: November 26, 2005, 02:15 AM »
Went out tonight and scored a big fat ZERO! Anyone who has found or seen the case, do you have the case number so we know what case to look for?

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Black Friday Purchases!
« on: November 25, 2005, 04:14 PM »
Here in Utah, my wife decided she wanted to go and hit some stores (not Walmart or Target). So at 4:30 we left and at 4:50am I was turning into the exit (2 lane exit) to get to the Kohls that she wanted to go to. Suddenly, there was an obstacle in the road that I had no choice but to run over it. I did and it blew both tires on the drivers side. Right after this the next 5 cars pulled in behind us with similiar damage. Call the UHP, and one showed up sayign someone had dropped a hydralic jack in the exit lanes that cause the blow outs. So after a tow to Sam's and finding out we have 1 totally ruined rim and the other has to be replaced, we got new tires put on and then went to another dealership to order the two rims. They go on in the am along with the new alignment! Man, I'm grateful that we are all alright, but what a crapy morning! That "road hazard" will cost us about $400 out of pocket (don't think insurance will cover the tires) and $200 for the rims and the alignment (which insurance should cover).
For finds. My wife got the Cephony(?) cookware that we had been watching at Williams and Sonoma (cost $479) for $299 on sale.  Then she got a beautiful blender for $225 so she is set for Christmas!
We got my kids a Ninetendo DS for each and a travel kit, then some games.  For my son I bought a Republic Gunship, a White Clone Evolutions 3 pack and the Ultimate build your own lightsaber. My daughter got $90 in gift certificates, $100 worth of clothes, a Mace Windu lightsaber, some stuff for her nails (she is 12 almost 13) . . . and some other stuff.
I got nothing! I looked for the twins but they have not it here in Utah. Overall from a collector's view, none of the main stores, Walmart, Target or TRU had new figures out at all! Hope the Twins show up tonight!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RS deletes accounts
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:33 PM »
I've enjoyed reading this thread and seeing how LJ reacts. Bottom line though is that I'm over it, and its just not worth my time and energy. I know that JD is #1 with me.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
« on: November 24, 2005, 10:28 PM »
Well I bought it on Wednesday and now I am trying to get into. Same issue I had with Lab. of Evil by Luceno. The beginning of the book starts off rather slow but then picks up. I am hoping it picks up. Now this may be me and the meds I'm on for my back, so I'll revisit as I read more and more.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Kid's books
« on: November 24, 2005, 07:06 AM »
As a parent and a teacher (sixth grade) I can tell you that in order of who reads which books the most:

Boba Fett series is #1
The Last of the Jedi (about Obi Wan in exile during 1st years of the empire)
Jedi Quest (about Obi Wan as a master and Anakin as an apprentice )
Jedi Apprentice (about Qui Gon as a master and Obi Wan as an apprentice )

So you know, the author is Jude Watson.

Here's a link to the B&N site:

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Buying a New Computer?
« on: November 24, 2005, 12:32 AM »
Morgbug, I've been wanting to do the wireless lan in the home. Which one did you go with?
BTW, nice story. One doesn't have to a brain in computers to do this.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart Separation of the Twins Figures
« on: November 24, 2005, 12:15 AM »
Spuffy, what state are you in if I can ask? Also, were there a lot of these, or just a few? Thanks!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: November 23, 2005, 11:50 PM »
Good question MetalJedi. I've looked at pictures and I don't think there is enough difference to justify another Gree without the helmet being fixed; Bly seems to be more movie accurate but I for one am not going to spend time hunting down a variant. If I find one in my travels, great, if not, that's great too.
Found two more tactical ops today, but I bought 8 SA 41's for custom paint jobs! 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Figure Sales (or price hikes)!
« on: November 23, 2005, 08:01 AM »
For me, going out on Friday morning is NOT worth it. You may find figures if your at Target or Walmart at opening, but you need to realize that most people are off that day so your competition goes way up also. I've never seen a sale on Star Wars because they don't need one to get the product to move right now as the figures are priced low. Again, I like the comfort of my bed at 4:00am on that Friday, not standing in some cold line . . . .

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Ultimate Lucas Collection
« on: November 22, 2005, 05:40 PM »
My first impression . . .

Lucas in his study with the action figures of his family. 

Door pops open with Rick coming in  . . . .

Lucas: throws the figures into a desk drawer, talks with McCallum. Then at the end asks
"You didn't see anything did you Rick?"

"Nope, George, your cool. I did not see you playing with the dolls of you and your family."

Taken from the Space Balls.

Actually, I'm not excited about the figures. I don't have a Jorg Socal, so if I get these great, if not, great.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Finally......The End
« on: November 22, 2005, 05:26 PM »
I'm done except for the twins, and then some extras that I want like I picked up 5 more SA 41's for customs etc.
I have to agree with packaging comments. I open also so I know in the long run it won't bother me, but for friends who collect on card, I feel sorry because I think these are going to be very difficult to keep in mint condition.
Overall I have enjoyed this line, new figures, some with great likeness and articulation (Obi Wan Pilot). Have to agree though, NO MORE action features please! Guess I need to break down and buy my Mas Ameddas to close it out though. I have just had a hard time buying that figure!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: November 22, 2005, 05:18 PM »
Good day since I stopped after going to physical thearpy and dropping off lesson plans for my sub today (I'll be so glad when my back is back to normal). Found 2 more Tactical Ops and 2 more Shadow Troopers that I picked up for extras. Basically I'm done except for the twins.

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